Quotes of Randomness

Welcome to the story

So, who am I?

That is a very good question.

I should probably answer...

Truth of the matter is...my name isn't important.

Call me what you will...I don't really care.

Well...let's see.
I'm seventeen, as of Dec. 8, 2011
Medium pale complexion
My ears are pierced, but my upper right ear one closed off.
Have to wear glasses.
About 5' 3"
Short hair.
Major flirt. Actually, not just a major flirt...If I was a college professor, I would make a class so students actually Could MAJOR in Flirt! It's a true art, and one I take a lot of pride in!
Love writing and a hell of a lot of other stuff.
I guess you could say, I don't really fit under just ONE way of description.
*Smile* Not that that's a bad thing!
Being different is what I do best!
A little More about me:

I'm a type of girl who loves flirting. I'm computer addict. So, needless to say, more than half of my relationships started online. But, eventually, I like to meet the person. Ya know.
Explain the 'more' part ^:

I'm the type of girl who likes a girl/ guy that's not afraid to be themselves. Now, I have my own skeletons in the closet (things I keep to myself, not literal skeletons). I'm not going to join in a conversation and say, "Hi. My name's Izzy (or whatever it is at the time). I've been a shit bag person up to my 14th year of existance, to the scum of my family. I have bad anger/ emotional issues. And I'm slightly psychotic. Want to go out?"

No, that just simply isn't done. Over time, sure, I open up to people. But, I don't give blind outward trust.
Interests of the deeper dark me:

Someone who would go outside of their comfort zone. Someone who knows that I'd be honored if they asked me to go on a stroll through the graveyard instead of the park or the neighborhood.
Who understands taht I have emotional termoil and, instead of trying change it, accepts it and just lets me go through my down days with my music. (another thing about me, I have an actual addiction to music. Without it...I panic.)

It wouldn't hurt for the person to be cute, either. I'm not too awfully picky, but i do have preferences.
Emo, goth, punk, rock, writer, critish, australian, german, irish, russian, american, adventurous, loving, caring, exotic, cute, passionate, all of the above, &/ more.

So, I think that explains myself well enough...

Don't you?