Sequel: Inside the Fire

Fake It

Ashes and Wine

Dante wove her bike through the complex maze that was rush hour traffic in downtown London. She mumbled to herself as she kept on eye on her com-link and one eye on the road. "Damn it Severus where the hell do you think you're going?"
Escape the Fate blasted in her ears through her helmet, reminding her of her friend Japh. But that was a long story she didn't have time for.

The black dot was slowly turning from black to green as Severus reached the edge of the safe zone. A.k.a. the ten mile radius outside his cabin. The greener her go the safer he was. She watched as the entire dot turned a fluorescent green, then flipped a U and headed for Brada's.

Where Sev's dot was black, Brada's was a constant blood red, whether she was safe or not, that was her color. And at this particular moment, that bright red spot of color was in the middle of one of London's worst neighborhoods. Not that Dante minded, she was used to finding Brada in such places; it was when she was in a relatively wealthy part of town that Dante got worried.

Danny hopped off her bike and slid Fudoshin, her katana, through a loop and her weapons rig. It wasn't a particularly good place for a fast draw but it would have to do for the moment. Pushing the door open, the heavy scent of incense attacked her senses.
"Brada! You home?"
Danny always liked to let Brada know she was there so she wouldn't automatically pull out the twelve gauge and point it at her head.
"Dante Valentine."
Her name was recited slowly in a husky french accented voice.
"Hi Brada. Have anything good for me today?"
A high pitched giggle like nails on a chalkboard assaulted her ears.
"And why would I have anything for you dead head?" The question was accusing.
"Because I actually have the cash for it today, and for last time."
Brada’s eyes studied her warily.
"Alright Valentine, come in the back and I'll show you what I have."
Dante tossed her the bag of gold, straight from her account on diagon alley. Brada caught the bag gracefully, her inhuman reflexes giving her away. Dante had never been sure what Brada was, but she knew it wasn't human.

Dante pushed her way through the curtains that shielded the back room from view of the front. Brada pushed past her, flipping the switch that would bring all manner of the latest technology and weapons into view. Dante browsed for a few minutes, selecting two plasguns, a plasrifle, two glock g35s and a .50 caliber sniper rifle with a night vision scope. She began loading her new guns into her weapons rig when a pair of stiletto knives came into her view. Brada just smiled secretively as Dante strapped them to her forearms and handed her more knives, two in thigh mount sheathes and two to hide in her boots.
"For when the guns run out of ammo."
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i'm back. Not like anyone reads this stupid thing anyway