Sequel: Inside the Fire

Fake It


It was typical weather for here. Here being London. The weather being foggy and gray. Not that she minded, the absence of the sun made it easier for her to wander among normal people more often. The weather was one of the reasons she stayed in London and didn't move to Finland like she had planned before she graduated. The other reason she stayed was a man. The same man she was waiting for right now.

Her being Dante Valentine, a Necromance and not so recent graduate of Hogwarts. Him being Severus Snape, a teacher at the same school.

Dante wandered around the park waiting for him. He would be hard to miss,even in this dreary weather. Tall, pale, black hair, black eyes, and all black apparel. Think grown up goth. Not that she had any reason to complain, she dressed the same way.

Necromances were rare, and she had to conform to the code. Pale skin, black hair, and dark clothing. Not that she minded, she had dressed like this since she was young, though she did miss the naturally blood red color of her hair, black suited her just as well. A Necromance is the product of an A’nankhimel, or fallen demon, and a Hedaira, a human woman a fallen has taken for a mate.

As she wandered, she toyed with a piece of black hair that had escaped from under her top hat. She surveyed her surroundings with her mismatched eyes. One emerald green, the other amethyst purple. Her foster mother had always told her that her eyes were changeling eyes and that she was bad luck. But she quickly pushed that thought out of her head.

She pulled the black lace veil on her top hat lower to shield her eyes from the brightness of the day. Now she usually only ventured out and night because daylight was not very good for her health, she was only out because Severus said he wanted to speak with her.

Tired of wandering, Dante found a bench under a willow tree to wait for the man who unknowingly had her heart on a string. He may want to talk to her but she wanted to know why she was out of bed at such an ungodly hour.
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this is the first story I have written in so long so it probably sucks >.<