Smells Like Teen Spirit



We were walking around the mall without any purpose. Surprisingly, nobody was looking at me too closely, and I felt relieved. I didn't need to be noticed, and I was on edge as we passed through a lot of people.

My luck didn't seem to hold.

We were walking when a little girl and her mom got closer, and I noticed she was wearing a shirt with my face on it. Her eyes widened to the point where it looked like they were going to pop out of her little head.

I quickly improvised, grabbing Maggie's hand, I turning her to where her back was against the wall and my back was facing the little girl. I found my face inches away from Maggie's and from behind, it surely had to look like we were kissing.

She was blushing and gulping like crazy. My hands were on her hips and I couldn't stop my eyes from staring at her face. I was straining to hear the little girl and her mother behind us, waiting to hear their footsteps disappear.

"I thought that was Justin Bieber for a second, mommy!" she yelled, "But it's just a boy with his girlfriend. Did you see him mommy!? He looked like Justin Bieber!"

"Sweetie, you could see Justin Bieber's face in just about anything," the mom teased, their voices getting further away.

Even though I knew it was safe to pull away from Maggie, I didn't. I couldn't find it in myself to want to pull away, so I stayed close to her, feeling her warm breath on my neck and hearing her heart beat out of control.

She had her eyes closed, it looked like she was trying to calm herself. I couldn't stop the smirk from appearing. She opened her eyes, and gently smacked my shoulder, "That was so close!" I could smell her minty breath, and her alluring scent. I pulled away reluctantly, and my hands were tingling from being on her waist.

I laughed, and wrapped an arm around Maggie's shoulders, pulling her closer to me. "You're funny when you're a nervous wreck." I laughed again.

She pouted, "Whatever."

"I got you something," I told her, wanting to break the tension. My arm was still around her shoulders, and without thinking I let it drop to go around her waist. Maybe if it looked like her and I were a couple, people wouldn't look to closely...that's why I was doing it, yeah. That makes perfect sense.

"When!?" she demanded, all the nervousness and awkwardness seemed to have disappeared.

I found myself smirking, "Today."

"Where is it? I wanna see!" she whined, looking up at me.

I smiled down at her, "It's safe, and you will soon enough. You should know, I made myself look like an idiot getting it for you."

She furrowed her eyebrows, "Hint?"

"Well, Ryan and I kind of did the same thing...but yours is different from Alex's, and yours is definitely more badass."

She rolled her eyes with a grin, "Well, if we're confessing things I got you something too." she stuck her tongue out at me.

"Oh! Give me!" I said excitedly.

"No way! You’ll get it when I get mine."

"You suck." I whined.

She laughed, bumping my side with her hip. "Shut up! I do not!"

"Sure! Oh hey, look there's Ryan and Alex. Aw, they're holding hands." I laughed.

They almost walked right past us, before they realized, well, that it was us. "Holy shit! I almost didn't recognize you two!" Ryan laughed.

"That's kind of the point," Maggie replied, "A little girl almost caught him."

"Oh." Ryan said, but from the smirk he wore he didn't believe that was the only reason.

Alex and Maggie erupted into a conversation, and Ryan pulled me to the side a little bit. "Oh, my fucking God." he laughed.


"You like her!" he accused.

I rolled my eyes, though he couldn't see them. "Don't be an idiot, Ry."

"Justin, you asshole, stop denying it! I haven't seen you look so happy before than when you had your arm around her waist."

I shook my head, ignoring him and turned to walk back to them when I stopped dead in my tracks. There were two guys talking to them. Well, only one guy was talking and he was talking to Maggie. The other one was on his phone.

Alex glanced at us, and walked over to Ryan who stood next to me. "What's that?" he asked.

"Some douche is trying to get Maggie's number." she laughed, "he won't take no for an answer, she's getting pissed."

"That's stupid, Justin go get her I wanna give Alex her present." Ryan smirked at me.

I glared, "Ryan-"

"No, seriously, you probably should." Alex cut me off.

"You two are up to something, and I don't like it." I grumbled walking over to Maggie.

"Come on," the guy dragged, "What's the big deal?"

"I don't give my number out to strangers." she said crossing her arms over her chest.

I walked next to her, slipping my arm around her waist immediately. "Is there a problem, babe?" I asked, looking at the douche.

She caught on, "Not at all, these two were just about to run along because they didn't want any trouble." she said smiling up at me. Playing her part she moved closer, and I'm sure we really looked like a couple.

The guy grumbled, "Could have said you had a boyfriend," and walked away. His other friend was smirking following behind.

"Thanks." she laughed, "Why does it seem like you're always saving my ass?"

"Because I am." I laughed.

She scoffed, "Come on, I want to know what you got me!" she said.

She ran over to Ryan and Alex, and I took my time joining them. She looked back at me with an impatient glance and ran back.

"Come on, slowpoke." she grabbed my hand and started pulling me.

Since I'm an idiot, and don't understand my actions, I started resisting so she wouldn't drop my hand. She tugged harder, and practically dragged me over to Ry and Alex.

"You know what? I don't want to walk. Give me a piggy back ride?" she asked, smiling up at me.

Ryan laughed, "Fine, come here." I sighed.

She grinned handing Alex her bag, and shoving her phone in her back pocket. I crouched down. "Hop on."

She put her hands on my shoulders, and jumped up. My hands went to her thighs, to hold her up, and she let her arms fall down loosely around my neck.

"You're so freaking light, eat a hamburger." I told her.

"Hey! I eat plenty, thank you very much!"

"Doesn't feel like it," I replied.

We walked out of the mall, and she rested her head on my shoulder. I dug the keys out of my pocket and unlocked the doors. "You two settle in, Ryan and I need to get something out of the trunk." I demanded, opening Maggie's door and crouching down so she could slide off and be sitting. Once she turned her legs, I closed the door and met Ryan at the back of the car.

"You like her so freaking much, you douche."

I ignored him, and grabbed the box. He smirked grabbing his and I gently closed the trunk, getting in the car. Maggie's eyes widened as I placed the box in her lap with a grin.

I wasn't paying attention to the back seat, I didn't care if Alex liked hers.

Maggie carefully opened the box, and beamed. "Holy fucking damn, this cat is the shit!" she said laughing.

"Let me see!" Alex piped up.

Maggie handed her the cat while Alex handed her the elephant.

"Oh, there's something in the box that you didn't see." I told Maggie as they traded back.

She looked into the box and started dying of laughter, "A fucking cell phone? How much did this cost you? I have to pay you back."

I shot her an incredulous look, "Are you serious?" I asked.


"Pay me back?" I groaned, "It was a gift, Maggie. You don't pay people back when they give you gifts."

"Speaking of gifts," Maggie started digging through her bag. I could hear the rustle of a gift bag. She pulled out a big purple bag with a blue bow on it, "this is, apparently, what they give you your items in around the holidays. I picked purple 'cause it's your favorite color." She thought about handing me the bag, but stopped. "Maybe we should wait till you aren't driving..."

I laughed, but didn't respond because of Ryan, "Holy shit! This is amazing, thank you!"

"What'd you get?"

"A cool ass hoodie."

I nodded in approval, "Anyone hungry?"


"Kind of."

"A little bit."

I laughed, "Okay, where do we want to eat?"

"I don't care." Maggie said.

"Me either." Alex agreed.

"You two suck, I don't want to decide." Ryan whined.

I laughed again, "I'm not picking."

"Restaurant or fast food?"

"Doesn't matter." all three of us said simultaneously.

"A little help!?!" he demanded.

"Ryan just pick!"

We all ended up deciding on IHOP, it was pretty slow and Ryan was craving eggs.

This day is getting weirder and weirder.

"Maggie want to do me a favor?" I asked her as we got to the IHOP entrance.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Take a picture of me front of the restaurant but not of the scenery."

She nodded holding her hand out for my phone. Once I handed it over, she gave Maggie the purple bag. "Okay, pose or whatever it is you do." she laughed.

I changed my sunglasses to normal glasses and just kind of...stood there with a small smile.

"Here you go," she handed the phone back with a small smile.

"Thank you." I put my sunglasses back on and we entered the restaurant.

"Hi, table for four?" the older lady asked.

We nodded and she led us to a booth. Alex slid in on one side, followed by Ryan while Maggie and I did the same.

@justinbieber: at IHOP, just got done shopping, #SWAG. Twitpic

As soon as I sent it, I waited two minutes before checking my mentions. I read through them, retweeting some…following some people, the usual.

"Twitter is blowing up!" Ryan complained.

"Did you see what was trending?" Maggie asked, laughing.

I noticed we were all on Twitter.

I shook my head and went to go look. "Oh, what the hell." I laughed.


and #Whereisbieber were all about me.

"I guess I should address some things.." I muttered.

Ryan laughed, "I'm getting blown up. Where am I? Where are you, blah, blah."

I laughed, and turned to Maggie, "Do you have your location on your Twitter, or have you ever once said where you were from?" I asked her.

"Uh, no I don't believe so. Why?"

I handed my phone to Ryan, and he took it knowingly. "I'm going to introduce you to my beliebers." I grinned.

Her eyes widened, "Uh...are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure." I looked around quickly to notice the coast was clear and took my sunglasses off. We made faces like these, and laughed at the picture.

"That's great, send it to me?" she asked while I put my shades back on.

I laughed, "Okay." I sent it to her phone before getting back on twitter.

@justinbieber: with @itsRyanButler, and meet my great friend @Wow_Maggie. I attached the link of the picture and smiled.

@justinbieber: some interesting trends going on, and you all caught me. I'm not in Atlanta, I'm staying with a close friend at the moment, trying to take a little break.

@justinbieber: I promise you all I'm okay, and I'll be back before you know it.

@justinbieber: #Whereareyoubiebs #Whereisbieber in your hearts, just like you're all in mine. :)

I knew they'd get a kick out of that one.

"You're really sweet with your fans, you know that?" Maggie asked, Ryan and Alex were in their own conversation.

I grinned, "I try to be." my expression changed to a smirk. "How many followers do you have now?"

She rolled her eyes, "Enough!"

"I can just go look."

"Fine, as of right now.. 13,000."

I laughed, "How many did you have before that?"

"Five hundred." she stuck her tongue out at me.

"I can make you gain a lot of followers, believe me before you know it you'll be at 100,000 and be like 'damn'."

She playfully pushed me, "Conceited much?"

"It's not conceited if it's true."

She rolled her eyes looking at the menu.

@justinbieber: two things I'd like to say right now....

@justinbieber: #reasonswhyjelenasplit: because you guys mean more to me than anything else.

@justinbieber: aaaaannnnnddddd

@justinbieber: #reasonswhyjelenasplit: Someone else is gaining my attention rapidly...

The hostess came by and everyone put their phones away.

"Can I start you all off with something to drink?"

After telling her what we wanted Maggie jumped a bit, "Oh!"


"What happened?"

"What's wrong!?"

She ended up laughing, "No, no, nothing is wrong! I just forgot to give you your gift! It's been sitting next to me for like the past ten minutes."

"You about gave me a heart attack." Ryan sighed.

Alex asked him a question on what she should get, and their faces disappeared behind a menu. I shook my head slightly.

Maggie beamed and plopped the bag on my lap. "If you don't like any of it, don't be afraid to tell me, I'll take it back and get something else." she said.

"Any of it? As in more than one thing?" I shook my head, "And I'm sure I'll love it."

"Okay, yes, open it!"

The first thing I pulled out was a white watch. I grinned, pulling her into a weird side hug.

She help me put it on, and I grinned at it. "Look at the rest!" she demanded

The next thing was a black beanie. I laughed, "Thank you. I'll probably wear this all the time."

"You're like the only person I know that can pull one off effortlessly, so I bought it." she blushed.

I smiled reaching into the bag once again, and lastly I pulled out a black leather jacket. "Maggie this must have cost you a fortune for all of this. Thank you, I love it all. But you have to let me pay you back."

She shook her head, "Of course not. It was a gift you don't pay people back for gifts."

I rolled my eyes, and pulled her into a hug. "Thank you, really." I said in her ear.

Oh yeah, someone really was gaining my attention rapidly.

Fucking shit.
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Lol, does anyone still read this?
Sorry it's been awhile, I have my contest, and my internet is screwed until Thursday.

Um, comments would be lovely. <3

xoxo, Denise. <3