Sequel: Inside the Fire

Fake It

White Rabbit

Malfoy Manor was seemed larger in the dark. Maybe it was the thousands of shadows that clung to the darkened angles of the building, or maybe it was what lurked inside its pristine facade. The windows in the front of the place were dark, but he knew it wasn't empty. It was, in fact, crawling with death eaters. Severus didn't have time to dawdle; he needed to get back to his cabin just in case Dante came back. It was doubtful, but he could hope just the same. He shifted his mask as he walked through the door, annoyed with its weight and how it made breathing difficult. He wandered down a dark corridor, going towards the light, it grew brighter the closer he got. Entering the room at the end, he quickly knelt, head bowed as the hissing figure turned towards him.

Dante sat in front of the tent sharpening Fudoshin. It seemed in the middle of the night, Weasley had decided to rejoin his friends. Pathetic creatures. Never able to stay mad at each other for long. She had enjoyed the look of pure terror on his face as she placed the tip of a knife against his throat in the night. How he gulped and began whimpering as he realized who exactly had him pinned against a tree. Sadly, Potter and Granger came out of the tent just in time to stop her from giving him an Italian necktie. It seemed odd to her, that the Golden Duo had become the Golden Trio again so quickly, from what she understood; Weasley had only left last week. Potter stuck his head out of the tent.
"Are you hungry Dante?"
His voice was full of false concern. Dante grunted in response and held up a Power Bar, she was fine. His head quickly retreated. If she needed anything else she could just make a quick run into the nearest town.

She felt slightly pathetic. She had only been gone from his house 24 hours and she was already missing him. She shook her head at the thought of him. If she thought of him, it would distract her and she couldn't have that. Getting up, she sheathed Fudoshin and pushed her way into the tent.
"I'm going to scout the woods. Can you three stay out of trouble for half an hour or do I need to stay and babysit?"
The three stared at her like she had grown another head. The grip on her sword hilt tightened.
"Close your mouths you lack wits or you're gonna let the flies in."
Weasley spluttered and stammered, he was terrified of her, always had been. Granger silently shook her head and Dante strode out of the tent.
"Bunch of idiots, you'd thing they could utter one small syllable when I ask them a question. The incompetence."
Sliding her sword into her assassin's rig, she strode off into the surrounding forest, searching for any small sign that the camp might be at risk.