Status: not completed yet

pain is only a bad dream for you to kill

A young girl called Georgia goes to a concert and has the time of her life until after the show her mum phones her telling her to never return, she is left crying, alone and lost on the side walk.

" I tried to kill the pain but only brought more, so much more, I lay dying and I'm pouring crimson regret and betrayal"

Will someone save her? Bring her out of the cold, out of the darkness?
  1. listen to the rain, it'll be familiar soon
    read authors note's first please
  2. shopping and drunken lights
    ****warning: sex in this chapter****
  3. Chris and Rob and little old Georgia
    song of the week: no sweat by enter shikari
  4. Tears and knuckles
    song of week: mama do the hump by rizzle kicks