Sequel: Inside the Fire

Fake It

Crimes Against the Heart

Dante had been waiting in the park for about two hours, and it was beginning to get dark. She took out the silver pocket watch that had once belonged to a dear friend and checked the time.

"Almost 6 already, where is that blasted man?"
She mumbled to herself as she got up to stretch her legs. She was about to give up on him as she heard him apparate under with willow tree with a small pop.

Turning she replaced the pocket watch to the cleverly hidden pocket in the Victorian style skirt she wore.
"You do realize I've been waiting for over two hours Severus? I'd just about given up on you." Dante said with a mocking tone, knowing it would irritate him, on account of that fact that he was almost never late for anything.

"And you would have waited longer if I saw fit."
Severus growled in a tone that made a shiver run down her spine. His voice always made her shiver in some small way, whether in anticipation or fear.

"Nice to see you too Professor."
Dante mumbled under her breath.
"Might I inquire as to why I am out of bed before sundown? This is rather unusual of you to make me drag myself out of bed before dark."
To be honest, she was puzzled as to why he asked to meet her so early. He didn't usually even contact her until well after dark when she could safely venture out into the world.
"I called you out so early for good reason Dante and you know it."
Severus growled in warning.

"Yes but for what reason Severus?"