So This Is What I Get. A Stalker?

So This Is What I Get. A Stalker? Chp 5

So this is what I get… a stalker?
Chp 5

I turned my head slowly and looked at the window; there out the window was the black car I had seen earlier. What the fuck? The car speeded away leaving me feeling sick.
"Celina. Are you okay it looks like you just saw a ghost…" asked Lena with a worried expression.
A plate of food was placed in front of me and I still had my mouth opened at the sight I just saw.
"Uh-uh I'm fine … really… I am." I managed to stuttered out. Lena looked at my closely causing me to flinch a little.
"LIAR! You should know better than to lie to us… after all we are your best friends… we know when you are lying. So spill" she said in a knowing tone while Tori dug into her food and had several pieces of hash brown hanging out of her mouth.
Should I tell them? I should after all they tell me everything about themselves like how Lena's dad abuses her mom or how Tori's mom is a workaholic and doesn't have any time for her own daughter. I cleared my throat signaling that I was about to talk "Umm well…"

It was about ten minutes later and we were all done finishing up our food. I had told them everything from how I felt when I punched Nate to how good the food tasted.
"OH WOW! I didn’t think it would be THAT much… so you haven’t seen the face of the person who is driving the black car?" asked Tori. I shook my head from side to side and sighed finally relieved that I didn't have to carry the burden of knowing the secret… and keeping it a secret.
"No I don’t I haven't even caught a glimpse of his hair or what race he is... actually I don’t even know if hes a guy or girl…ahhh this is so confusing and irritating knowing someone is out there following me and yet I cant do anything about it. What do you think I should do though… should I go to the police?" I said quickly.
"Personally I think you should keep it a secret until we really find out who it is and you know what we will help you because that what friends are for!" exclaimed Lena grabbing Tori's shoulder and shaking her trying to prove her point.
I smiled and hugged them from across the table only to ram the table into my stomach and making me burp in both of their ears loudly.
"EWWW you sicko!" half screamed Lena causing a few people to glare at us. There was a group of hot emo guys in the other corner where the crying baby used to be and they were looking at us making me blush a little.
"Look those guys over there are looking over here!" whispered Lena. Tori looked over to the table and stood up.
Waving she screamed out "Hey why are YOU looking over here….OMG YOUR SOO HOT!" with that said she sat down leaving them looking almost shocked, well all but the hottest one who stayed looking out into space in his own little world. I guess he has been called that several times seeing as he wasn't affected by it.
I turned my head my head embarrassed and stared out the window carelessly only to see Damien pressed against the window leaving smudges of spit on it. He pointed to me and then to his car.
I cocked my head to the side confused as he did the same motion again. I turned and looked at Lena who was also staring at Damien. "OH I think he wants you to go with him somewhere" she grinned up at me when she saw Damien shake his head up and down; hmm I guess he could read lips. Tori on the other hand was yelling out random things to the emo guys who looked annoyed.
I gave some money to Lena seeing as how Tori was busy annoying people and headed out the door walking past the group of emo guys who stared up at me in awe.
"Wow she's hot" one of them muttered to the other one who was checking me out. I pretended not to notice even though I felt pink making its way across my cheeks. I flung open the door of the restaurant and walked to where I saw Damien leaning against his car.
"Yes… may I ask what you want? I just saw you a couple minutes ago." I said in a lukewarm fashion. He looked at the floor almost guilty like, but was soon looking up at me directly in the eyes.
"Nothing I just got bored and now I want to see if you want to go watch a movie with me?" he looked at me almost shyly and I think I saw a hint of pink on his cheeks but I'm not sure since his hair covered most of his face.
"Umm. Sure why not … what movie?" I asked taking my bangs out of my eyes to see him a little bit clearer. He did the same and I caught a glimpse of his gorgeous eyes.
"Want to see … ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS!" he screamed which since I didn't want to become death covered my ears and grinned sheepishly.
I grabbed his arm and linked it with mine and skipped around the restaurant two times and saw Lena and Tori threw the windows looking at us like we were crazy since we were screaming ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS at the top of our lungs.
We had to stop since the manager came out and told us to be quiet seeing as how we were causing a loud and horrible disturbance. How rude.
I hopped in his car as he did the same and drove off to the movie.

We had already gotten our tickets and I was hungry AGAIN.
"I WANT A BURRITO!" I half screamed.
Damien looked at me like if I was a psycho in a strait jacket. "Didn't you just eat?" he asked with disbelief. I shook my head up and down dramatically.
"Sooo I have really fast metabolism. Stupid metabolism." I was shushed from the people in front of me as Damien went to go get my burrito. Do they even sell burritos in the concession stands?
The movie was about to start and Damien still hasn't gotten back. If he stood me up he will get the beating of his life… oh well free movie for me!
I was about to decide that he was going to get beaten when I saw him jogging up the stairs to get to where I was sitting he had NO BURRITO in his hands.
He sat down next to me and I was about to question him about my burrito when he shoved his hand in his jacket and pulled out a bag handing it to me. He set it on my lap and I looked at it as if it was a green yellowish booger on my lap that I just noticed was on my lap.
He waited for me to open the bag but since he saw I wasn't about to open it he sighed and ran a hand threw his hair "It's your burrito… I had to go inside the mall to get THAT burrito so you better eat it." He pointed at the bag.
I made an oh face and attacked the bag making several people look behind at me who was happily eating the burrito and giving one to Damien who bit in happily as the movie started.
I glanced over at Damien who I caught looking intently at me. I got nervous and acted as if I was looking around the whole theater glancing behind us. I was running my eyes threw the people behind us when my eyes locked on someone in the very back seat wearing a trench coat. He or she was lying down hiding there face.
I kept my eye on them for a while longer and then turned down to my phone that vibrated signaling I had received a text message.
I opened the phone and read a message from a private number saying …I see you and I know you see me.
I quickly shut my phone and turned to look where I saw the person in the black trench coat only to see that the seat was empty.
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Sorry its taking longer to update