Forgetting You but Not the Time

A hard Life

Heather was in a 7-11 bagging groceries. The day was sunny and warm in Oakland, California. Heather had her work uniform on and her black hair up in a clip. A thunderstorm was starting to come in the distance.
"I have to get out of this town." Heather said repeating the words over and over to herself. She grabbed the cereal box and dragged it over the scanner. She bagged it and gave it to the costumer. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the "popular" kids from her school. Heather dropped out of school when she was sixteen, she just couldn't take any of it. As the kids got closer they noticed Heather.
"Look who it is. Miss High School dropout. Face it your nothing." James out of the crowd said. At school Heather was labeled as a punk. She was in to rock and wore black.
"Fuck off, James." Heather said looking away. The boys behind James stopped laughing.
"What did you say to me?"
"I said Fuck off." The rage started to run through him. The grocery store was quiet. Only the employees in the back were there. James brought back his fist and was just about to hit Heather.
"I will see you after work." James pushed Heather back and walked outside the store. Heather was sick of it, she got beat up all of the time. The time had come for her to get off work. Heather checked out and headed outside. When she got out the door she spotted James and his friends in the alley. She got outside and closed the door without making a sound. Heather started walking to the starbucks across the street. 'I hope James don't hear me. ' Heather thought quietly to herself. Just then she felt a hand on her shoulder. She spun around and saw James and his friends.
"You think you could run from me?"
"Fuck you, asshole. I'm sick of your shit." Heather said trying to get away from James's grip. James rage was running. James drew back his fist and punched Heather in the jaw, with his friends holding her. Heather fell to the ground.
"Don't ever call me a asshole." James said kicking Heather in the stomach. Heather drew her hands to her stomach trying to breath. After a few more kicks to the stomach, she pasted out in the alley.
"Oh Shit." said James as he grabbed his friends and ran out of the alley. Heather layed on the cement cut up with bruises and broken bones.
The Sweet Children trio was just walking out of a bar in Oakland. It was about 1am and raining. The thunder rang threw out the sky.
"John. This way." Billie Joe said pointing down the alley. Mike was holding on to Billie barely walking. Billie only had a few beers that night. Mike was mumbling to himself while walking. Billlie was about to fall over himself trying to support Mike's and John's weight. Billie saw something in the alley. He lead Mike and John over to the bench in the alley.
"You guys set here and don't do anything stupid." Billie said walking over to something in the alley. There was water puddles everywhere. Billie started to get closer to whatever it was in the alley. Just then a strike of lighting lite up the sky. Billie froze and saw what was laying in the alley. Billie started running up to the girl to see if she was ok. He checked her pulse.
"She's freezing." Billie stated taking off his jacket and putting it around her. He picked her up in his arms and walked over to John and Mike. John was talking to his self and Mike was passed out.
"Fuck." Billie said looking around. He layed the girl by the bench and went to the nearest pay phone.
"Yes... We are at East 12th street... Yea... No... Bye." Billie said hanging up the cell phone. After awhile the taxi came and picked up John and Mike. Billie picked up the girl he had found and started walking to his car. When he got to the car it was around 3 am and pouring rain. Billie Joe opened the back door to his truck and put her in the backseat. Billie then got in the car and headed down to Mike's house. Billie was thinking in the car what he was going to do with the girl. Billie got to Mike's house and carried the girl in and layed her on the couch. Billie started to look around for Mike. Surprisingly he found him drinking coffee in the kitchen awake.
"Wow, what happened? Your wide awake."
"I couldn't sleep." Mike answered.
"Well, there's something for you laying on the couch." Billie said with a smile. Mike started to smile and got up. He made it to the living room and looked on the couch.
"What the hell?" he said aloud. Billie Joe just started to walk in the living room.
"Yeah I found her in the alley we was walking down. I found her passed out. It looks like someone beat her up." Billie leaned on the doorway.
"Lets take her on tour with us. She looks pretty cute." Mike said with a big grin.
"Mike we can't. This is our first tour. She might get in the way and I don't want anyone to fight over her. She don't even know us." Billie said moving closer to the girl he found in the alley way.
"Then, What are we going to do with her Billie?"
"I was thinking about that and she could go to Tunny's house." Billie said shuffling his feet.
"I guess." Mike said sadly and grabbed his keys. Billie picked up the girl and toke her to the car. Mike jumped in a drove to Tunny's house. It was five in the morning and still raining. Outside of the car you could hear the car hit the water puddles. Billie sat listening the breathing of the girl he found. They arrived at Tunny's house and went in. Tunny was on the couch watching TV.
"Whats up, BJ?" Tunny said shifting his eyes from the TV to the girl thats in Billie's arms.
"Nothing much." Billie said laying the girl on the couch across from Tunny.
"Who's the girl?" Tunny said shutting of the TV.
"I found her in a alley. I was wondering if you can take care of her because we have our tour and everything." Billie said talking fast, hoping Tunny would say yes.
"Yeah sure. When are you leaving?"
"As soon as we get out of here." said Billie looking down to his watch.