Destiny's Justice

Chapter 11

Dezzie had never heard such silence before.

She thought she had known what silence was, but now she could feel the absence of everything she had overlooked.

The hum of electricity through wires, the rush of water down pipes, the soft breathing of a dark guardian; all were gone here, as if they no longer existed.

This empty place curled around her like a soft cotton blanket, fogging her mind and making it hard to string thoughts together…


Reacting to her name, she looked around, vaguely recognizing the voice as one that had always helped her.


A soft chuckle echoed around her, and the warmth tightened around her like a hug.

I’m here, sweetie. You needed help, so here we are.

Brow furrowing as she tried to remember what she had needed help with, Dezzie winced as the memory pressed painfully against her temples.

Relax, Dezzie. Everything’s okay.

Shaking her head, eyes tearing up, Dezzie curled into herself.

Something was wrong, something she was forgetting…

An image of a black shadow flying through the air electrified her system.

“Daddy!” She realized, the darkness thinning around her.

“Where’s daddy? Daddy!”

Noise was thrumming in the background, like wind rushing through trees and screeching against stone, hovering at the edge of her senses.


The familiar voice of her guardian had her clawing out of the cocoon she had been so happily nestled in.


The sound of wind was growing louder, causing a painful ringing in her ears.


Light began to filter into her world, along with all of the pain that she had collected after three days with them .

Where was…?


Jolted fully back into her body, Dezzie’s brain spun like that fun ride at the carnival as she fell.

Strong arms wrapped around her, and she instinctively cuddled into the warm Kevlar vest.

“Are you alright, sweetheart?” Batman murmured, scanning the destruction that his little girl had caused.

Was this the Avatar State?

Nodding sluggishly, Dezzie clung to her father’s shoulders and sighed.

“I’m okay now, daddy…”