Blood of Darkness

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

When I awoke we were on a tilted ground. I looked up, and the sky was white the only color was blossom trees. A fountain, with a angel statue in the center, separated me and the others. Hagi stood beside Guy, who was still unconscious, transformed with white horns and wings like Guy’s, and black and white. I stood up noticing my outfit change to a throne design dress. My long black hair flowed down my back. I approached Hagi and Guy. I smiled at Hagi.
“This is all too similar.” I said.
“But you’re not alone and crying or am I wrong about one of those.”
A single tear slit down my cheek. I looked at Guy’s lifeless body and then to Hagi.
“Do you think he will forgive me?”
“You have done nothing wrong. You saved him, so he will be gracious.”
I looked back at Guy.
“Rise Sir Guy.”
Guy instantly rose and quickly hugged me.
“Vi! Am I in heaven because you look like a angel to me?”
“Guy… you are not. You are in the Garden of Reborn. I brought you back from the dead.”
“What for real?”
“Guy, it’s not as good as you think…”
Hagi put his hand on my shoulder.
“She is here, Voliet.”
It was the goddess, mother of all, Yoru. Her hair was golden and was bared footed in a white dress. We all bowed at her presence.
“Aw, Voliet Landve Validora, you have chosen another servant, arise my daughter.”
Guy whispered to himself, “Servant?”
“Yes holy mother my reason was as the same as the last to save a loved.”
“Daughter, a reason you always chose, I will grant it. I have a dangerous errand I place upon you.”
“What is it?”
“My other Daughters and Sons will turn to evil. They will try to corrupt you like before. You must stop them.”
“Do you speak of William?”
“Yes, known as Wez at the beginning, but I speak of one more.”
“Axel…” Guy and Hagi said in unison.
“Yes the son’s of Sophia and Aierth have turned to evil and I believe you have the power to save them and help them chose light.”
“I shall do as you command.”
“Before I leave, Guy Luxford, I grant you your full powers to protect Voliet on her quest and the many more to come.”
“Thank you, holy mother, you are a true help.”
Suddenly everyone vanished, but a new person replaced where Yoru stood. The stranger was in a shadowed cloak. His essence glowed dark. I stepped forward to get a look.
“Who are you?”
“A traitor of love and was made a trapped soul same as you.”
“Whose soul how could you enter my realm.”
“Angel of Tuz Et Tenebra, you are not able to allow people in or out of the Garden of Reborn. You only guard it and keep it alive, and my dear that is why I need you.”
He removed his hood. He was gruesome looking, but familiar. His skin and eyes were a dark gray. He had two long golden horns. He was Yoru’s twin and soul mate, Ruyo.
“Ruyo, leave now, or I will kill you.”
“My dear daughter Lucreta, you are too good to do that.”
“I’m not Lucreta”
“Ah not yet, but you carry her dark soul. She has always brought destruction with her sisters then she turned good along with Sade. Ada has always stayed faithful to me. Please, my amor come back to the shadows and show us your destruction once more. You remember don’t you? When you first found out you‘re a demon, the night you turned 11 after you ‘saved’ Hagi. You killed everyone at your party.”
“I didn’t do what happened in my dreams. You are lying.”
I closed my eyes and saw my dream play over, like always I was in the monster’s point of view. I slashed everything innocent or not. Blood splattered everywhere. Then the view changed. The next thing I saw was the most horrible thing ever… it was me.

When I opened my eyes, I was lying on a crimson bed with white silk nightdress. I put my head in my hands and screamed. Hagi and Guy rushed to me. Hagi in his same radiance, but Guy was different. I’ve changed him.
“Are you ok?” Hagi said hugging me.
“We need to leave now.” Guy said sitting down in the chair beside the bed.
William put his head though the door.
“Are you ok, Voliet?”
I leaned into Hagi’s ear.
“I don’t want to talk now. I want to sleep.”
Guy and Hagi got up, and Hagi answered William’s question.
“She is fine. She wishes to be alone to sleep. Leave her be.”
They left, and I was alone. I cried a bit and sat there for hours just thinking too. Finding out my past, accepting William’s proposal, meeting dark itself, Royu. Asking my self questions like, how am I going to fix William and Axel? Then I heard a disturbance outside my door. I got up light headed and put my ear to the door.
“I’m her best friend. Hagi let me in.”
That must be Adura.
“I’m her sister, a princess, and you still don’t allow me in step down lowborn.”
“My ladies my only orders I receive and follow are Voliet’s, and she wishes to not be disturbed; I suggest you come back later when she is awake.”
I opened the door and Hagi stepped back.
“I am fine now. Step down, Hagi!”
He graciously bowed.
“Yes my princess.”
The girls quickly filed into the room and pulled the door closed.

“Voliet Landve Validora, don’t you ever do that to me again!” Adura said hugging me.
“Sister… William is being hysterical that you won’t see him.” Azura said.
“Let him! After what he did, he should never see me again.”
I plopped on the bed, and then Hagi walked in and closed the door.
“William is here. Do you want to talk to him?”
“No.” I said quickly.
“Yes she would.” Adura said.
I sighed in defeat.
“Fine, come in, William.”
William shuffled in wearing a purple suit. He looked… sad. Axel trailed beside him in a black suit. He approached me, kneeled down, and bowed his head.
“Voliet, I’m sorry. Guy had gotten in my way. I was just going to pin Hagi to the wall. Forgive me of my deed.”
“I don’t know what to say to you, William.”
“Please Voliet find it in you to forgive him.” Axel said.
“We shall talk when I return to Validora. I need to think, and then I shall either give you my forgiveness or banish you from my side once again. Do you understand?”
“Yes my flower, I shall see you in Validora. Oh and one more thing. Axel!”
Axel stepped forward with a black box. William opened it up to me. I was stunned, for the ring was gorgeous. It had diamonds around the band black and white, and it sparkled in the light.
“I haven’t made this official yet. Will you marry me?”
I looked over where Hagi was standing, but he was gone. I should have known. Everyone else in the room looked away expect Axel. This must really make them disgusted. I took a deep breath in.
He slipped it on and kissed my hand.
“Thank you my dear and I will see you at the wedding.” He said laughing, and disappearing into nothing along with Axel.
“So what are we going to do about them?” Adura said.
“I do not know, but I shall come up with something… um guy can I be alone now.”
Azura put her hand on my shoulder.
“Of course, tomorrow, we leave.”