Sequel: Inside the Fire

Fake It

Let It Be

Dante sat in the tent idly shuffling the deck of cards she found on the table. She stared at the top bunk and the black haired boy that thrashed in his sleep upon it. She grinned at his distress and lit the fag she had hanging from her lips. She blew the smoke out of her mouth in rings, watching them dissipate after a few inches. She giggled as she bushy haired girl who slept in the bunk directly in front of her sneezed as a result of the smoke.

In her assessment of the tent, she noticed a key player in this was missing. The red-haired asshole known as Ronald Weasly. This puzzled her. Why was the 'Golden Child's best friend missing? This didn't make sense. Oh well, she would find out when they woke up.

The 'Golden Child' was stirring. Dante sat back, sucking on her cancer stick, waiting for his glasses to go one, and the wand under his pillow to point at her. She wasn't particularly worried about any hex he would throw at her, Severus had taught her how to block just about everything Potter could throw at her. So she sat back quietly and waited.

Potter's eyes opened to a dark shape with a red pin point of light looking at him. Fumbling for his glasses, he nearly fell out of bed in his haste. Finally getting his glasses and wand he looked at the figure. It was a woman with long black hair and two mismatched eyes smoking. He knew those eyes, and the cruel smile that graced the woman's lips.
"Valentine? How did you find us?"
Was the calm question though he didn't feel calm as he asked it. He'd always been afraid of her. With her tattooed face and strange eyes. So he stared at her as he waited for his reply, as if he wasn't sure what she was.

"You're a real fucking idiot Potter."
Dante spat at him, throwing her spent fag on the ground and grinding it out with her boot. "You think after everything you didn’t to me I wouldn't be able to find your stinking corpse?" His dumbfounded look infuriated her.
"Why do I even try anymore? I'm still a monster aren't I? How did I let him talk me into this?" With that she stood, knocking the chair over and stalked out of the tent, leaving Harry dazed and confused.
"What just happened?" He whispered to himself.
"Am I dreaming again?"

Dante leaned against a tree, smoking another fag to calm herself, when Severus returned her message. She put the fag between her lips and ripped open the envelope. She began tearing at it as soon as she finished reading
"Damn you! Damn you to hell Severus Snape! You damned bastard!"
She raged at the parchment as if it were the man himself.
She screamed as Harry walked out of his tent with an inquisitive look on his face. Not sure if he should help her or sneak back into his tent.
"You! This is all your fault!"
She screamed at him the ran off into the forest. Leaving Harry to stare stupidly at her retreating figure.