So This Is What I Get. A Stalker?

So This Is What I Get. A Stalker? Chp 3

So This Is What I Get… A Stalker
Chp 3

I jumped on my bed and inhaled the scent of tide. I got myself comfortable and felt my eyes get heavy. Right before I was in a deep sleep I felt Smokey jump on my bed and lay next to my feet and then my world turned dark.

I woke up to Smokey licking my hand it was about eight thirty and I knew that for falling asleep that I wasn't going to be able to sleep any later. I yawned and walked to my computer maximizing the meebo page.

I had a new IM from yourmine08.

Yourmine08: Hey sexy.

Evil_cookie: Umm who is this?

Yourmine08: Someone who adores you.

Evil_cookie: wtf WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?

Yourmine08: You'll find out soon enough. I'm right outside your house in a black car.

Yourmine08 has signed off.

I ran downstairs almost tripping on Smokey who was running right in front of me. I got down on the floor right in front of the window and peeked outside only to see a jet black car. What the hell?! I was at the window for about a minute; debating on whether I should go and see who is in the car or stay here and wait for them to come out. I finally decided to go out but as soon as I opened the door they sped off.

I slammed the door shut hoping that they left forever and ignored my mom when she asked me why I slammed the door. Running up the stairs I threw myself onto the chair that held the laptop directly in front.

I opened up the meebo page only to see that he or it left me a message before logging out again.

Yourmine08: I know you saw me cuz I saw you.. You're not very discrete are you? Until next time…

I gasped almost choking on the amount of air intake. So that’s why he drove off when I got up. What the fuck is going on. Well either way I'm not sure of I'm going to see or hear from this guy again so until the next time he does something like this again or tries to contact me I tell someone.

I was still deep in though when my cell phone rang. I grabbed my scratched razor off my desk and flipped it open.

"Uh hello?" I answered cautiously.

"What the HELL that is not how you answer the phone to the girl that gave you free ketchup packets!" screamed Tori. "Anyways your royal ketchupness wants to go to a PAR TAY! Lena's friend is throwing it and she said we could come! Get dressed I'll be there in five!" with that said she hung up. I sighed making my way to the mirror running my fingers threw my hair. My makeup was still on so no need to fix that. My clothes were fine too. I grabbed my converse and slipped them on when I heard a car outside honking its tail off. What the hell I thought she meant five minutes not five seconds.

I grabbed my keys and cell phone and turned my computer off. Practically rolling down the stairs I said bye to my mom and shut the door before she could argue back. I jumped into the car with the blasting music coming out of it and pulled on my seat belt while Tori drove off to who knows where.

About five minutes later and Tori's I'M-ABOUT-TO-DIE speed we hopped out of the car only to be greeted by the smell of barbeque and beer. I inhaled the wonderful smell and trudged over to the inside of the house stepping over the guy who was spilling his guts out on the lawn.

I kicked the door open since it was covered in some sort of bodily liquid that I wasn't to amazed about finding out what it really was. I walked inside and immediately saw Leah on the dance floor with what I am assuming a cup with beer in it. She was grinding on the dance floor with some guy I've seen at school before.

I was about to ask Tori to dance with me but noticed she was already dancing with some guy in my English class. Wow I just had to be the odd one out.

I started walking towards the kitchen and grabbed a closed beer out of the cooler adding lime and salt to it. I chugged most of it down by the time I went back to the wall I was leaning on before. I was about to take another swig of my beer when felt a cold hand on my arm grabbing me with a lot of force.

"OW WHAT THE HELL LET ME GO!" I snatched my arm away and looked up into the eyes of the two timing little whore, Nate. I scowled at him when he glared at me.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" he asked grabbing my arm again. I already knew it was going to leave me a bruise. I shrug him off and kicked him on the shin causing him to cringe in pain.

"Leave me alone you jackass… I don't have to listen to your crap anymore so leave me the hell ALONE!" I started walking towards a random guy who was leaning against the wall and grabbed him not caring if he had a girlfriend or not and dragging him to the dance floor. I didn't even look at him I just grabbed him.

I started swaying my hips to the beat of the music and felt his hand slither there way around my waist bringing me in closer to his body. We started dancing almost as if we were one and I finally opened my eyes not feeling queasy anymore and looked up at the amazing dancer I chosen to dance with.

My eyes met the eyes of the guy who stopped my fight. I gasped in shock and looked directly into his hypnotizing green eyes. I could feel him bringing me closer to him.

"Hey! You're that guy… what's your name anyways?" I asked still looking at him. He smirked and shook his hair out of his eyes.

"Damien… umm… you know your ex is burning holes into my face." He shrugged and looked somewhere behind me where I turned and saw Nate there. He looked pissed off and like if he was about to blow up and cause a scene.

"Let's have some fun then … shall we?" I turned back to Damien who held a mischievous grin on his face. "Well I'll take that as a yes"

I looked over at Nate one last time before pressing my body against Damien's and grinding hard to the music. Even Damien looked shocked but seemed to be enjoying it. We pressed out bodies together and danced for about ten seconds until we were ripped apart. Dammit and I was really getting into it.

I was pulled into someone's chest and was being suffocated by his horrible and strong grip. I tried to push him off but it wasn't working his grip was too strong. If he didn't let me go in a little while I would die of lack of air. I got desperate an started punching him in the chest hoping he would at least loosen his grip.

"GET YOUR GRIMY GERM INFESTED HANDS OFF HER…LET HER GO YOU STUPID IDIOT! YOU MONKEY FACED BABOON LOOKING TOAD" I heard Lena and Tori yelling it only made the person holding me which I found out was Nate by his disgusting death smell. I was starting to breathe slower and felt people pounding on his chest to let me go. I knew I was about to go limp and black out when I heard the biggest hit I've ever heard.

It made everyone else stop what they were doing and keep quiet. As soon as the hit made impact Nate's grasp on me was broken and I found my self falling on the floor since he was what I was depending on to keep me up.