
"They're not human beings, they're sex objects. Li

"Hello House of Syn!" Naomi cried happily as she and Val pulled up in Gates' driveway. It was the day after the fight, and after having located Shads getting another tattoo done the evening before, a resolution had been reached that the invasion of Zacky's house would be put off and a proper reunion held at the mansion that was Casa del Syn the following night. They hopped off the motorbike and removed their helmets, Val securing the bike against the garage alongside Syn's chopper.

"Dude, I have got to get me one of those."

Naomi cast a awestruck look at the impressive motorbike, a huge hulking black demon sitting almost stoically by the entrance to the garage.

"I'd just like a ride on it. I can't believe Grace gets a lift to school on that every day."

"Some of us get to ride in style. Shads has to sit on the back of mine, hee."

"You have no idea how much I love the fact you wear the trousers in that relationship. Especially with the size of Shads and all that..."

"Oh, I only wear the trousers cos they won't fit him. If you know what I mean."

The girls giggled raucously, petting the bouncing dog as they made their way up to the door and rang the doorbell.

"If the dog's outside then I'd say Grace is already here."

"Of course she's already here. They're probably taking a cold bath right now to wash the steam of iniquity off themselves. Can't you feel the shockwaves of the thrusts out here?" Naomi had quite the talent for description, and Val stifled a knowing grin.

"No answer. If there's no one home they could literally be anywhere in the house, and doing anything..."

"In various states of undress..." Naomi pointed out thoughtfully.

"Aye. You take that side, I'll take this side."

The two girls split up and walked round either side of the house, peering in windows and knocking on doors, until they regrouped in the back garden.


"They're not in the living room, kitchen, or study."

"Or the hall or dining room. Must be upstairs."

Val picked up a small stone and hurled it at the only room with a balcony, Gates' boudoir. After a few moments, a dishevelled face appeared at the window, wrapped tightly in a sheet-and that only. Grace opened the door to the balcony and peered down.

"Oh, hi girls! We weren't expecting you this early."

Her hair was rocking the just-pulled-backwards-through-a-hedge [or-maybe-a-bed] look and her ever-present scarlet lipstick was smeared all over her face.

"It's 9 o'clock! We're supposed to be meeting now!"

"Eh? Brian! What time is it?"

A gruff voice in the distance responded with "Holy shit! Fuck it!"

"Oh, it would appear to be 9 then...OK, give us a moment! Naomi, haul ass up here, I need to glomp you. I've missed you so much!"

Naomi nodded with a huge smile on her face. "Aye, just put some clothes on first."

"Sure. And Val my darling, I want to kiss you such is your fabulousness. It's been too long."

Val winked and blew her a kiss.

"Be right back!"

The balcony door was slammed shut behind her, a light was switched on, the curtains pulled and then unpulled 5 minutes later when a trousered but still topless Gates opened the door to pick up a bottle of alcohol, which had evidently been chilling in the cold air.

"Nice bod, Gates..." Naomi winked.

"Just got a new tatt and all," he replied with a grin.

"Brian! Put that guitar away!" Grace reappeared behind him, now wearing a skirt and bustier, and wrapped her arms round his waist, leaning over his shoulder. "Come round to the door girls, I'm letting you in!"

They squealed and immediately took off for the door. When they reached there however, it was Gates (now wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with his own name on the front) who opened it and not Grace.

"Halfway here, she remembered the dog out front," he explained. "Go on up, I'll start bringing up the booze!"

"Cheers Brian!"

There was a distant sound of tyres screeching on the gravel, and the three turned to see Zacky pull up with LJ, Shads, Nat, and Johnny all in tow. The Rev was just behind-walking-for some reason.



Naomi and Val provided a more than earnest welcome. LJ & Nat both got out of the car and came rushing towards the girls, a massive group bearhug ensuing.

"Yey! I'm so excited, I can't believe we haven't all been together like this in so long!" LJ exclaimed happily.

"Is Grace already here?" Nat asked excitedly.

"Yep!" Naomi smiled.

"And she's clothed now," Val pointed out with a cheeky smirk.

Gates winked at her and ushered them towards the stairs, turning to give a firm and proud thumbs up to the guys. "Yo!"

"Gates you bastard, where the fuck did you run off to this time?" Shads smiled broadly at him, exchanging a fist punch and miniature hug. The A7X boys weren't one for physical displays of affection with members of the same sex and thus any hugs shared were kept to a minimum.

"Oh you know, city for a few days. Didn't feel like going to school."

"How'd you get the missus to come with you?" Zacky asked, also smiling happily, and bearing the same greeting.

"The missus?" Gates raised his eyebrows. "I wish you wouldn't call her that. It makes her sound all haggard and moth-eaten."

A general scoff sounded.

"I just told her she needed a break from her books."

"And she accepted that?" Shads asked, unconvinced.

"Well...maybe I used a few other things to persuade her."

"That's my man! So, what's the plan for tonight?"

"I have a plan," The Rev, who had just caught up with them, announced.

"Jimmy my good man! How the fuck are you?" Gates gave him a punch on the shoulder.

"Really, really horny. I saw these two chicks making out on a bench by the mall on my way here, totally turned me on. I hope Naomi is here by now."

"She's upstairs."

"Perfect. Hope you'll excuse us for a while."

"No problem! Myself and Grace were interrupted so I may have to pause proceedings for a booty call myself at some point."

"Eww," said Zacky, though he was laughing. "Do you ever stop?"

"Occasionally, if either/or set of parents are home. But mostly no. Why the fuck would you?!"

"Suppose if she shows up every day dressed like that..."

"Exactly. It's not my fault she chooses to go out in a mini skirt in midwinter. And therefore needs warming up."

Nods filtered through the group.

"So, upstairs. Shads, you can carry the booze up with me."


The group split momentarily, as Shads and Gates went to retrieve the alcohol from the copiously-stocked press in the kitchen, and the other three went upstairs to join the girls.


Zacky, Johnny, and The Rev (whose real name was Jimmy, as one may have gathered) came into Gates' room to find a scene of carnage. The bed was more or less ripped apart, candles were still smoking on tables by the bed and window and on the dresser, and there were clothes (and maybe, just maybe, the odd piece of underwear and/or lingerie) scattered everywhere. This of course evoked a momentary trill of excitement, which rapidly faded as a further step inside revealed the girls seated in a close knit circle by the balcony door. Naomi seemed to be showing them her latest tattoo, which had just finished healing, and which was a source of tremendous joy for her.

"Saisi le Jour, just like the song!" She beamed happily, pointing at it on her right forearm.

General murmurs of awe were exchanged.

"Wow, that's amazing, Omi," Nat said. "Who did it?"

"Jimmy's usual fella. He's really talented, isn't he?"

"Yeah!" Grace exclaimed. "Gimme his name and number, I might go to him whenever I want another one done."

"Sure. Don't forget we've to get inked together someday, right? It's a plan."

Grace nodded, smiling proudly. "But of course. I think I'll get my deathbat one done with you, cos you'll stop me backing out of it."

"Tis all good!"

"So c'mere, Grace," LJ said suggestively, shuffling a little closer to her on the bed of cushions. "What were you's two up to in here before we arrived?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"I know, but like...what exactly? You told me you were gonna try that new thing we discovered on wikipedia...y'know, the cowgirl one and something else...road test them so I can spring them on Zachary..."

Grace giggled and covered her face. "Don't even bother with the Lotus, it's just impossible. The words epic and fail spring to mind, I nearly broke one of his legs."

Laughter resounded.

"How? You're a midget!"

"I was wearing my 'fuck me' boots. You know the ones with the mythologically large heels?"

"Ah. And what of cowgirl?"

"Tried, tested, trusted. I highly recommend it and ooh, actually, if you really want to float his boat, you should incorporate that, ahem, 'surfing' manoeuvre we discussed last time we all hooked up together."

"Surfing?" LJ's eyes lit up. "That works?"

"Oh fuck yeah."

"I think I'll give it a shot too, actually," Natalie said with a cheeky grin. "Johnny can be quite boring in bed you know..."

"That's what happens when you're too stoned to fuck," Val replied laconically.

Another chorus of laughter resounded.

"Just remember, lay off the acid!" LJ cried. "It helps when you..."

"...can see which hole to put it in!" the other four finished for her, with a suitably girlish giggle. The girls exchanged a high five, reflecting on the dynamic document they'd put together a few months earlier, the one that had spawned all these in jokes. Aptly titled the SynysterSutra(TM), it featured numerous soft porn-esque chapters of pure unadulterated sexual filth, each member of A7X contributing his own thoughts, and the girls were exceptionally proud of it.

Jimmy worked this temporary lull in conversation to his advantage and came over to them, tapping Naomi gently on the shoulder.

"You, me, ensuite?"

"Sure!" she exclaimed excitedly, and stood up obligingly. Within a nanosecond Jimmy had whipped her up and thrown her over his shoulder, the two of them disappearing into the adjoining bathroom and slamming the door.

"You gotta admire their subtlety," Val sniggered.

The girls stood up and rehomed themselves on the bed, Grace taking a moment to inspect it for any offensive articles of clothing (or otherwise).

"It's clear!" she announced, hopping up on it and unzipping her boots. "Le sigh. It's really weird to sit on this thing and be clothed."

"Your libido where that fella is concerned is wrong," Nat shook her head. "Like, surely you must get sick of something about him?"

"He has a tendency to hog the mirror in the mornings when I'm trying to do my make up."


"What about those rumours?" LJ asked.

"What rumours?"

"You know...the ones rife through the locker rooms that he's just not as well-endowed as Shads."

Grace and Natalie both laughed, the latter responding with, "Oh come on! Only your average chemically-enhanced porn star and a whale are more well endowed than Shads."

"Yeah," Grace interjected. "I believe the expression is He's made grown men cry."

"Besides," Natalie continued. "I wouldn't have thought Zacky was exactly hung like a donkey."

"Hey!" Zacky protested. He and Johnny had taken to fiddling with Gates' guitar and Grace's bass, both homed neatly in the corner of the room. "There is nothing whatsoever wrong with the size of Little Zacky."

"You mean it's overcome that slight disability?" Grace asked sweetly.

"What disability?!"

"The one that means it's only half an inch long?"

This sparked another chorus of laughter.

"LJ! What have you been telling them?"

"Nothing," she smiled innocently. "Nothing at all, my love."

"You'll pay for that."

"Zachary, don't be silly...calm down...eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

LJ leapt off the bed as Zacky took to chasing her about the room, leaping over the bed after her. "COME HERE!" he yelled resolutely as she giddily made for the door.

"Good luck! You'd want to drop a pound or two to keep up with me!"

"You'll pay for that too!"

LJ swept out the door, pausing for a second to stick her tongue out at Zacky, who paused for a second to fall over Johnny and prompt a loud cry of anguish on Grace's part.

"MY BASS!" She shrieked, throwing her hands to her head and rushing over.

En route into the hallway, Zacky narrowly avoided running into Shads and Gates, who were inundated with bottles of beer and some spirits for the more sophisticated among the group - as well as coke and water for those who didn't drink.

"WATCH IT!" Gates roared after them. The remark fell on deaf ears. "Dude, if he knocks over anything and I get in trouble with my stepmom, there'll be hell to pay. McKenna's having a party here at the weekend, the place has to be spotless. Dad's fucked off somewhere so I've no one on my side."

They came inside and set the drinks down by the bed. Grace was stroking her bass tenderly, inspecting it for any signs of damage, while Natalie recommenced the conversation they had been having before Little Zacky decided to avenge the slander against him.

"I should like to point out," she said with a mischievous smile, "that Val has retained a knowing silence for the duration of this entire conversation."

Val's hazel green eyes twinkled and she merely nodded, smiling audaciously to herself.

"Well, it's a well known rumour that I have stitches up to my neck."

"Rumour or fact?"

"One's vah-jay-jay is capable of moulding into a certain shape."

"One sees."

Grace rejoined them on the bed and took up a bottle of water from the ground.

"Not drinking tonight?" Gates asked disappointedly, his rich brown eyes morphing into perfect puppy-dog mode.

"I have school tomorrow."

"But you're staying here...I was kinda hoping you'd, like, do some shots with me or something."

"There's plenty of time for that later."

"But I have absinthe..."

Grace's eyes lit up.

"Wow, shit one!" Shads exclaimed. "Seriously?! You're dangerous on that stuff, dude."

"I know, but you would not believe the kind of rabid sexual beast it transforms him into. He's a predator," Grace said, a huge grin begging to be let loose on her face but suppressed in the presence of others. She stood up and walked over to her boyfriend, running her fingers playfully up and down his chest. "Where, pray tell, might this precious green liquor be hiding?"

"The bathroom," he replied with a wink.

Her eyes widened. "Are you serious?"

He nodded.

"Uh oh."

"Dude, what is that noise?" Johnny asked curiously, sitting himself onto the bed, allowing Natalie to scoot onto his lap.



Everyone paused for a moment to listen. A somewhat curious sound was emanating from the wall adjoining the bathroom, a kind of rhythmic thumping accompanied by the odd muffled cry.

"No fucking way!" Shads laughed. "Already?"

"Apparently," Gates replied.

"I honestly thought that was the bass," Nat conceded with a perplexed look on her face.

"Well, heaven knows how long they'll be, let's get stuck into the drinking!" Shads announced, walking over to Val and hoisting her onto his lap too. "Say, where are Zacky and LJ gone?"

"Presumably to the master bedroom..." Grace said with a smile. "McKenna's party may go off the rails yet."

"Speaking of, you NEED to let me stay with you that night, or else come over here. I refuse to be left alone with a bunch of pre-pubescent nutcases masquerading as middle schoolers!"

"Well, if I can persuade Crystal to have Kat in her room twice this week, maybe. Otherwise I'll come keep you company."

"Thank you."

"Are you intimidated by 11 year olds or something, Gates?" Shads asked laughingly.

"It's not that! They just keep running up here, trying to get in and like...paw me."


"Aww. Poor Brian. Born too damn hot," Grace said with a sigh, nudging him on the arm.

"Oh yeah. It's all hilarious and fun flirting games until I throw one of those little nutjobs out the window."

"Brian! You wouldn't?"

"You don't know how invasive they can be! Nothing is sacred..."

"Ach, will you stop being such a child. I'll come over either way."

About this point, the lock to the bathroom was undone, and Naomi and The Rev walked out. The former had a guilty smirk on her face, the latter zipped up his fly on the way out as if to nail a point home.

"So, what did we miss?" Naomi said, gliding happily onto the bed.

"Welcome back," Natalie said, hitting her gently on the arm.

"Dude, you'd better not have touched my absinthe."

"Eh? Oh the green stuff...I don't think so...but we did kind of obliterate the place."

Gates walked over and took a peek inside, gasping at the carnage.

"For fuck's sake, dude, CONTAIN YOURSELF!"

Both Naomi and the Rev sniggered, exchanging a sly kiss.

"I believe the appropriate remark right now is Why'd you do me liek dat, Jimmy?!" Val laughed.

Indeed so. The human sex drive is a terrifying thing...
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter was for the Crew! Title is a crew quote and the writing was fuelled by videos of Guitar Hero, "WHY'D YOU DO ME LIEK DAT?!", and the infamous SynSutra (TM)... I love you girls to death! And Naomi, I hope you liked my interpretation of the odd muffled cry and a rhythmic thumping noise... *winkwinknudgenudge*

I apologise for it being a little short (and the blatant ripping off of certain articles à la Sugar), but I promise you, there's more to come. I just need my bed right now. I'm one update of Love Lost In A Hail Of Gunfire away from spontaneously combusting and writing the most spectacular piece of soft porn filth ever.

I love my girlettes! xxx