Status: Completed.

Memories and Heartbreaks

Memories and Heartbreaks

I know that I've already said this one million times
but I'll never stop saying to you, until you
realise that I mean it more than anything I
have ever said in my entire life so far,
and probably more than anything I have
said and will say for the rest of my life.
I love you, I really do. I love you more than
my own life, I would give up my entire
world just to have you love me...
You mean the world to me, even if you don't
understand it. Your beautiful, icy blue eyes sweep
me off my feet every time I bring them before
my eyes. A single touch of your soft, warm,
blond hair is what I have always wanted.
Every time you are near me, I can't concentrate
to anything else other than you. You have
hurt me many times, but I just can't stop being
in love with you. Because I am in love with you.
I am sure of it now. I've never felt anything like
this before, and I have no words that would
describe the way my heart flutters whenever
I see you, the way my mind flies away,
and lands on your face in my memories,
lingering as much as it can bear over your
face. You're my angel, and I'll always
love you, no matter what.
Whenever I see you, I have all the feelings
someone can ever experience in their lifetime.
I feel fear, melancholy, sadness and pain.
I feel hope, happiness, relief and most of
I am afraid, because I never know what I should be
waiting for every time I see your face.
I feel melancholic, because you'll never be mine.
I feel sad, because you'll give me more hope,
but it'd all turn out hurtful and useless.
I feel in pain, because seeing you makes my
heart stop instantly at your sight.
Then, I feel hope, because all the signs show
that you feel something for me, even if I
don't know what that is, not yet at least.
I feel happy, because I have the chance to see
you once more in my life, and fall even more
in love with you than I already am right now.
I feel relieved, because I see that you're still
here, that I will still have the opportunity
to see you every single morning that comes.
I feel love, because you're the most significant
person I have in my life right now. I feel love
because I need you more than anything
every day, every minute, you're the
one I crave the most, the one I want
to see and the one that makes me
feel better, even if I am feeling real
bad, even if I am feeling bad about
something you did to me earlier
that day. I feel love, because, even
if you are most selfish creature I
know, and the most proud being
I have ever met, you're special.
You're more special to me than to
anyone else. No one will ever
love you as much as I do, and I
know that right now, I am telling
the truth. Because as I have told you
so many times before, I don't think
I will ever let you go, at least not
until I have made you understand what
my feelings for you are, and how far
I would go to be with you, and you only.
The situation I am in right now makes me
vulnerable and extremely sensitive.
You could do anything with me right now,
and I would just obey, because I am the victim.
You can use me, and hurt me badly, but I will
still come back to you, the object of my biggest
affection. People say that this is just a non-reasonable
big crush, but only I can know what I feel, and if what
I feel is more important than that. My feelings are deeper
than a simple childish love. It's really deeper than that.
You may accuse me of anything bad that happens to
you or to your relationships with friends or others, but
I will just feel my heart breaking by ignoring your abusive
comments once more. I will be blind for as long as you are
in my world, and will keep loving you when you're gone.
You may have blamed me for problems with your
friends and acquaintances, but I know that me hanging
out with your friends doesn't hurt your relationship with
them at all. I have never tried to turn anyone against you, in
fact, I always support you when someone is being behaving
badly against you, and cussing at you, because I see that what
they are accusing you of is true, but I don't care about it.
Your personality is unique to me, and should be to everyone
else too, because no one can be as gentle, shy and reserved, while
being defensive, aggressive and insensitive towards others, Because I
know what you really feel inside you, everyone has got to hide their
true feelings at some time, because their true self is vulnerable to
other people reactions and emotions to your actions.
I feel like there's nothing left to say to give you a clue
about how much I need you when I am alone, and my heart
is freezing, all alone, and how much I want you to tell me that you
care about me too, that you always have wanted us to mean something,
but have always been embarrassed and ashamed to tell it, afraid that
people would laugh at it. Even when I'm not with you, even when I don't see
you in front of me, even when the words I speak aren't related to you,
I am still thinking of you. You're my angel, my little lovely angel, and
I'll always love you, more than anything and anyone else in the world...
You have been wrong about me in the past, so I'll simply
never look back at the things that you did, and always
look to the future, and imagine a future with you.