One and Only

toothpaste kisses

I looked up at him and he was smiling down at me. I can't do this. I can't do this, he was leaning down to me and since he was on his knees he slipped on pieces of paper and fell right on top of me


"Wow, I could stay like this all night,"

"Get off of me Puck!"

He rolled onto his side and we both lay there staring at the roof, not knowing what to say.

"What time is it?" He finally spoke

"I don't know, but I'm not tired" he put his hands to my waist and started to really tickle me "PUCK!" I grabbed his wrists - which were very strong - and pushed them away, springing up and jumping on my bed.


I looked up at him and he was walking over to the bed.

"We haven't even kissed yet, so why do I want you so much?"

"Because you loooove me, you wanna maaaarry me" I sat next to him on the edge of my bed

"Way to make this awkward Ariella"

Why do I want to kiss him so much?!?

"Just kiss me already Puckerman" I grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards me, putting my lips to his

When I pulled away he just looked at me.

"That was so worth the wait" he kissed me again, but this time with more passion. He pushed me back onto my pillow and it got really heated, until we heard a bang downstairs. Puck pulled back and looked at me worriedly.

"Its just the cat, I locked all the doors" I pulled him back onto me by his shirt, until he pulled back again.

"I don't want to take this any further, Ari... Wow, did I really just say that?"

"You thought I was going to take it further? Awww, my lil' Noah! But now I'm tired"

"Where should I sleep?"

"The other side of my bed. But for now, I'm going to brush my teeth rid of your germs, you've most likely kissed every girl in the school"

"Not like that I haven't! You seriously tired me out, and that's never happened before" I got up and walked to the bathroom

"I tend to have that effect on people" and with that I shut the door.


"Puck, you are not sleeping in my bed with no shirt on"

"Come on!"

"No! My mom walks in and sees you she'll have a heart attack!" I was talking with my tooth brush in my mouth. Technically its not talking with my mouth full.

"Its shirt and boxers then!"


I spat out my toothpaste in the sink and put back my hair in a loose bun, running back into my room and onto my bed. Puck was still in the other bathroom getting dressed, when he walked in he looked really cute. I just got under the covers and waited for him to get in with me. It was a good few minutes before he did though! And when he did, his arms snaked around me, pulling me close.

"Oh, Puck"


"Biology test? Really?"

"Well, I did get you in bed, metaphorcly speaking"

"I think you mean metaphorically"

"Yeah, that. Do I get a goodnight kiss?"

I turned around and kissed him but it didn't last long, I turned straight back around.

"You taste like toothpaste"