One and Only


It was my first day at McKinley high. And I sure in hell wasn’t looking forward to it. A New school is bad enough, but half way through semester? No thanks. I was being drove to school too. By my Dad. He came to a stop outside the school and before I could get out he questioned me.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t like to be picked up?”

“I’m sure. I’ll probably hitch a ride otherwise” His eyes grew wide, “I’m kidding, I am just going to walk, See you Later, Dad!” I got out the car and shut the door behind me. Wow it wasn’t exactly a huge school. Not compared to my old one anyway. As soon as I walked through the door, I was greeted – Very rudely may I add – By getting a Big Quench thrown in my face.

“That was totally awesome Karofsky!”

“WHAT THE HELL!” I dug my fingers into my eyes; wiped the remaining drink from them and slammed the huge guy against the lockers “Think you’re cool huh? Aww, have you told anyone yet? Oh yeah, I’ve heard about you. You better watch your back, And Don’t mess with me. You’ll regret it” We had gathered quite a crowd, and one of which, was a teacher that seemed to try to stop it. But she was helpless. I ran to the nearest bathroom, which turned out to be the boys. But I didn’t care, My eyes were stinging from the Lemon and Lime drink that was thrown in my face not too long ago.

“Uhhh, I think you’re... In the wrong bathroom” Ah, Great.

“I know, But Karofsky thought it was hilarious to throw a big quench in my face. Boy has he made a mistake” Since I couldn’t see as well, I didn’t notice that the guy had tried helping me by wiping my eyes with a wet paper towel. When I saw him my mouth dropped. He was cute!

“So I guess you’re the new girl huh?” I just nodded, “Yet you already know Karofsky? Man you’re fast”

“I’ve heard about him before"

"Sam Evans"

"Ariella Watson"

"Well I'll see you in class" We both walked out of the bathroom and as soon as Sam left me Karofsky pulled me aside.

"don't you even think about telling anyone"

"What? That you won't come out the closet?" He was pushing me more and more into the wall.

"Beat it, Karofsky" A tall boy walked over to us and Karofsky glared at me before walking away

"hey, I'm Noah, Noah Puckerman"
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great when you re-read this and there's half of the paragraph missing, so it's crap, sorry.