Angel and Devil

Angel and Devil

"I think I shouldn't tell anyone"
"I think you should tell somebody, it'll be the right thing to do"
"Don't tell anybody, you know how much trouble you'll get into"
"The devil's got a point"
"No! Don't listen to her, she's lying to you"
"Come on, you can trust me, I'm you"
"I don't know what to do"
"Do the right thing"
"You think I should?"
"No, just imagine what will happen to you if you do"
"Just don't tell anything and hide the body"
"Why would she do that for?"
"So she won't have to get in trouble!"
"But she has to tell someone or someone will find out and and they'll tell the police, then they will look for clues..."
"Clues, that's it, we'll hide the clues!"
"What?! Why wold she have to do that for? I say she tells someone"
"Fine, buy I think she should decide"

"Both of you have pretty good points,
devil I don't want to face the punishment,
but angel I really do want to tell someone.
I choose to..."