So This Is What I Get. A Stalker?

So This Is What I Get. A Stalker?

So This Is What I Get…A Stalker?
Chp 1 Intro

So there I was a sixteen year old girl watching my former boyfriend pretty much making out with my worst enemy; the preppiest of all preps. I glared at him ready to give him a piece of my mind when I felt my friends grab me and pull me back.
So here we were sitting on the bleachers during a football game me trying to fight, while my friends were trying to hold me back. I felt a pair of eyes burning into my back so I turned around and saw nobody looking at me; only a few people staring at me like if I was a psycho.

I turned back around to the front of the stands and happened to see my now ex boyfriend staring at me with a cocky smile. That bitch. My brown eyes met with his rich blue ones. I growled lowly when he didn't look away, but I wasn't about to lose. My eyes hardened and looked him directly in the pupils. I could already sense him tensing up at the fact that I wasn't about to be let down so easily.

After about five seconds later he finally looked away acting as if nothing had just happened and walked over to me after sitting Lindsay down on the first bleacher with her friends. He smirked while trying to strut over to me, but failed horribly.

Finally he was in front of me and sat down directly in front of me with me looking down at him. He grinned cockily and his muscular arms so I could have a clear view of his stupid jockish body.

"Sorry babe I guess I found someone better…too bad… only a little while longer and I could've had you in bed." He uttered with sarcasm dripping from every word. I clenched my fist tightly and could feel my nails digging into my hands.

"First of all you prick…I like my guys big unlike your two inch. Second I only went out with you to prove to my friends that you were a dick head and always will be. And LAST BUT NOT LEAST... HOW ABOUT YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU PIECE OF SHIT AND GO FUCK THAT LITTLE WHORE OF YOURS WITH HER FAKE HAIR AND PLASTICNESS!" With that said I raised my fist as his eyes widened and let my fist come in contact with his jaw.

I heard a loud crack and continued my attack of the punches. I jumped on him causing us to skid down the entire set of stairs; well it was more of me riding him and him getting hurt but hey no one told him to break my heart.

I should have listened to my friends when they said he would just use me. This thought angered me more so I put all my power into one fist and brought it down straight on his left eye.

I heard everyone on the bleachers screaming and hollering about how a jock is getting beat up by an emo girl. I felt a pair of hands snake around my waist and separate me from my victim. I still kicked and punched getting at least one kick and hitting him on his side causing him to groan in pain.

I saw Lindsay run over to him and bend over running her hands over him and glaring at me with an evil eye. I smirked and bucked at her making her jerk back.

I was dragged to the field with my friend behind me screaming profanities to the preps.

"Put me down!" I screamed and was dropped on the floor with a loud thump. "OOWW you freaking idiot I meant put me down gently!" I rubbed my bottom and stood up and faced the person who had dropped me.

"You?" I asked looking into the face of a hot guy with his hair covering one eye. "Aren't you in my art class?"

He flipped his hair so he could see me better but failed miserably since it landed right back into place. "Yea and we also have history, math, P.E and chem. Together…also including art." He made a bored face and started walking away to the parking lot.

"HEY WAIT!" I yelled at the back of his head. He turned slightly around and looked at me threw the corners of his eyes. "Umm...thanks for separating me from him… I would've got in serious trouble." With that he snorted and kept walking. Wow cute ass!

"Earth to Celina!" I heard a voice in front of me say. There was one of my best friends Tori (short for Victoria) waving her hands in front of my face. "Quit checking that guy's ass out and let's go!"

My other best friend Lena (short for Krilena) grabbed my arm and started dragging me over to her car.

"Wait a minute WAIT A DARN MINUTE!" I screeched. They looked at each other confused and turned to me.

I had a stern face on and leaned on Lena's car, "Hey LENA can I lean-a on your car!" I broke out into a hysteric fit of giggles at my lame joke. I could sense my two friends exchanging glances at each other probably thinking I was a total and complete dumbass. I started rolling on the floor gasping for air after every giggle and was suddenly hit hard on the head.

"HEY! OOOwwwwwwww that hurt!" I said clutching onto the spot on my head that was now burning. I looked up only to see Lena with a goofy grin on her face and Tori who was shaking her head.

"You dumb, dumb girl … get up so we can go grab some food!" I quickly jumped up noticing my stomach was growling like a bear. After all when I found out from the school gossip that the stupid two timing bitch Nate was cheating on me, I stopped eating for a while, but not in the anorexic kind of way.

We got in the car and drove off with me in the backseat jumping around and getting ready to eat. Good thing Trisha (school gossip) told me this about a week ago; Heh, it gave me enough time to get over him.
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Hey this is going to be updated just a little bit slowly. Comment XD