Status: This story is most likely on permanent hiatus. I'm sorry. If you really want to know how it ends, message me. I most likely won't be finishing it.

Up All Night


“We must’ve hit it off ‘cause she didn’t seem bored the entire time!”

It was one thirty-six in the morning, the night after Marlene and Niall’s date, and Niall had just finished his play-by-play of the date. The other boys were sprawled bleary-eyed on the couch, except for Louis. He was bright-eyed and alert, having been awake when Niall had bounded through the front door. He’d been too jealous to sleep.

Louis tried envisioning Marlene in the ensemble Niall had described, but the image wouldn’t come. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t erase the image of Marlene in the snow two years ago. He wished he’d had the courage to ask for her number, but it was too late now. The only thing he could do now was hope –desperately – that she didn’t start dating Niall. He didn’t know if he’d be able to handle it.

Harry, snuggled up into the crook of Louis’ arm, asked the Irish boy, “Did you kiss?”

Louis immediately tensed up without meaning to, and Harry patted his knee gently, calming the older boy. Niall’s eyes flickered between the two of them, his grin fading ever-so-slightly. “No,” the boy faltered, but then his eyes lit up. “But I did speak to her mum!”

Harry sat up like a rocket, tearing Louis grip on his waist. “YOU SPOKE TO AUNT FAITH?!” The disbelief in his voice echoed around the room. Harry took a deep breath. “Even I haven’t spoken to Aunt Faith in three years! What did she want?”

Niall shrugged. “Not much – it was her ‘nightly’ call, and she wanted to remind Mars that enrolment cut-off day was tomorrow.” He paused. “Well, technically today. Anyway, Marlene told her that she’d have to call her back ‘cause she was on a date, and then her mum’s voice got really loud ‘nd I could hear it through the speaker and Marlene gave the phone to me mouthing ‘mum wants to talk to you.’” The boy’s bright grin returned. “So I was my usual enigmatic self of course, and I think Mars’ mum really liked it! At any rate, when I gave the phone back to Marlene, her mum told her-“ he paused dramatically, and the four other boys leaned forward automatically in suspense. “-she told Marlene that she can defer the year!”

Louis’ world came crashing down around his ears. On the one hand, Marlene was being allowed to defer, and meant she could spend the year in England if she wanted to. On the other hand… ’Either you go to university and get a good degree, or you marry someone famous!’ Isn’t that what Marlene’s mother was always telling her? Niall wasn’t famous per se, but he did get recognised on the street occasionally, and most of the UK watched the X Factor. Louis felt cold, his hands clammy. Marlene’s mum had agreed that she could defer. She’d conceded after talking to Niall. She’d spoken to Niall because he’d been on a date with Marlene…

“I think I’m gonna be sick,” he muttered in Harry’s ear. The younger boy leapt off his lap and diligently followed Louis to the bathroom.

The older boy clutched the edge of the sink basin tightly, his knuckles a vivid white, his face chalky and void of colour. His eyes were wide as he stared at his reflection. “I’m being absurd, aren’t I Styles?”

Harry said nothing, knowing the question was rhetorical.

“She’s your cousin! I’ve only met her a handful of times and yet I’ve been in love with her for a year. That’s the stuff stalkers are made from. And now she’s deferring, which is great, but it’s thanks to her being on a date with Niall, which is horrible. I know I said before that they’d make a great couple but honestly Harry, I don’t know if I could stand it. If they dated -“ he broke off, hand releasing the basin and falling limply by his sides. “I just don’t know.”

There was a knock on the door, and Liam poked his head around. “Hey, you okay mate? Niall thinks he said something wrong.”

Louis forced a wry smile. “No, he didn’t say anything wrong. I think I just ate something bad - I’ll be fine. Sorry for making him worry.”

Liam nodded, his eyes full of concern. “You look terrible, Lou. Your face is all waxy-looking. Get some rest, okay mate?”

Louis gave an abrupt downward jerk of his head - a half-nod - and stared at the tiled floor. Harry rubbed his back gently, mouthing something to Liam.

“Right well… see you in the morning, Lou. Feel better.” Liam left, looking rather awkward, and Louis turned miserably to Harry.

“I’m going to bed. I feel shit,” he murmured.

“I’ll help you to bed. Honestly, I don’t know how I feel about this. I just can’t believe she’s being allowed to defer the year… and because of Niall!”

The two walked in silence to Louis’ room. “Night Lou,” Harry said softly. “It’ll be alright. If Marlene and Niall start dating - well, we’ll find someone for you. There’s already girls throwing themselves at us; I reckon there’ll be more when we win.”

Louis gave a dry smile. “Thanks.” He crawled into bed, the lamp still lit on his bedside table. “She’s just… perfect, y’know?”

Harry murmured something as he closed Louis’ bedroom door and left.

If Louis didn’t know better, he could have sworn Harry said “yeah, perfect for you.”

But he knew that was absurd - Harry had always said he never wanted Marlene to date any of his friends...
♠ ♠ ♠
Oops. I took so long to update that I lost a subscriber. But on the bright side, I've updated once more before leaving! I leave in about 12 hours.
Poor Louis :( Thanks for the comments, guys. They're very appreciated.
And the only reason I took so long to update this was because I've been working on this contest entry. I plan to update it before I update this again :)