Sequel: Inside the Fire

Fake It

Everything Burns

Severus began to pace nervously, as if the answer to Dante's question would ruin the world. His brow furrowed as he tried to find the right words. He opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it and continued his pacing.

"Anubis et'her ka. Just spit it out already Severus, I don't have all night."
Dante spat, getting impatient with his lack of communication. Her rings were spitting gold sparks as a sign of her inpatients and growing hunger. The emerald embedded into her cheek threw a green spark as the tattoo on her cheek writhed.

He sighed, a look of pained sorrow coming to his face.
"I have a favor to ask of you Dante. I need this done by someone I can trust."
Dante let a puzzled look come to her face. She had no idea why she even agreed to come speak to him, especially after he had killed the Headmaster, but he had explained everything, even shown her the memories, and he was friend.

Friend, an odd thing to call the man she had looked up to for most of her life, and had fallen in love with, unbeknownst to him. It was an odd situation all around, considering he still loved Lily Evans, even though she was long dead.

"What is the task Severus? It must be awfully important to have called me into this."
She began toying with the ankh necklace she always wore. After about ten minutes of complete silence between the two, finally spoke.
"I need you to find Potter, and....keep him safe." Her eyes widened.
"You want me to do what?! No way Severus Snape. Not even for you would I protect that little prick. I'm not getting into this war."

Picking up her sword from where it leaned against the bench, she began to walk away.
"You will be part of this whether you want it or not."
Severus' tone was menacing and low.
"Because if Potter dies before he kills the Dark Lord, who do you think will be next on his list Dante? You."
That last statement stopped her dead in her tracks. She knew her time would be limited if Potter didn't succeed. She was in danger as it was, just doing what she was doing.

"I know that. But I won't protect him, not for you, not for anyone. I hate him"
And with that last sentence, Dante stalked off into the darkness, not looking back to see the lost expression on Severus Snape's face and she walked away.