Sequel: Inside the Fire

Fake It

There's beauty in a breakdown

Once again, she was sneaking out of his house, but this time he wasn't waking up. Dante had put a spell on him so he wouldn't wake until at least noon. Poor Severus, he needed sleep and he just wasn't getting any. After buckling all her gear on, she walked over and laid a soft kiss on his forehead. With her luck going the way it was at the moment, this might be the last time she saw him. Shaking her head she exited his house and immediately headed for Potter's location. If she was going to die anytime soon, she might as well do it while protecting the one person standing between Voldemort and complete world domination.

Severus knew he was alone when he woke up. He had known she would leave before he even fell asleep. What he didn't plan on was her keeping him in bed till noon. But he felt rested for once, so it was probably a good thing. He had to go back to the Malfoy's tonight, as much as he didn't want to; he wanted to stay alive a bit longer. Throughout the day, his thoughts kept drifting to her. He'd shake his head and go back to whatever it was he was doing, but they would continue to drift back to her. Finally, he just sat with his head in his hands asking himself,
"What has she done to me?"