So This Is What I Get. A Stalker?

So This Is What I Get. A Stalker? Chp 2

So This Is What I Get… A Stalker?
Chp 2

We got in the car and drove off with me in the backseat jumping around and getting ready to eat. Good thing Trisha (school gossip) told me this about a week ago; Heh, it gave me enough time to get over him.

"Okay bye! See you at school on Monday!" I screamed into the open window while Lena and Tori waved goodbye with huge grins on their faces.

"Oh and here are some FREE ketchup packets from Mc Donald's!" screamed Tori who threw them out the windows and hit me square in the face. By the time I got them off my face they were already down the street with Tori screaming at the top of her lungs "DRIVE LENA DRIVE!!"

I laughed out loud and picked up the packet from the floor skipping happily to the mailbox and grabbing the mail before skipping up to the house and opening the door.

"I'M HO-AHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed as a huge husky came running at me at full speed knocking me down to the floor outside and making me slide down the steps. Its big wet tongue found its way to my face while his leg came jabbing into my stomach.

By the time I managed to get him off I was covered in dirt and slobber not to mention a bunch of fur sticking to the dried up slobber.

"OH so I see you've met Smokey… honey get off of the floor and stop fooling around, you're embarrassing me." Said a familiar voice that belonged to my mom. I looked at her bewildered.

"What! YOU embarrassed. I should be the one who's embarrassed after all I was the one attacked by a husky! What is IT doing here anyways?" I scowled pointing at the dog that was trying to eat MY ketchup packet. I jammed the packet into my sweater pocket and felt the gooey substance slip out and attack my fingers with its tomatoey goodness.

I took my hand out of my pocket and scowled at my ketchup infested fingers and all because of that face licker. I growled at the dog causing it to shrink back and cry. Hehe I'm the Master dog scare-er! Not that anyone would want to be it…

Interrupting my train of though my mom shoved me into the house saying something about how we had to take care of Smokey for about two weeks for some old lady… something like that I wasn't really paying attention.

"Yea … yea I get it YOU'RE taking care of him…" I said bored while she glared daggers at me. Feeling hungry I switched the mail that was in my hands for a bag of Doritos, leaving the mail on the kitchen table.

I unpeeled the banana and ate it dropping the peel in the trash can while heading up to my room. I walked slowly up the stairs and felt the small hairs on my neck stand up letting me know someone was behind me.

"HAHA GOTCH—huh?" I half yelled; confused I didn't see anyone behind me so I turned around and jogged up the rest of the stairs. Hmm... Maybe I'm going psycho or something…

I was about to push open my door when I heard two thumps behind me. Turning
around as fast as I could I didn't see anyone. What the hell! I was about to turn back around when I heard a small whimper and slowly but steady I looked down at the floor only to see the evil face licker staring up at me with big anime eyes.

"So you were the one following me weren't you! Answer me!" I argued… Wow now that I'm talking to dogs how about I start barking too…I rolled my eyes at my own sarcasticness and looked at the dog that had its head tilted to the side.

"Aww, I can't resist a head to the side!!" I cooed, and smiled when I turned back to my room and entered letting Smokey come inside.

I flung my converse off my feet letting them land wherever they wanted and dropped my backpack on the floor near the door.

As I passed my mirror I looked at it and winked at myself and blew about two kisses at it. I was pretty much cracking up after tripping on a sock and sitting down in front of my desk, which had my laptop on it. I waited for the computer to load before signing into my IM threw meebo. I watched as the blue screen popped up saying I was signing in.

Evil_cookie has now signed in…

I smiled seeing that one of my best guy friends was on. I was about to write to him when an IM popped up. I clicked on it and read…

Sex_monster16: Hey what you doing?
I grinned.

Evil_cookie: HEY RADE! How's my bestest guy friend doing? Oh and I'm sitting and staring at this IM box…hehehe

Sex_monster16: I'm doing what I do best… being sexy and fine… no really im doing the same as you…..

Evil_cookie: wow this convo is sad..oh so sad..

Sex_monster16: Your telling me…so are you gonna say something interesting or are you just gonna let me fall asleep?

Evil_cookie: *glares* I am a very interesting person thank you very much… and SHUTUP!

Evil_cookie: anyways…. You know that guy in our art class? The quiet emo one that sits by the photography door thingy?


Evil_cookie: Do you?
Sex_monster16: …

Evil_cookie: DO YOU? ANSWER ME!

Sex_monster16: WELL YOU TOLD ME TO SHUTUP ..JEEZ MAKE UP YOUR MIND! *chuckles to self* and yea I think I know who your talking about y?

Evil_cookie: Well remember what I told you about what Trisha said about how wats his face…umm Nate was cheating on me..Well it came out true and today at the game I saw him kissing Lindsay so we ended up fighting…. Might I add I got some pretty good punches in there…yea and that guy was the one that pulled me away so I wouldn't get in trouble…

Sex_monster16: yes and… ur point is?

Evil_cookie: *glares and throws paper ball* nothing I just wanted to kno if you knew him…ahh well I g2g… I'm thinking about taking a nap..

Sex_monster16: w/e Have a good nap! *catches paper ball and throws back*

Evil_cookie has signed out…

I closed down the page and then remembered I had to check my myspace. I hummed Tattoo by Jordin Sparks while the page was loading. I typed in my password and e mail causing the page to load again.

The page finally loaded and I saw I had a new friend request and comments. Clicking on the comments first I saw that it was just spam and frowned that no one wanted to leave me a small little comment.

I then clicked on the new friend request link and it said I had not one but TWO friend request. I grinned. The first request was from who knows who there was no picture on it so I clicked on the profile and looked at it. Hmm…there 16 go to my school … and they are very determined...hmm seems harmless. I added that person and went back to find out who the second person was.

I gasped from shock… there he was … the art class guy… his picture was mostly of his hair but I could tell perfectly that it was him. What the fuck?!

I clicked to view his page only to find out that it was set to private. I went back and approved his request. Now to check out his profile. I clicked on his picture again and let my breath out not even realizing I was holding it in.

His page was black and had small skulls all over the place. It said he was 16 went to my school and on his about me section it said bleh. Well that’s very informative. I got bored looking at his page after I sent him a message asking him what his name was.

I finally logged out and went back to the meebo page to sign me back in only this time I would have an away message that said I was taking a nap.

I jumped on my bed and inhaled the scent of tide. I got myself comfortable and felt my eyes get heavy. Right before I was in a deep sleep I felt Smokey jump on my bed and lay next to my feet and then my world turned dark.
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