One and Only


“Yeah” He sat down next to me, “What of it?”

“We can actually go downstairs without feeling awkward, and I can kiss you if I want to” I stood up and held my hand out to him, when he grabbed it, I ran downstairs with him and jumped on the sofa. “Puck?” He looked at me, “What would you say if I had a crush on someone that wasn’t you?”

“Who’s face am I screwing up?”

“Ah lovely... Well it’s a good job I dont then isn’t it”

“Sooo... Are we back together?” I smiled feeling guilty

“Yeah” He wrapped his arms around me and I scrunched up my face, “Puck, I need to tell you something” that’s when he pulled back

“You’re not a dude, are you?”

“What? No!” I sighed, “When we first got together, I hated you... That’s why I wouldn’t let you kiss me, Kurt thought of this idea, that I should make you fall for me, then break your heart... Surprise!...” His eyes were full of anger and hurt

“What?” His voice cracked

“It didn’t turn out that way though... It was the other way around actually”

“Ariella!” He noticed that I was just talking to myself now, so he stood up

“I love you, Puck” I stood up with him His eyes widened

“You do?”

“Yeah, I don’t know why, or how. I just know that I do... Which is why we can’t be together. You’re too into other girls when I’m not there. Or even when I am for that matter”


“I’m sorry Puck, I-”

“Go and run back to your Boyfriend in Chicago. He’d more than likely take you back” That made my lungs lose all oxygen, I raised my hand and brought it to his face, making him face next to him.

“How dare you! Don’t speak to me again Puckerman” I began walking out the door

“Ari-” That made me jolt around, pointing at him

“You stay away from me! I’m going home”

I stepped out of the front door and my knees gave in. I just started crying. I sounded so pathetic. I was crying on someone’s doorstep. That’s a new one. I figured there was no use crying about it. So I stood up and began my long walk home. It was still light, but barely.

I realized that I was near Finn’s house, and Kurt lives there too. So I ran to the familiar house and knocked on the door, for it to be answered by Blaine. He opened the door and I must’ve had mascara running down my eyes, so he stepped back a bit.

“Ariella?” He wrapped his arms around me embracing me in a hug, and when he pulled back he smiled, “Don’t let Kurt see you like that” He wiped under my eyes with his thumb

“I wouldn’t dream of it” His smile quickly faded

“It was Puck, wasn’t it?” I just smiled in response

“You need to ditch that guy!” He started raising his voice, until I saw a familiar face and pushed past Blaine to hug me, I broke down again

“You hung up on me before!”

“Sorry about that”

“I have a plan, to get back at a few people” Sometimes I just feel like I’m his guinea pig. He led me and Blaine down the stairs and I ran; flopped myself down onto his bed, only to realize that it was a water bed.

“OH MY GOD!” I jumped up and got off

“Thats what you get” He then sat down on it, “Okay, so you hate Rachel, Right?”

“Well, I dont really hate-”

“Yes you do, and you want to get back at Puck?”

“Everything is just happening so fast!”

“Drama queen! So, Jesse St James is back, is he ‘your type’?”

“I don’t have a type! But I guess he’s kinda cute.. What’ve I gotta do?”

“Kiss him. One kiss from you and he’ll be spiralling in love with you, Trust me”