Status: Complete

The Minister's Daughter's Black Veil

Full Story

All was well in the tiny town of Hudson. The birds were chirping, the air was fresh and there was a slight breeze. Children and women were singing, and the smell of fresh baked pie was in the air. The sky was partially cloudy and the sun shone brightly behind the clouds. Flowers were in bloom all around, and the smell of sunflower fields could be smelled from miles away.
However, amidst all of the wonders in the little town, something insisted on disrupting the peace. It was simply the cause of a young girl, around the age of fifteen, who was very well known and loved, that rode through town on her white horse in a white dress. The thing of which was amiss? She had a long black veil shadowing her face. It was thin enough to still see her features, and the brilliant green of her eyes, but somehow it had a haunting effect on the citizens of the town. She acted as if nothing was different and nothing was wrong. She blatantly ignored the faces of her fellow townsfolk, as every one of their jaws hit the ground.
This is where the rumors began. The girl had a shy nature about her, and she often kept to herself, but she was bright, and she was very optimistic of life and all it has to offer. Nasty rumors were quickly being spread though. Some even went as far into saying she was posessed by Satan or was a witch. All of these were very outrageous and nowhere close to the truth though. She was definitely hiding something, but nobody was exactly sure what. The girl dismounted her horse and strode into the general store. When the bell rang as the door opened, the Hostess couldn’t help but to notice the veil. “Darling, why are you hiding your pretty little face?” she asked. The girl replied, “I’m not. I’m trying to get my point across to the more oblivious people of town. Come with me into the back room, and I shall explain.”
The hostess quickly flipped the sign on the door to Will be back at 11 o’clock. and continued to the back room with the young girl. “Now please explain to me why you’re doing all of this, deary,” as she motioned her hands over the veil. “Well, Miss, Have you ever noticed how every one has something to hide?” The hostess nodded her head. “Take that as an example of what I’m trying to show. I have a black secret upon my lips, tearing at me like a crown of thorns. However , I have promised to take it to my grave. I just wonder how people will respond to this. But for now my mission is to silently explain to the whole village why I wear this veil,” said the girl. The hostess’s eyes became wide as she began to comprehend the information told to her. “You are wise for your years, don’t you know?” she told the girl.
Together they began to plot how to get the point across to the village. There was a wedding to be held the following day, and both women were invited. They decided to both show up wearing long black veils, hoping maybe somebody would catch on to the scheme.
Here it was, the wedding. Sitting in silence, the girl and the store hostess stared forward awaiting the bride’s arrival. Nobody seemed fased by the veils, at least not until the bride came in. She began to panic and little did the two veiled women know what was to come. As the bride walked to them, she demanded they be evicted from the town for being disgraces. The wedding was postponed after that, as they made way to the highest ridge over the sea, preparing to push the ladies over. The young girl whispered, “I promise to you mama, I’m carrying your secret and taking it to my grave for real,” and instead of being pushed, she willingly took the jump, forever carrying the secrets with her to never be spilled to any soul.