Status: This story is most likely on permanent hiatus. I'm sorry. If you really want to know how it ends, message me. I most likely won't be finishing it.

Up All Night

Breaking News

It had been several weeks since Marlene had been on the date with Niall, and since then, she’d seen him several times. She hadn’t seen the other boys, however. They’d been exceptionally busy ever since the X Factor had ended a few weeks earlier. The boys hadn’t won, but they had still nabbed a record deal thanks to Simon Cowell.

Marlene still smiled whenever she thought back to the phone call, to Harry’s excited voice as he had told her the good news. He’d sounded so happy. She’d congratulated Niall when she’d next seen him, and he’d told her how busy they were, what with recording their first single – not to mention, an album – and playing shows and doing TV appearances. He’d looked so tired.

Tonight was the first night the boys had had off, and Marlene had snapped up a chance to visit them. She thought it stupid that she was going to be living in England for the next year, but she was seeing less and less of her cousin and his friends. Maybe that’s what happened to people when they were staying somewhere for a long period of time – they continually put things off, thinking I’ve got time, I can do it later, I’m not leaving just yet! until it was too late and they hadn’t done anything. It left a sour taste in Marlene’s mouth, and she vowed never to do that. She’d make the most of her time in England, no matter if she was there for a few weeks or for several months. After all, she mused, you only get one life.

Marlene glanced at the clock, and swore softly as she realised the time. Hastily closing her book and attempting to memorise the page number (page 275), Marlene ran into her bedroom and hurriedly changed her clothes. Zipping up her boots and throwing on a jacket and scarf, she called out to her cousin.

“Going to see 1D. Be back later!”

A muffled ‘mhm’ from the kitchen told her that Isobel had heard her. And that she was eating the last of the cheesecake. Marlene grabbed her phone and bag, and was about to rush out the door when she caught sight of her reflection. She stopped. Something was wrong, but she couldn’t quite place – aha. Holding her phone in her mouth, Marlene made a quick adjustment to her outfit, and gave herself a final once-over. Satisfied, she popped the hood of her jacket up and left the house.


The doorbell echoed inside the apartment, and Marlene heard a brisk set of footsteps crossing the wooden floor. She peeled off her sodden jacket just as Niall flung the door wide open, a grin on his face. Marlene winced as the door handle crashed into the one of the corridor’s wall. Harry wasn’t going to like that.

“Mars!” Niall exclaimed, pulling the girl into a tight embrace. He smelt like coconut cream.

“Hey Niallers,” she replied, once he’d stopped cutting off her air supply. “Where’re the others?”

“Lounge,” the blonde boy said simply. “Want me to take your jacket? It’s sopping!”

Gratefully, Marlene handed him her jacket, unravelling her thin and brightly coloured scarf from around her pale neck. “I won’t be surprised if it starts to snow in half an hour,” she said. “It’s absolutely freezing, and I thought I could see some half-frozen flakes.”

“All the more reason to stay indoors and drink hot chocolate!”

Marlene liked that about Niall – he was always so damn optimistic and upbeat.

As the entered the lounge room of the apartment Harry and Louis owned and lived in, Marlene noticed the four boys on the sofa, eyes glued to a pre-recorded football match. When Marlene and Niall entered, however, all boys looked up smiling. Marlene noticed with a small smile how closely Louis and Harry were sitting. She’d heard of – and noticed – their bromance throughout the competition, but now it was blossoming into something truly beautiful. She bit back a giggle, wishing vehemently that she had a camera with her so she could capture the moment forever. The camera on her phone had stopped working months ago due to water damage.

“Hey boys,” Marlene grinned. “Long time no see.”

The next hour passed in a blur. The boys filled Marlene in on what they’d been doing since the competition ended, and the redheaded couldn’t believe just how flat out they had been. Niall had clearly under exaggerated how hard they were all working. If ever there was a downside to fame, this must be it, thought Marlene dryly. Though she knew that if you wanted something bad enough, you had to work for it, and this was clearly what the boys wanted, and they were doing all they could to hold onto it.

Once they’d finished filling Marlene in, she felt thoroughly exhausted just from listening to all the hard work they’d been doing. She couldn’t imagine doing it herself. Then again, she’d never coveted fame or fortune very highly.

“Wasn’t there something you wanted to tell us?” Zayn asked the girl. “I remember you saying something on the phone. It’s why you wanted to come over tonight, right?”

Marlene blushed slightly. “Yes, I have news I wanted to tell you, but I always wanted to see you guys!” She looked warmly at Louis, who hadn’t spoken much since she’d arrived. He shot her a very small smile, and her heart fell slightly. He seemed angry with her.

She looked at Harry, who’s reassuring gaze warmed her. “So long as you’re not pregnant or getting married, I don’t really mind what you say,” Harry told her. Everyone laughed, including Louis. Marlene nodded, and absently clutched Niall’s hand, as he was seated beside her.

“Well, to be honest… it’s more like Niall and I have news we wanted to tell you.” She paused, anxiety churning her stomach, and she forced herself not to look at Louis. “Uh-“

“What Mars means,” Niall broke in, gathering up the frayed ends of Marlene’s speech, “is that we wanted to tell you guys that, well… we’re together.”

Marlene still refused to let herself meet Louis’ gaze. “Yeah, I’m not single anymore. See?” She held up her right hand, and her silver cladagh shone on her finger, the point of the heart pointing in the direction of her own heart. She breathed in deeply. “Niall and I are officially dating.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so, so sorry it's taken me so long to update. I was supposed to have wireless in this apartment, but ever since I arrived a week ago, it hasn't been connecting, or it has only been connecting for minutes at a time. It's been a complete bitch. We've got it working now, but unfortunately my computer is the only one that works perfectly with the 'net, which means my parents have commandeered it for the time being :( That's why I've been trying to update my contest entries instead of my stories - I'm not sure if I'll be able to get the in before the deadlines, if I don't. I've updated Te Amo and I'm so happy with how well it's been received. It's my favourite piece of writing I've done so far, ever. So, I hope you forgive me for taking so long to update, and I hope you forgive me for updating Te Amo instead.. I wanted to update on the 24th (Louis' 20th birthday) but I was unable to, so I'm updating on Christmas Day/Boxing Day instead. One week in New York down, one to go!