Status: Discontinued until further notice (possibly permanently)

Midnight Moon

Unnexpected Actions

"What did she do to you sweety?" the blonde girl asked.

She walked up to Damien and draped her arms around him, pecking his cheek, causing both him and I to wince visibly. I then glared at her, as she backed away from Damien with a confused expression on her face.

The brown-haired boy noticed me glaring, and grabbed my arm in warning, earning another wince from both Damien and I. The others in the room looked confused as well, aside from Logan and the black-haired boy. The black-haired boy then smirked.

He crept up behind me and wrapped his arms around my stomach, causing only me to gasp in pain and surprise as he touched my wound. Then he kissed the back of my neck, making both Damien and I yelp in pain again. The black-haired boy's smirk never left his face, as he stared at Damien with hatred in his eyes.

Damien glared back at the boy, as I turned around to punch him. Before I had the chance, there was a blur that tackled him to the ground. The next thing I knew, a leopard had him pinned to the ground and was growling threateningly in his face.

"Damien!", the blonde-haired girl exclaimed.

I remembered her kissing Damien on the cheek and turned back to face her, a glare on my face. She gasped when my eyes turned golden in anger, and began backing away. She then shook her head, gaining the courage to step closer to me, as if she was accepting my challenge.

I growled and changed into my panther form, which was about as large as Damien's leopard form. She smirked and turned into a leopard herself, which surprised me only slightly. Her leopard form was much smaller than my panther form, and apparently she noticed that as well, seeing as how she was once again backing away.

She got her senses about her, and raced back through the tunnel, making for the woods. I followed her, running a bit slower because of my wound. I caught up to her just as she was about to step out of the main cave, and tackled her to the ground.

She tried to shake me off of her, but to no avail. I aimed a blow at her face with my extended claws, but stopped mid-swipe. I seemed to have come back to my senses, and now I was just confused.

Why would I attack her just for kissing Damien on the cheek, that makes me seem like some jealous fangirl or something, I thought.

Right after I thought that, something tackled me off of her. I landed on my uninjured side with familiar golden eyes staring at me. The leopard seemed to notice my confusion, and got up. I laid down on my side comfortably, as Damien, Logan, and the other black-haired boy walked out of the tunnel, fully clothed.

I growled at the black-haired boy, who just smirked in return.

Disgusting pig, I thought.

Damien wore the same confused expression as I had a moment ago, as did everyone else. The only two who seemed to know what was going on, was the black-haired boy, and Logan. Noticing this, I looked to Logan for an explanation.

"Seems like we have a bit of a situation on our hands, now don't we?" the black-haired boy stated.

"Who are you anyway?" I asked in return.

"Why, I'm Damien's brother, Lucas. Can't you tell?" the boy answered with the same smirk on his face as before.

"Yeah, they totally look alike," the blonde girl stated, giggling girlishly.

"Of course you would think that," I murmured under my breath, grimacing at her high-pitched giggle.

"What was that?" she hissed, glaring at me.

"Nothing you would understand," I replied with a smirk of my own.

Logan chuckled, and I could see the laughter in Damien's eyes, though he didn't let it out. I laid my head on my front paws.

"So what was that all about before?" Damien finally spoke.

His voice sent chills down my spine, the good kind though. My eyes seemed to light up when I heard his voice, and my head immediately lifted from my paws to look at him, though I was unaware of this at the time. Logan looked at me from the corner of his eyes before speaking.

"Okay, first, I think the girls should check their left shoulders, just to make sure my theory is correct," Logan began.

I did as I was told, and I was faintly aware of the blonde doing the same. I turned your head to check my forearm, and saw nothing. I looked at Logan curiously.

"'re probably going to have to change back to notice it," he replied awkwardly.

I glared at him and stayed still, refusing to change in front of a bunch of guys. I looked at the other girl, in hopes of her refusing to as well, only to find her sitting there naked. I hissed and looked away.

"I am officially scarred for life," I said sarcastically, yet meaning every word.

Logan rolled his eyes and took his shirt of, he handed it to you, seeing as Damien didn't bother to put another shirt on after he shifted. I changed back and quickly put Logan's shirt on, nodding to him in thanks afterwards.

I checked my left shoulder, as directed, to see a quickly-fading scar where the leopard had scratched me. I then remembered that I didn't know all of their names, only Damien, Logan, and now Lucas.

"What's your name by the way, you never said," I asked, turning to the small leopard sitting behind me.

"Oh...uh...Jayden," he mumbled in the leopard language, not expecting to be called on.

I smiled at him slightly, to which he blushed a light pink. Then, I turned back to Logan.

"Well, I have a fading scar where he scratched me, but that's all", I said, nodding my head in Jayden's direction.

"Mine's completely gone. Maybe we should kiss and see if it will come back", the blonde girl suggested seductively towards Damien.

An unnexpected growl escaped my lips at her comment. My eyes widened in surprise, as did Damien's, Jayden's, and the blonde's. I put my hand on my throat and looked at Logan for an explanation.
♠ ♠ ♠
Note: If you haven't already guessed, their clothes rip when they change, leaving them naked when they change back.