Sequel: Inside the Fire

Fake It

Fully Alive

Adrenaline surged through Dante's veins as the sweat coursed down the back of her neck. Somehow, they'd been found. She'd sent the others ahead as soon as she'd heard the very un-stealthy approach of the intruders. The black grease paint she'd smeared on kept her from being detected as she ghosted stragglers in the intruding party. The blood that mixed with the black paint made her look like a demon out of someone's worst nightmare. The blade in her hand was smeared with crimson that dripped ever so slightly onto the tree she was perched in. She eyed the party, hunting for her next victim. She spotted one near the back, stumbling and trying to keep up but failing miserably.
"You're next"
she whispered. She silently leaped from her tree to the next one. She took a dagger from her belt and threw i right at the straggler's throat. It struck, cutting into his windpipe. He fell with a soft gurgle. She threw herself from the tree and plunged the blade into his heart. There were about 5 of them left. If she kept on the way she was going, they'd all be dead before they knew what hit them. She chose her next target and proceeded from there.

Blood dripped from her face as she threw the last body onto the pile. Taking out her wand, she set the pile of bodies on fire.
"Good enough."
She wiped her face, grimacing as she felt a chunk of something come off with the blood. It was probably skull, but she didn't want to look. She pushed a chunk of blood soaked hair out of her face, "I'm getting to old for this." Her body protested her every move. She cleaned off her katana and sheathed it. Gagging at the smell of burnt hair and flesh, she doused the embers of the fire. Grabbing her bag, she swung herself onto the back of her bike and set off towards Severus' house. The 'Golden One' could take care of himself for a night. After what she'd just done, she needed a shower and the sarcastic comfort of Severus' company.
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The death eaters didn't realize their comrades were missing until it was too late. Dante has done assassin work before. She doesn't particularly like it, but sometimes it pays the bills.