Blood of Darkness

Chapter 2

Chapter 2
In the morning, everyone including: Luke, Asch, Axel, Guy, and Adura, were a waiting at the gate bags packed. Overjoyed, I ran to them.
“Hey you guys don’t have to come with.”
Luke put his arm around me.
“We have to or we will miss your birthday, cuz.”
Asch swung his arm on the other side of me.
“Yea, how could you expect us to miss our favorite cousin’s birthday?”
The two of them are twins. They are similar, but Asch has long hair and Luke cut his short.
“Voliet we can’t stand by and let you go alone with Hagi. He can be a boar sometimes.” Guy said stepping forward.
He is a friend of Luke and Asch’s since forever. He is a cute corky guy with beach blond hair. He is really sweet, but he is distant to me sometimes.
“You definitely can’t think of your best friend missing your birthday either unless you don’t want your present.”
Adura said holding up a bag. She has been my best friend for like ever. She and I aren’t that different. She has always had a hot body, and a loveable personality.
“And you Axel aren’t you going to say anything.”
I said moving to him. He was hidden be hide a tree. He has always been watching from a distant. He is my uncle’s son, but I never really got to know him. He always seems every dark.
Dissatisfied I turned around and joined the others.
“You guys are amazing, but where is Hagi?”
Then as if he heard me from afar he appeared. He was pulling a large tote, his hair a complete mess. His eyes seemed excited yet sleepy, and somehow it was completely adorable. I ruffled with his hair trying to fix it.
“Hey, sleepy. Let’s get going.”
“Hey you too, if you continue to try to fix my hair then we will be late.”
“Oh yes lets go.”

* * * * * *

When we arrived we saw our ship. It was huge and golden. The captain came to meet us. He looked 35 wore a white military uniform and had a stride Adura seem to adore. I leaned towards her.
“Who’s that?”
“Oh my gosh that’s Jake Curtuss. He’s the military head of your country duh.” She explained sounding completely infatuated by him.
“Oh ok.”
He approached me first and toke my hand.
“You Highness, what a wonderful day to set sail with your lovely friends.” He smiled and moved to kiss Adura’s hand.
Of course she giggled uncontrollably. Then once he regained his composure he said.
“Ok let us aboard the navy’s best, Tartaric.”

Just then from a nearby tree, Holland, Collen, and Chad jumped out. They are the three royal generals in control of making sure my sisters and I have protection. My assigned general was Collen. Holland approached me and bowed.
“Princess, I have a fair warning. There have been reports of some weird kidnappers on the sea, and to assure you arrive safely. Collen, Chad, and I will accompany you.”
“This is my fathers doing isn’t it.”
I cut him off.
“Ok but keep your distance I don’t wish to be babied.”
“Yes my princess.” They all said in unison. They put their hand over their chest and bowed.

* * * * * *

The following night at the bow of the Tartaric, I stood at the railing watching the waves move. The wind picked up and toke my hair and dress with it. My dress fluttered beautifully in the breeze.
“Huh, the breeze is nice right, Hagi.” I said because I could feel him close behind me.
“How’d you know?”
“I can feel it in my soul when you’re close; it gets all warm and fuzzy inside.” I turned and smiled at him.
“You know he hasn’t changed his mind.”
My smile faded by the mention of it.
“Yea I know.”
“You’re going to marry William no matter what.”
He moved closer about a few centimeters away.
“But I want to marry my true love, you. He argues it’s for the country, but it’s for his own wealth.”
“You know that night is still clear in my head. The night, you told him everything.”
2 Years Ago…
The handsome jeweled prince ran away in anger. My father looked at me disappointed. My arms crossed clearly pissed off.
“Another spoiled brat prince. Father… Just stop!” I yelled.
My father as radiant as he pretended to be began to fade as he looked at me. Disappointed and worried crossed over his face.
“Voliet, what are you saying?”
“Father, I’m done. They all will never compare to H…”
I put my hand over my mouth before I could finish.
“Who?! Voliet by the great Yoru tell me!”
He yelled. He never yelled before, it was loud and powerful ripping though the silent throne room. I closed my eyes, for I figured I couldn’t hide it anymore.
“Hagi, I LOVE HAGI!”

When I opened my eyes, my father was red with anger.
“What?! Is he the adopted son of Dan? The one you saved from dying with your blood which caused him to be your gura by force? The raggedy useless lowborn!”
He stood up and walked towards me.
“Father! He loves me and I love him. I loved him ever since I met him at that the age of 10.”
He grasped my hand and squeezed hard.
“You would disgrace of the entire royal family of Validora. If you be with him then I with no chose will have to throw you in the streets. Do you want that to happen you will marry who I chose?”
He squeezed harder as his hand started glowing green. Blood started to trickle down my arm like my tears on my face.
“Ow! Father Stop!” I yelled repeatedly.
His green eyes brighten and I heard my bones start to break. He dropped it and slapped me across the face.
“This is for your country. You would kill your own people.”
“You! You will never understand!”
I got up and ran out of the room holding my bleeding hand. I was desperately searching for Hagi. I ran passed Azura and Saya. They seemed scared but didn’t stop me. Then I found Hagi; he freaked, but he knew what happened. We got out to of there and ran to my uncles.
I wiped my tears, and stepped out of Hagi’s embrace. I faced the sea too ashamed for him to see me cry.
“And Uncle Dan has kept us and treated us good like a father all those years.”
“And we shall miss him while we are gone.”
“Hagi promise me something.”
He stepped closer, so he was pressed against my back and grasped my arms gently.
“Anything you want my princess.”
“Promise me that no matter what happens in the end we will return to this peaceful place together, and that I’m not alone with my father. I fear he is more of a threat than the kidnappers.”
“Of course Voliet, I will protect you from any harm and bring you home.”
I gasped to let out the overpowering scare.
“Thank you I could ask nothing more of you.”
“You saved my life from a wild monster that nearly drained all my blood. I owe you my life in return.”
I broke out bawling and squeezing the railing.
“The only reason you say that is because you have no choice. I forced it upon you, and both you and I suffer. My blood forces you to do what I command.”
He softened his grip and tuned me around wiping tears that kept coming.
“No Voliet, I say it because I love you, and I have to say if anyone commanded me I’m glad it was you.”
“I wish the horrid day never came, and when I get back, I fear that something bad waits.”
He pressed his lips against mine tenderly. I never noticed how he made me feel. I felt normal and not a monster for once in my life. The kiss was sweet at first than moved to passionate. I heard someone approach from behind. I parted and realized it was Guy. He just stared at me with jealous envy eyes.
“Hey Guy, what are you doing up.” I said.
I tried to move closer, but then he gave me the saddest look and ran away.
“I wonder what’s wrong with him. Come princess it is late and we must sleep.”
“Yes, my gura.”