Sequel: Inside the Fire

Fake It

Walking on Air

Dante glowered at the boy called Harry Potter who, at the moment, happened to be way too close to her face.
"Why won't you tell us where we are going? What could it hurt?"
His green eyes were lit with anger but Dante's mouth stayed in a firm line.
"If I've told you once, I've told you twice. I'm not going to tell you where we're going until we get there."
Potter's eyebrows became angry slash marks over his eyes.
"I don't understand your reasoning."
"What part of 'dead or alive' don't you understand? While the Dark Lord would prefer you live, I'm sure he'd be just as happy with you dead."
Pulling the cigarette from behind her ear, Dante lit it with the lighter she had previously pulled from her pocket.
"If one of you gets captured, it's better that they don't know the new location. That way they can't have it tortured out of them. Savvy?"
Pushing her body off the tree she happened to be leaning against, Dante shoved Potter out of the way.
"Oh, and next time you get in my face like that, prepare for a broken nose."
Her braid swung out behind her as she stalked off into the woods, smiling as she heard Potter's frustrated screech and Granger's pathetic attempts to calm him down.

She didn't get far when the air pressure changed and a 'pop' was heard not more than a foot behind her. Fudoshin sang as it whipped out of the sheath and sliced through the air to land directly on the intruder's neck.
"Fine way to treat someone who's been keeping death eaters off your tail for the past month."
The sarcastic voice came from inside the hood of a black velvet cape, and the creaking of a vinyl catsuit could be heard as the person breathed. Dante's sword quickly retreated as the hood came down.
"Nice way to scare a girl Brada. I mean Anubis,you know I'm on alert."
"Sorry Danny, but I had to bring you some more ammo, just in case."
The small woman flashed a predatory smile before disappearing into thin air with another small 'pop'. Dante picked up the small duffel bag that Brada had left her. There were plas re-chargers, rifle shells, handgun clips and a myriad of other goodies. Zipping the bag up and hefting it over her shoulder, Danny walked back towards the camp deciding she would move them tonight. Because if Brada could find her, it was only a matter of time before the death eaters followed.
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this is Brada's second appearance in my story. Dante Valentine still has no idea what she is.