Sequel: Inside the Fire

Fake It

Borrowed Time

Dante lit another fag as she checked her com-link. It was a device that was a mix between modern Norm technologies (Non magical people. She hated the word Muggle) and Magic. She scanned the areas around London looking for the red dot that was Harry Potter. She'd put a tracking bug on him in school so she could get away before his friends found her.

Finding nothing, she dropped the smoldering cancer stick and ground out the embers. Getting back on her bike, turned toward her flat, hoping to change clothes and catch a quick nap before she had to leave again.

After a short half-hour nap, a change of clothes, and a frozen waffle, Dante was back out on the prowl searching for Harry Potter. Outside of London, she took another scan of her com-link. She spotted the red blip on the screen and grinned.
"Found you dipshit."
She whispered to the tiny red dot. She gunned the bike toward the river and followed the road till she hit the woods. From there she went on foot.

After an hour of hiking, she spotted the tent through the trees. She quietly snuck up and listened, all she heard were quiet snores. Opening the flap quietly, she walked in, pulled up a chair and sat down, waiting for the 'Golden Trio' to wake up. While she waited, she sent a message via her magic to Severus. It simply stated
"I've found him. Now what?"