Sequel: Inside the Fire

Fake It

Remember that it's all in Your Head

Severus stood silently and watched as Dante raged at him.
"How could you even think I would agree to this Severus?! You know that I hate him. HOW COULD YOU?!"
Her last statement made him wince slightly.
"You can do this Dante-"
He was swiftly interrupted by Dante's hand hitting his face with a sharp 'crack'.
"It is not a matter of can I or can't I Severus."
His name was a dripping, poisonous word that she spat as if it disgusted her.
"It's a matter of will I or won't I. And I won't. I refuse to help him."

Severus reached up and rubbed the hand print he knew was visible on his pale cheek.
"How many things have I asked of you in the past Dante?"
His voice was a quiet warning in the silence of the flat.
"Anything else you could have asked of me, anything else and I would have agreed. But not this, not this."
She turned from him and walked to the sanctuary of her room, slamming the door and locking it, a visible representation of how she was locking him out, not only from her room, but from her life at this point. He knew she was furious, but he knew she would soon crack under his constant pleading.
"You will do this for me Dante Valentine, not only because I ask it of you, but because you know you must."
And with that, he apparated out of her home.

Dante slid down her bedroom door. She couldn't believe what she had done. She'd slapped him, raged at him, and cursed him. And he just stood there and took it. Though his eyes showed the rage he was fighting to hide from her.
She screamed, letting her anger dissipate.
"Damn you Severus Snape, damn you to hell."
She said quietly as she began to get dressed.

Later that evening, she knocked on the door of a small cabin outside of London.
"Open the fucking door Sev I know you're still home."
Her voice threatening in the darkness outside the door.
"Sekhmet sa'es"
She prayed as she kicked open the door. Severus stood there, his black eyes flashing in anger as she strode in.
"Was that truly necessary Ms. Valentine?"
"Oh now it's Ms. Valentine? What happened to Dante, Professor?"
That title was the last straw.
"I've come to do your damn job! What more do you want from me?"