Blood of Darkness

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Moonlight Island has always been covered with a purple fog. It is the oldest place in the whole continent. It held the Great Yoru church and ancient relics. William’s mansion was at the highest point in Pixie Forest.
“Well it will be a long time till I reach the mansion.”
I closed my eyes and breathed in clearing my mind. When I opened them they changed to a deep red.
“Time to find the beast”
A lightly demonic voice replaced mine. I ran fast as light down the trail. I jumped up a tree and started running the tree tops towards the mansion which was on top a hill. In the mansion, William woke up abruptly frightened.
“She is here, so soon my bride. I must prepare for her.”
He chuckled to himself.
“Little Azura you want to see your sister marry don’t you.”
Azura looked scared into his eyes. William gave her a kiss on the cheek. She tried to struggle away from him. He held her still my squeezing her cheeks together. He noticed a tear drip down her cheek he wiped it away.
“My dear little flower, you shouldn’t cry you must see me become Voliet’s gura. This would make more capable to control her power. You’re pretty like your sister you know …” He said moving his face closer to hers. “But you are too native and weak. I want Voliet. Mother always said the stronger the better. Ah, Aierth may you rest in peace.”
I rested on a tree near the manor. I could sense two powerful sources, and one overpowering, William. Who or what was the other one. I jumped to one window and looked though.
“Huh, Is that Azura?”

Meanwhile at port, everyone got off the boat running. Guy frankly turned around and looked at Adura.
“Where is she, Adura?”
“She is 20 miles within the forest. Hurry!”
Luke and Asch pulled out their weapons a axe and sword.
“Heads up!” They said.
Axel dropped down from one of the trees. Luke relaxed.
“Whew it’s just Axel. Have you seen Voliet?”
Asch raised his axe.
“Luke, his is not here to find Voliet. He is here to stop us. Think a little why was he not at the castle when we left.”
Axel drew his flaming swords.
“Yes, Master William wishes to be alone with her.”
Adura stepped forward.
“What happened to you, Axel?”
“You will not interfere!”
He went after Adura, but Asch stopped him in his tracks.
“Go! Adura, Luke, and I will hold him back.”
Asch pushed him back, and Adura turned to them.
“May Yoru be with you.”

I slowly opened the window and quietly climbed in.
How could he kidnap my sister? He will truly pay. “Azura, are you ok?”
I started taking the tape off her mouth.
“Voliet, you need to get far away from here.”
I held her hands. She was shaking.
“What are you talking about? I need to get you out of here before he comes.”
“No! Leave me you need to go! He is using us for our powers.”
“Do you know what he is planning?”
“He wants you and your power to do something terrible. I don’t know everything yet, but I know it’s bad. Now please go!”
“What about you?”
“I’m nothing but a sacrifice.”
“What?! You’re coming with me.”
“No I’m not. Voliet don’t let the past play over. Go and make a better future stop the circle.”
I heard someone approach from be hide.
“And why would you do that?”
It was William. He had a dagger stripped to his belt.
“Your aunt would be disappointed of you, Azura.”
“You snake!” I yelled charging at him.
He threw two of his daggers at me pinning me to the wall. I was trapped.
“Those daggers are cursed only the owner can remove them. Now don’t get in my way, dear. Your sister needs to show her true self.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Aierth, the angel of destruction, your dead aunt, and your dear little sister’s her reincarnation. She holds a power to destroy this world with one word.”
“What are you planning William?”
“You shall see.”
He raised a dagger to his wrist.
“Oh Aierth, Angel of Destruction, come before us. With thy blood the mother of darkness shall awake.”
He toke Azura into his grasp. She didn’t fight him off at all. I struggled to move.
“William! What are you doing to her?”
“Mother is going to kill her blood replacing it with her own.”
He raised his bleeding arm to her mouth and she started to drink.
“Once Mother is alive again, she will wreak havoc with her army of dark monsters. You’ve seen it in your dreams, Voliet, haven’t you? Blood sucking monsters, they are not so different from us. We are all fallen angels trying to regain something we lost. Come fight with us, Voliet, like before with the queen of darkness and her son.”
Azura dropped lifeless to the floor, but nothing happened; I lost it.
“Stop it you’re lying! I won’t do that. I would do anything to stop you from killing just stop hurting her.” I yelled and tears streamed down my face.
William appeared next my face and moved my eyes to his line of sight.
“Anything you say?”
“I’ll do anything to stop that from happening. I‘d even marry you.”
I closed my eyes as he removed my sword and let me down. He got down on his knees.
“My flower will you marry me. I promise to never kill again.”
Azura raised her head weakly.
“Voliet, don’t he is lying!”
Hagi and Guy then busted in the room and yelled at the same time.
“Stop, Voliet!”
“Back away!” I said and Hagi stopped in his tracks, “It is for the sake of the world. William, I will, but I shall let you know you will never have my full love.”
“That will change, Vi, for we are destined since the time we fell from the heavens to be together.”
“Vi don’t do this!” Hagi said.
“Hm, you’re too late, Hagi.”
William raised the dagger to strike. A flash of white light appeared when I closed my eyes. When I opened them it was a sight I never want to see again.
His blue eyes filled with pain and fear. He tried to pull out the dagger from where it impacted his heart. There was a rush of shock and sad came to me.
I ran to catch him and he started to tip over. I frankly tried to stop his bleeding with tears falling. He reached up and brushed my cheek.
“Voliet don’t cry for me. You can not save me. My only regret is not telling you.”
I ran my fingers though his sandy blond hair.
“My sweet Guy, tell me what?”
“I… love you.” He said as his life drafting away.
“No! No, no, no don’t die please oh goddess.”
Hagi hand comforted me as I cried into Guys chest.
“Vi… he doesn’t have to.”
I looked up. I knew what he meant. William seem to perk up as he heard that.
“I finally get to see your special power. You are the Angel of Restoration, Soul Healer and Curser.”
“Her power is not a curse. It is a blessing from the goddess.” Hagi said.
I gripped the dagger beside him.
Do you truly want him to end up like Hagi, a voice in my head said.
“You may never forgive me, but it is the only way.”
I slit my wrist and dripped the blood into his wound.
“By thy blood of darkness that flows though my veins as a given rite from the goddess, I declare you mine. A wavering death and shall live a life of servitude. Protection and power received from me forever more.”

He began to turn and twist uncontrollably. His eyes turned to red like Hagi’s. The wound closed, and his bright red veins glowed all though his body. I could start feeling his aching and fear. He moved hungrily towards me. I closed my eyes, for I knew what was coming. He pulled me to him and put his mouth on my neck. Then with his new found fangs he broke the skin sending splats of blood falling. He drank and felt as his power grew and grew. His appearance started to change as he grew black curled horns, longer hair and like with Hagi‘s transformation black and white wings. He was starting to drain me. I tried to push him off, but he grew too strong. I had to use force.
I aimed at my neck and closed my eyes. My vision got blurry and we fell to the floor. Hagi hurried pick me up.
“William get Guy now!”