Sequel: Inside the Fire

Fake It

White Horse

She was a ball in the bottom of the shower. Her black hair was stuck to her back and face in wet bloody clumps. Her eyes were barely visible above her knees as she stared blankly at the opposite wall of the shower. Unmovable, like a rock. Not even the cold air from the open shower door made her blink.
His voice made her brain begin moving again, slowly at first.
"Dante, you need to move."

Her mismatched eyes flickered in his direction but she was otherwise dead to the world. "Come on, I know you can hear me."
Severus waited a few more minutes before sighing in an exasperated manner. He stripped of his black silk pajamas and got under the steaming water behind her.
"Up you go, let's get this blood out of your hair."
He hauled her up off the floor of the shower as gently as he could, which to Dante, was not very gentle at all.
She mumbled under her breath.
Severus knew exactly what she had called him, but he was attempting a bit of sympathy, she seemed lost.
"Nothing, nothing at all."
Her eyes closed again as she leaned against him. Grabbing the shampoo bottle, he squirted a big glob on her head.
"Scrub, I don't want to smell blood and decaying brain."
She smiled sarcastically at his snappy tone.
"Yes, master, of course master."
He scowled at her cheekiness
"Oh shut up and scrub you lazy wench."

Glowering, she begrudgingly began to scrub the blood and other nasty bits out of her hair. "You know, if I wanted abuse I would've have followed Potter and his annoying little friends." She pushed her very soapy head under the shower head.
"You're lucky I haven't beat you to a pulp for just leaving them like that."
"I didn't leave them, I sent them on their merry way and got to slaughtering the death eater search party. So don't bitch at me Severus, I'm not in the mood for a screaming match right now."
He grumbled something incoherent and began scrubbing the blood on her back.
"When are you going back?"
"Tomorrow, can't leave the little idiots for too long, they might get themselves killed."

The hand scrubbing her back made its way around to her front as he pulled her body back against his. His lips and teeth made their way down the side of her neck leaving small bruises along her flesh. She leaned her head back against his shoulder as his other hand began to play with her breasts. Severus suddenly pulled her around to face him, capturing her mouth roughly with his. Dante's arms wrapped themselves around his body as he lifted her up and pushed her against the wall. He slid into her roughly, eliciting a small scream from her. His teeth ripped her lip open and she smiled when he attacked her mouth again, regardless of the blood. Their tongues did a slippery tango as their bodies joined roughly again and again. Pulling his head back, she began biting his neck. Groaning He began thrusting into her faster. Lips and teeth ground together in a rough kiss as they both came. Dante slowly slid down the front of Severus' body, as they both panted. Severus reached over and turned off the shower. Holding out his hand, he pulled Dante out of the shower and they headed into the darkness of the bedroom.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is not the first time Severus has found Dante curled up in a bloody ball on the floor of his shower.