Status: not completed yet

pain is only a bad dream for you to kill

Tears and knuckles

~Georgia’s pov~

I tried to talk to Rory but he just ignored me and pushed me away every time I tried, I sat on the seat looking out of the window thinking to myself and singing to myself.

“You bury me alive and everybody’s got to breath, somehow don’t leave me die you’re too consumed by your emptiness and lies” I sung to myself

The coach came to a stop I stopped singing and looked away from the window, Rob appears from his bunk smiling.

“You can sing pretty well” Rob complimented me
“No I can’t your just being kind” I said smiling
“You can sing seriously what song is that” Rob asked
“Just a song I made up once with bit help from Polly” I shrugged
“Well from what I heard it was pretty good” Rob said smiling
“Guys it’s a snack break so you can come off the coach” Chris said popping up
“Coming mate” Rob said walking off

I look down and got up I walked off the coach to join Chris and Rob outside, Chris pulled me into a playful hug I hug back.

“Heard you can sing” Chris said smiling
“Not really” I said downing myself
“Shut up you can” Rob said to me
“Whatever” I rolled my eyes
“Where’s Rou and Viv” I asked them
“Gone to the centre” Chris replied

We saw Rory walking up with that slutty girl from the club i looked away I didn’t want to look at her to fear what she might say or look at me like.

“Who’s she Rory” Rob asked
“Her name’s Stacy” Rory replied
“Right” Rob said shrugging

They disappeared onto the tour coach I felt Chris put his arm around my shoulder and one arm hug me slightly.

“Don’t worry about him he can be a right prick sometimes he’ll calm down eventually” Chris comforted
“I’m fine don’t worry let’s go get some food” I said smiling
“You stolen my words babe cause I’m starving” Rob chuckled

We walked off to the centre having a good laugh and messing around, Rob had ditched me and Chris which was alright I guess but he was always making me laugh this helped me hold back the tears I was still holding the tears but I knew they were going to fall very soon.

“You sure you’re alright” Chris asked worried
“I’m fine” I lied
“No you’re not” Chris said caring

I looked at Chris I felt the tears swell up in my eyes Chris sighs he grabs me by the hands and guides me towards the toilets we went into one of the cubicles, I then broke down Chris who was leant against the side hugged me as I cried into his chest, I soon collected myself together I pulled back from Chris he had his hands on my waist.

“Sorry” I muttered
“That’s alright everyone needs a good cry now and then now tell me what’s up” Chris asked lifting my head up looking in my eyes
“Just hurts that he can’t talk to me or even look at me without giving me daggers and now he brings her onto the scene and I know why to hurt me” I said to Chris
“I don’t know if he likes you or something but whatever it is he’s trying to get you back for hurting him I guess” Chris said sighing
“Well he done a good job at it I could give him a gold star for making my life feel even shitter than it was before” I said upset
“Let’s got Rob probably looking for us” Chris said
“Yeah” I sighed

We walked out the cubicle I got glimpse of my face my mascara was running down my face from the tears, We walked out into the hallway I saw basically everyone rob smiled at me I smiled back.

“You two di-never mind you alright babe” Rob asked
“I’m good thanks and no we didn’t” I replied smiling
“Cool” Rob said smiling
“I’m going to talk to Vivien” I said point to Vivien
“Ok” Chris said grinning

I walked over to Vivien but Stacy walked in front of me smirking I glared at her.

“Have fun fucking Chris you slut and the fun I’m going to have with Rory you’ll never have” Stacy mocked

I just snapped I full on punched her in the face she slapped me we soon engaged in a fight I felt pair arms wrap around my body and pulling me away from Stacy and Rory pulled away Stacy, I knew it was Rob who was holding me.

“Get her out of here” Chris said to Rob
“Yeah” Rob said serious

I felt Rob pulling me away from the place I relaxed as they were out of sight.

~Chris’s pov~

I was talking to Rob when all sudden out of the corner of my eye I saw Georgia full on punch Stacy in the face I looked shocked what did she say to make her full on punch her but they soon engaged into a fight, Rob grabbed Georgia who was kind of winning and pulled her away while Rory pulled away Stacy.

“Get her out of here” I ordered
“Yeah” Rob said serious

Rob dragged a very angry Georgia away from here I looked to Rou and Vivien who were shocked, I decided to go and follow them.

“This is your fault and plus if you could forgive me you can forgive her instead of bringing on a slut to punish her she’s already guilty for the incident” I said blankly to Rory

I looked Stacy up and down like she was a piece of dirt and then carried on heading to the coach where Rob has token Georgia.

~Rory’s pov~

I watched Georgia get dragged off by Rob and she looked very angry.

“This is your fault and plus if you could forgive me you can forgive her instead of bringing on a slut to punish her she’s already guilty for the incident” Chris said blankly

Chris gave Stacy a look up and down like she was a piece of dirt and walked off to find Rob and Georgia.

~Georgia’s pov~

Chris was looking at my red and bruised knuckles I sighed they looked horrible but the punch felt good.

“What suddenly happen there” Chris asked
“She was mocking me about all things she’ll get to do with Rory which I won’t and me already feeling down snapped and gave her one” I said shrugging
“Does this hurt” Chris said touching my knuckle
“A bit” I winced

Chris got the bandaged and wrapped my knuckle up I smile at him.

“I’m going to play on the PS2 ok” Chris said
“Ok and thanks for bandaging my knuckles” I said smiling
“No problem” Chris chuckled

Chris walked off to go play a game I just watched the outside world.

~Rob’s pov~

I saw Georgia asleep on the seat her head on the table I sigh she can’t sleep there she’ll get a neck ache and Chris is asleep so I guess she could share with me, I lifted her up bridal style and walked over to my bed I pulled the curtain open and pulled the covers up trying to make sure I didn’t stir her I place her down and took off her shoes and trousers no I wasn’t going to rape her in her sleep but she can’t sleep in her clothes I then took off her shirt and threw it all in the bottom of my wardrobe, I got into the bed pulled the curtains and covers over us I soon drifted off to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Rob was bit more involved in this chapter.

hope you like the chapter.