Views of the Lost


The day
she is so golden.
The night
he remains still.
The warmth
he is not hidden.
The cold
she is not evil.

  1. The Darkness Troupe
    The Darkness Troupe, Sun Bliss, M'lady Midday Sun
  2. Forbidden
    Shadow Man, The Gloom Eater, Luna, Lush Green
  3. Little Temptation
    Deep and Dark, The First Desire, Souless Boy
  4. The Death of You
    Death's Sweet Girl, Broken Light, Elliptical
  5. Call of Reincarnation
    Bathe in Blue, White Season, Mother Nature
  6. Have Patience
    Time Clock, Eathen Web, In the Dead of the Night
  7. This Feeling and I
    Touch of Wind, In Rememberance of Joy
  8. Awakening
    On the Edge of the Moment, Good Morning (Awakening)