

I always accepted an invitation to the beach just to dig my toes into the sand and watch the waves curl into themselves. I liked the sound of the crash and the smell of the salt in the air. If I had the right I’d live in a tent on the beach, do my drugs all day, and just stare off into the distance. But somewhere in the background I can hear the reggae music and the people enjoying themselves around a fire. Another love of mine was present… I could smell it in the air.
I stood and wiped my ass off, making my way up the sand bank to the circle of logs, sitting down next to Poc and Rich. I could see the joint three people down, which put a smile on my face. I always have liked smoking immensely on shrooms – something about the double natural high just made me melt into the earth.
“That’s some good shit, Robin,” Sam laughed, coughing as he quickly shoved the joint in my grasp. I could smell Sam wasn’t bullshitting.
I hit it and my eyes fluttered, puffing a few more times before passing to Poc and coughing my lungs into the fire. “Oh fuck,” I managed to choke out, putting my forehead between my knees. I could feel my shrooms kicking in like a mother fucker.
A few more people chorused in coughs before I pulled my blunt out of my pocket. “You guys wanna’ try some Shark’s Breath? It’s my shiiiiit,” I laughed, coughing into my arm.
“Fuck yeah! I was hoping you’d bring me some of that good-good,” Poc, the ‘not druggie’ laughed, a goofy smile all over his face. He was right; I had some in my bag in the car for him.
I laughed, shaking my head, and pulled my lighter out of my boot to spark the amazingness in my grasp. I put it to my lips and just let it flow smoothly into my lungs. I passed it to Poc and smiled. “Here you go, Poc.” He hit it hard. I smiled to myself, “oh, and there’s hash in it.”
Poc coughed for like five minutes – I just smiled and watched the ocean until I got the blunt again.


By the time the weed had been all passed around and everyone did their various activities, I settled in a comfy cloth chair, set my beer in it, and stared into the massive fire. I saw Bambi, I saw John Travolta, I even saw my mother- HA.
What caught my attention was Owen sitting in the chair next to me. It was quiet until: “Damn I love this song, you like this song?”
I am way too gone for a shitty attempt at a conversation.
“I think everyone loves this song,” I laughed. “Slightly Stoopid just puts you in that mood, man.”
He nodded. “That’s the truth. I saw them last September and I swear I was high until October.” We both laughed a little. “But I definitely could remember it – it was too much of a good show to forget, drunk, high, both, whatever.”
“That’s not surprising, dude.” I sat in the silence for a second. “What’s your drug of choice?”
“I like weed more than oxygen like everyone else I know, but acid comes next. Then opium’s my next choice and maybe a little Xanax to get me through visiting my parents in Colorado. I hate snow.”
I laughed. I wasn’t a snow fan either in Michigan- can you say ‘freezing my balls off’? “No shrooms?”
“Shit, I can do some shrooms. Not often as fuck, though.”
I could understand that, I was the same way in high school. “When was the last time you did ‘em?”
“My birthday in May.”
I smiled, “wanna’ do some right now?” I motioned to my pocket with my eyes and when he looked half a sandwich bag of shrooms was hanging out of my hoodie pocket. I’d been munching on them while watching the sun set when I was over by the water.
“Fuck yeah!” he laughed, a gigantic smile on his face.
“Let’s go for a walk,” I muttered, hiding my slight smile. I shoved the shrooms back in the pocket, stood up, and walked toward the shoreline. My shoes were back by the chairs and I could almost moan at the feeling of the sand beneath my feet.
“You get them yourself?” he asked as we walked down the beach, a few in his hand.
I handed him a few more caps, maybe a stem or two. “I used to, I know where a field is, but these I get from some lady on the other side of town. A lot less work and I stay far too high daily to be that active.”
That made him chuckle. “Yeah, I get that vibe from you.”
“Life’s boring without it, man.” Not to mention I can’t deal with myself sober.
♠ ♠ ♠
I will eventually finish this, even if it kills me. And it won't be about drugs and nonsense forever. You're meeting Molly- we all are.


RIP Ryan Michael Lumley- a friend, a great man, and a solider. ♥