One and Only


I pushed past Blaine and walked out the front door. I didn't know what was going on. Subconsciously I pulled out my phone and dialled Pucks Mobile.

"Puck, please pick me up" The tears that threatened to fall did so

"Ari?!" He sounded concerned

"Puck, please" I sniffed and he put the phone down, I could only guess that he's coming to pick me up.

I walked from the door mat and sat on the sidewalk hoping he’d come soon. But before he could, Finn came storming out the door, Making me turn around.

“Finn, I-”


“I know, and-” He grabbed a tight hold on my forearm and dragged me up. I have never seen Finn this violent, I knew he had anger issues. But not this bad.

“Not until you apologize to Kurt and tell him the truth” He was dragging me inside this time, But my Knight in shining armour turned up to rescue me.

“FINN, YOU LET GO OF HER RIGHT NOW!” He ran over and punched Finn in the face.

“Come on Ari” Puck entwined his hand in mine and pulled me to the car, as soon as we both sat in the car he sped up. I wasn’t used to this type of Drama.