The Town without Christmas! A Christmas Angel Story!

The Beginning!

Can you image a town without Christmas for the last 20 years? I have and it not a happy town to live in.

If you are wondering whom I am, and why am I telling you about this town? In addition, you are wondering what happen in this town that there has not been Christmas for the last 20 years.

My name is Sanna-Holly Noel; I am 25 years old, only 5 feet tall with sunshine blonde that, wave with curies, laying halfway down my back, my eyes are light blue, and… I am also the Christmas angel for the last 20 years. Wear a white flowing dress, that touch the ground, with long sleeves, white open-toe shoes, and light blue-gold ribbon around the dress. My hair pulled back from my face, and a gold headpiece hang along my forehead with a ruby heart jewel in the middle. In addition, the big angel wings that I use to fly, but when I am not flying the wing disappear.

What a minute, your thinking how can you be the Christmas angel and live in a town without Christmas.

Well I am going to tell you my story, how I change a town that has no Christmas for along time to having Christmas again, and all the friends I met along the way.

I will go back 20 years ago to what happen one Christmas night that I will never forget. It was a normal Christmas night with my mother, the original Christmas angel, and I following Santa Clause on his Christmas route that night. I was only 5 year old at the time, and just learning what my mother was doing every Christmas night. I was going to next Christmas angel on do time, but will never forget what happens over that one town.

I was flying with my mother beside Santa sled; I was flying around the sled being a normal 5-year-old angel learning how to fly right. My mother told me to be careful flying, because I was getting use to the flying thing right down. My mother told me I was like my daddy, Gabriel, being funny and playful.

Yes Gabriel, the angel, is my daddy, believe me he a great dad to have. He teaches me a lot of stuff to being angel and follower of God. However, effect about of that, I was going tell you what happen 20 years ago.

We were flying over the town called ‘Happy-villa’, a quiet-happy small town with no problems or troubles in the town everyone was so friendly and all the children was on Santa good list. Every year the mayor son, Bobby-Mike, always ask for the Christmas Angel to his forever, and every year Santa never give him that gift. My mother and I was not a gift for someone, who on Santa bad list or try to be good.

That year, 20 years ago, we were flying over that town calm and normal for a Christmas night. I flow by my mother side over the town, watching Santa do his normal thing in every house, and my mother was showing that every town sets up a big Christmas in the town square. She always lights the star on top of the tree to show that she was there. My mother was teaching me how to light the star on top of the tree, and disappear without anyone knows.

I wore a little knee-length white flowing dress with short sleeves, and open toe shoes. My hair was pull back from my face, and I never got my headpiece yet.

“The star lit tells the town that the truth Christmas spirit is alive and well in the town. For this town of ‘Happy-villa’ are always full of Christmas spirits, and their star shine the brightness then any other Christmas tree star lit by us. Remember Sanna is not how much gifts they get from Santa, but how much the Christmas spirit live in them all. I want you to remember that Sanna, because one day you will be doing this on your own without me. I love you so much to see you carry on this job from me,” my mother told me flying over the town to the Christmas tree in the square.

Before we could get to the Christmas tree in the square of the town, we hear the sound of guns going off into the air. Bullets were flying right at us, and we try to avoid them the best we can. My mother quickly wrap her arms around my body, flying upside down to protected me from the bullets from the guns, but one got her in the back, right between the wings.

I watch my mother slowly letting me go, falling from the night sky to the ground below, and dieing right there. “MOMMY, NO!” I scream to my mother falling to the ground with tears in my eyes. I was only 5 years old, scared and alone, and seeing my mother killed by some crazy people shooting guns in the air. I flow as fast as my wings can carry me to the forest area in the town without the people knowing I was there.

The Christmas Angel never lighted the star on top of the Christmas tree.

I flow to a large tree branch outside a window to a two-story house, and sat there on the branch crying. I pull my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around my knees, and laying my forehead down on my knees weeping. I could not believe that I saw my mother being kill right in front of me, and now what will I do now. Who will teach me that rest of the Christmas angel stuff?

I small boy voice broke my weeping, I look up to see a young boy, who was only 6 year old, staring back at me from an opened window. “Are you alright?” he asks me kindly from his window.

I did not know what to do, but I spoke to him through my upset voice, “No I am not okay, I saw my mother killed by some crazy people with guns…. I have no idea what to do now?” I look at the young boy with wet red eyes.

The young boy smiled back me nicely, and spoke nicely to me, “Everything will be okay, you will finger out what to do next. By the way my name is Adam MacPhee, what yours?” He smiled at me sweetly.

I sniff a bit, wiping a tear from my eyes, and told Adam my name, “Sanna-Holly Noel.” I smiled back at Adam, and trying to brave.

Adam sits down on the bedroom window seat, and asks me a question, “Why do come in to warm up? Are you cold in those clothes?”

I shook my head at Adam, and got ready to tell Adam who I am really. Then I hear Santa voice calling through the night air, “SANNA-HOLLY! WHERE ARE YOU?” Santa called out through the cold night air.

I look up at the sky to see Santa sled flying closer to me through the tree branches, looks back at Adam, and say to him in a hurry, “I am sorry Adam. I have to go now.” I jump in the air, flying up to Santa sled.

“Good-bye Sanna-Holly. Merry Christmas to you,” Adam says watching me flying away from the tree branch.

I arrive beside Santa sled, “I am here Santa,” I say to Santa entering the sled beside Santa.

“Thanks goodness, your okay. I saw what happen to your mother, and was worry about you. I never finish my stop here, because after what happen here I might never come back for along time,” Santa says to me, wrapping his right arm around my shoulders. “Lets go home Sanna,” Santa took off back to the North Pole, ‘Happy-villa was always the last stop of the night.

I could not believe seeing my mother laying there on the ground cover in blood, and a large group of people surrounding her lifeless body.

The next morning the town of ‘Happy-villa’ find out that the star on top of the Christmas tree was no lit by the Christmas angel, and finding my mother lifeless body under the Christmas cover in her own body. The town people found out that the mayor hunters did that to her, and they up-rise against the mayor. The mayor told them if Santa gave Bobby-Mike, the gift that his always wanted, then this would not happen. The mayor told the town people that there no more Christmas ever.

That was the end to ‘Happy-villa’ Christmas forever.
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This the begining to this story.
Just a toe-dip in the water here.
I hope you will like this story before it is stop after Christmas.