

The setting is a room with chairs and a desk with paper and a basket with three small apples in it. A man named Albert sits at the desk writing. He is dressed in a stained formal shirt, vintage pants, and worn shoes. By the chair, his brother Adam paces frantically. Adam wears similar clothes but they are newer and he has a nice watch.

Albert: No, that's not right.

Albert rubs his pen against the paper as if crossing words out. He will repeat the process of writing and editing for throughout the play. Adam pauses and looks at Albert.

Adam (using dramatic gestures): Of course it's not right Albert! You were always the smart one, mother's favorite. You did well on all of your exams, except science but it was still a pass, but yet here you are a few years later in a dumpy apartment, using money from writing cheep short stories and alimony to pay for it while I have houses in England and France for selling computers and phones.

Albert (focused on writing): I'm not working on a cheep short story Adam. It's an epic novel; it should be a good start on getting money. I have some short horror stories to sell in the meantime.

Adam: Give it up Albert! You don't have a future in writing. Haven't you realized that little brother? Why don't you try working at one of my shops instead?

Albert: Why should I? I do what I love, I got a roof over my head, and food in my belly.

Adam: Do you really? You seem a lot thinner these days.

Albert: I do eat. I have a basket of apples right there. It's just that I've been writing a lot lately. I've been writing out my notes on characters. There is one character I made that I can't pin-point exactly. All I know is his name and something he does in the story but I don't have a personality, age, or any detail.

Adam: Eat while you’re thinking then. I still have jobs available at my shops, you know that right?

Albert: It is not what I intend to do with my life. Once I get this novel in motion I will be a success.

Adam: You're so sure about that? You would rather be the guy who had several short stories in a local magazine with only one novel with slight success than a successful businessman with a house and car that was a good role model for his son? Don't you want to be an inspiration to Felix?

Albert: I would rather be the unsuccessful author. It's what I currently am, but this novel will be a jump start on my career.

Adam goes to desk. He picks up an apple and takes a bite, walking back.

Adam: And to do that...

Albert: I need to get a grip on this character, yes.

Adam takes a few seconds to finish his small apple.

Adam: What's his name?

Albert: Godot. He is a Dragon Wizard that the other characters have been searching for and he was hiding all along among them.

Adam (sighs, facing his brother): So instead of writing generic horror stories you are going to try a generic fantasy novel? Bravo Tolkien. (single clap) Bravo Paolini. (single clap)

Albert (looks at Adam): Enough of that.

Adam smirks while Albert reads. A teen in jeans and leather jacket enters. This is Felix, Albert's son. Albert looks at him in acknowledgment but doesn't say anything.

Adam: Hello Felix.

Felix: Hi Uncle Adam. (looks to Albert) Hi dad. (looks back to Adam) Could you lend me some money? Bozzo broke some guitar strings. I'll pay you back.

Adam gives Felix three bills.

Felix: Thanks! See you guys later.

Felix takes an apple, bites it, and exits off stage.

Adam: But he won't see us later. He will see that guitarist, he'll see the rest of his band, he'll see his friends, he'll see his mom, and he'll see me. But not his father, because that crazy bastard is too busy writing. Most kids I know go to their parents for finances, but not Felix. He goes to his good old Uncle Adam.

Albert: I find it ironic that you encourage my son to play in his band and yet you don't support my hard-earned craft.

Adam: He's fifteen. He's young and naive about life, so he's allowed to live in this dreamland. If he thinks being in a rock band will get him girls than fine.

Albert: No, he doesn't think the band will get him girlfriends.

Adam: How would you know?

Albert: He's gay.

Adam is taken off guard and his face shows that. Albert looks up to witness this and chuckles.

Albert: I guess he doesn't share everything with good old Uncle Adam, eh! Not even things he told his dad when he was eight!

Adam: I got to go to work now. I'll see you sometime later, Albert.

Adam leaves. Albert writes for a very short time and takes an apple. He wipes it on his shirt and takes a bite. He moves to center stage and eats while he does his monologue.

Albert: Why does my brother pretend to be happy and persuade me to follow his lead? Well, I guess the older brother would expect that of the younger as children but we are men now. Men with occupations, men who have or in my case had wives, men with distinct living quarters, and at least one of us have kids. However, even with his more successful life to be written on his tombstone he is not happy. I know my older brother well and he is not happy. For example, he hates computers but he’s good at selling them and making software so he hates his job. And his marriage with Sandra isn't as great as he bragged to me last week. I believe the downfall of his relationship with her started after their much anticipated daughter was stillborn. He feels cramped but he still thinks of me as he did when we were kids. He was the older brother, master of being ahead and watching out for his siblings. Unfortunately, his desire to rub success in my face and wanted me to get out of this apartment have kept him from being happy. He could divorce Sandra and use his money to open up the used car dealership like he wanted to when he was in college. He doesn't need to prove his superiority anymore. We are men now but even some men need to fine a way to grow out of childhood habits.
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I wrote this play for drama class. It will be preformed at a mini-play festival at my school. I am the director and also play the role of Felix. I hope the weeks of working in the change room will be worth it come performance day, and by the looks of it it will.