Sequel: Inside the Fire

Fake It

There's a Class for This

Dante slammed the door to her flat, the impact of the door against the frame making her entire living area shake. Taking off her top hat she threw it across the room. It was soon followed by her trench coat, and the fluffy over skirt she had worn to meet Severus.

"The nerve of that man! I can't believe he even asked me to-UGH!"
Dante's rage knew no limits at that point as fragile things that decorated her flat began smashing against the walls. After awhile, she ran out of things to break. She sat in the middle of the wreckage that at one point was her beautifully decorated flat. Shards of glass, crystal, and porcelain could be seen dotting the black carpet with sharp, sparkly points of light.

Sighing, she picked her way across her destroyed living room to the dark sanctuary of her bedroom. Slamming the door and flipping on the light, she gazed around the only room in her flat she truly enjoyed. The bed was a large four poster that took up most of the space. A dark purple and black gauze canopy hung from the rails to shroud dark purple, midnight blue, and black bedding. The walls and ceiling were black with a dotting of silver stars scattered across them.

She threw herself onto the cushy sanctuary that was her bed. Grabbing her mirror she stared at the tattoo that graced her cheek. It had caused her more pain and suffering in her short life than anything probably ever would. She was proud to be a Necromance, a chosen of Anubis, but the taunts she had received when she was a child still haunted her.

A young Dante walks home from the playground by herself. She is eleven and will be starting at Hogwarts in September. For once she is smiling and happy. A nine year old Harry Potter comes into view and he has something in his hands. Dante waves to Harry, the emerald in her cheek flashing in the sunlight. Harry sneers at her and throws something. It's a rock. The rock hits Dante in the forehead, leaving a gash that immediately starts to bleed. She has a shocked look on her face. Putting her hand up to where the rock hit her, she feels the blood and starts to cry.
"Why Harry? What did I do?"
Dante screamed, feeling betrayed by the one person she thought was her friend.
"You're even more of a freak than I am Dante Valentine. You have a tattoo on your face. Weirdo!"
Harry’s taunts become increasingly more hurtful and Dante runs away.

"You bastard"
Dante said as she rolled onto her side and stared at the wall.
"You worthless bastard"