One and Only

what biology test?

But that was last year now. I'm more involved in Glee than she is. I'm Mr Schue's star pupil in spanish too! Plus I'm dating Puck. I still hate him, but I'm gonna get him whipped then crush him so bad. I don't let him kiss me, or barely look at me. You'd think he would have broken up with me, but he won't give up until I kiss him.

"Come on baby, just one kiss?" He was leaning against my locker as I was getting my books out

"No, Puck!"

"Fine. Do you understand Physics at all?" He picked my book from me and started flicking through it.

"Yes. Physics is better than Chemistry. Though I doubt you know the difference,"

"You're right. Which is why you should help me study,"

"And why would I do that? You do Biology,"

We do not act like we're together at all!

"I figured you're better than me at science, and I have a test on it tomorrow. Mind helping me after Glee club?" Oh my goodness. I know what he's doing.

"Sure, you coming to mine? I have all of my books there,"

"Yup," he pouted his lips and I put two of my fingers to my lips, then put them on his, "Later Puckerman!"


Geometry was draining. I doubt we're even going to use half the stuff when we're older! But its Glee club tonight, and since Sam joined I figured it would be a lot less tedious. I know I'm usually the leader with Finn, but Rachel's getting very protective. Almost Jealous. So I try my hardest to make it worse. I'm a bitch, shoot me.

"Afternoon guys! I've got a new assignment for you" he got out his pen and began writing on the board, "Feelings" everyone looked at each other, "the feelings can be anything, love, hate and even sadness. But this time, you'll be working with a partner. Who's up first?... Ariella?"

I got up from my seat and put my hand into the hat. Oh great.

"Finn" Rachel scowled and got up, so I went to sit with Finn

"Hey! What's up with her?"

"I think she kinda wanted to work with me... You wanna start tonight?"

"I would, but I have to help Puck with his Biology test,"

"What biology test?" He frowned at me and Mr Schue interrupted us

"Hey guys, you two can perform on Thursday" I just nodded.

So Puck didn't even have a test? Smooth moves.

Glee club was soon over, and to find out Puck had been paired with Rachel was more than amusing. What was even better was that he wanted an excuse to come to my house. Which was kinda cute. Wait, what?

"So, any idea on what feeling you're going to sing about?" He stopped me from thinking any longer as I was just staring out of his Car window, I think he was pretty scared

"Love, Probably" I could see his eyes widen a bit but he was concentrating on the road "What about you and Rachel? Ahhhh, PuckleBerry"

He cringed as I said their nickname, it was obvious he hated it.

"She's gonna choose something like that too, knowing Rachel" we had finally reached our destination

"Pull in here"

I got out of the car and he followed not far behind.

"When my mom gets back from work, be polite"

I opened the door, and Ran straight upstairs. Or atleast I tried to, before I realised Puck had gone elsewhere.

"Puck? Puckerman!" I was still halfway up the stairs, I heard banging coming from the garden, so I ran out to find him sat on the swinging chair, "What was the noise?!"

"I... Fell"

"Right, now come inside - if you want to study that is"

"Can we stay out here for a while?"

"I'm freezing!"

To be fair it was the middle of winter and 7pm. Glee ended later today and Puck decided to drive me around the whole town before actually getting to my house.

He held his arms out and I couldn't exactly turn them down, could I? So I walked over and sat next to him on the swinging chair, with my head on his shoulder and his arms wrapped around me.

I was kinda liking this. Wait! No I wasn't! I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket and it was my mom calling

'Hey Mom?'

'Hey Honey, I'm caught up at work and as you know, your fathers on a business trip. So I'll be back tomorrow, you can invite a friend to sleep if you like, gotta go. Love you!' And she put the phone down on me.

"My mom just put the phone down on me?!"

"I'm used to it. You know, this is the first time you've actually let me get close to you" he still had his arms around me

"Don't get too used to it, we've got some studying to do!" I got up and held my hand out, "don't just sit there either, come on!"


"So my heart is here?" He pointed to the right side of his body

"You're heart is there, Noah" I pointed to the middle of his chest and his eyes widened

"You just called me Noah!"

"No I didn't!" Seriously?

"Yes you did! You finally called me Noah!"

"I thought you hated that name"

"I do, but not when you say it" he started moving closer towards me, and for some reason I couldn't move my body, just before he was close enough

"Stay Tonight" he frowned "not for that. My parents are busy at work and I don't like spending nights alone, I never have done" my voice softened towards the end

"On one condition"

"What is the condition?"

"Kiss me,"