Blood of Darkness

Chapter 1

Chapter 1
The Rozellen mansion is a truly magnificent mansion and heart of the holy city. I have lived in it for 2 years with my uncle Dan. My sisters, Saya and Azura, live with my mother and father in Volidora, the royal city. We are each a year apart. Although Saya and Azura are two years apart, they look like twins. I am the odd ball, but something is odd about the entire royal family. We are the only ones left in the world. Our people are even afraid of us. We are vampires with blood of darkness.

I awoke from my never changing dream of me in someone’s point of view killing innocent people. Red eyed monsters destroying the royal city. I sigh for I have gotten use to the dream even though it still terrifies me. I ran my fingers though my long black hair and I got up. I slipped over my white night grown my red robe and looked at myself in the mirror. I always had a gorgeous body figure, pale skin, and dark brown eyes that occasionally changed red. I rustled my hair and hurried down stairs to the dinning room.
“Morning Uncle.” I said taking my seat.
Hagi entered lazily and sat down. His brown hair was messy, and you could see his boxers. His drop dead gorgeous abs showed though his barley closed rope.
“Morning sleepy head sleep well.” I said eating my cereal. “When are we practicing combat?”
“After I am done, we will start.” He said with a mouth full of oat meal.
I finished up my cereal and gave the maid my bowl.
“Ok, I’m done.”
I moved towards the door. Dan stopped me instantly by his voice.
“Dear, we need to talk after combat, okay?”
I nodded and exited. I went to my room and got ready. My uncle was going to bring it up I knew it.

* * * * * *

“Okay, Voliet call forth your blade.” Hagi called from the other side of the white circle.
“Hey! Wait for us!” A group of voices called out. They were Luke, Asch, Axel, Guy, and Adura.
They are all my good friends. They were all out of breath expect for Adura. She always keeps her composure.
“We wanted to see you today.” Asch said when he caught his breath.
“More like bet on who’s going to win.” Luke whispered.
“Well Adura, Axel, and I always enjoy watching you Voliet.” Guy said.
“Okay enough talk lets begin call your sword.” Hagi said eagerly.
“From the darkness in thy blood I call you, Lucreta. I will combine thy blood with your strong steel and make you the sword of protect of Volidora.”

A sword shining silver with a red crystal as the handle arose from the deeps. We stood ready with our swords. Guy rose, and his arms went up as he shouted.
Swords clashed multiple times. I jumped back and readied my attack.
Light spurred out of my hand and hit him. He recovered quickly and appeared be hide me.
“Eat this!”
He hit me directly making a straight line of blood on my arm. I turned and tried to punch him.
“Too late, Voliet.”
“Wrong!” I yelled.
My eyes turned deep red and my body was taken over by Lucreta.
“Now foolish gura try and dodge this!”
Lucreta’s voice spoke hers is slightly lower than mine and a bit demonic. She got a hold of him and landed the punch. He stumbled and fell down in front of her. She was too fast and pushed him at the neck to the wall. She clutched her fist and readied Ruin.
“Ah!” he screamed as he struggled to get away.
My eyes changed back, and I dropped him. I looked at my hand blood stained. I started walking away.
“I’m sorry, Hagi.”
“Don’t worry it will heal up quickly, but my shirt is another story. What a stain that will be.” He said with a cheesy smile.
“Haha I’ll get you a new one.”
“Hey! Who won Luke thinks its Hagi.” Axel yelled.
“Nope, Voliet is clearly the winner.” Guy said, “She showed great skill, power, and to add to the fact that she’s totally cute.”
I ran up to him and playfully punched him in the arm.
“Aw your so sweet, Guy.”
“Hey Voliet don’t you need to talk to your uncle.” Hagi said poking me.
“Oh yeah.”
I kissed Guy, Luke, Asch, Hagi, and Axel on the cheek and ran off.
“Bye Adura.”

* * * * * *

I opened the door to my uncle’s study. I saw him slopped over his magik work. He is the top magik researcher in the land.
“You wanted to see me?” I said tapping his shoulder.
“Ah yes, Voliet, my dear, I did. Your father and I have talked.”
I cut him off before he could say anymore.
“And he wants to see me, wants me to come home after what he did.”
“Voliet, he is your father just let him see you on your 16th birthday.”
“But, how could I? After Hagi and I left he didn’t want anything to do with me. Why now!” I practically yelled.
“Voliet, he has changed and realized he was wrong about Hagi. He just wants to be your father again.” He patted my shoulder to calm me.
“Fine, I’ll give him a chance.”
I walked towards the door.
“But if he misses up, I swear by Yoru, he will never see my face again.”

* * * *

Later in my room, Hagi and I discussed the details and we decided to leave tomorrow and arrive on my birthday.
“Do you truly believe he changed, Hagi?”
I was packing for the trip and pacing back and forth from my closet.
“He seems to considering the letter he wrote to your uncle.” He said holding the letter to me.
I slapped it away.
“I don’t want to see his begging and pleading in a letter. If he truly wants forgiveness he must ask in person.” I said shoving my lesson books in.
Hagi arose from the end of my bed and started toward the door.
“Everyone deserves another chance, Voliet; forgiveness is earned rather than given. Fights are started by many things but forgiveness usually follows no matter how bad the crime.”
I slammed my suitcase shut hard and turned around, but he was gone. I noticed he left the letter on my desk. I picked it up and threw it in.