The Town without Christmas! A Christmas Angel Story!

Getting Ready for the Party!

I stood on the roof of Joy store, to see the town getting ready in a day; it was only December 22 right now. I watch them going around town getting everything for the Mayor party, but I could see in the people eyes that they missing Christmas life. I watch Erin walking to the town square, seeing her kneeling down in front of my mother tombstone. I could listen to her words, which she wishes that my mother never died, and end Christmas forever. I watch her getting off the ground, walking way, and seeing her tears rolling down her cheeks.

My heart broken into two right at that moment, I know that my time to get Christmas back to that town, and hoping I can make it in good time. I heard Joy calling for me, from the backdoor, and walking to the back of the shop. I jump down to the ground, looking at Joy to say to her, “Hey Joy, what’s up?”

Joy look at me to say, “I was wondering where you were, but you were not very far from here.”

“I was on the roof, watching everyone getting ready for that party… Joy do you think I will ever get Christmas back to this town?” I ask her standing there looking at her with a sad look on my face.

“Oh course Sanna, you’re a wonderful Christmas Angel, and you will finish this mission. I have faith in you, and you do everyone else. You need to keep your head up and your heart on what mean the most to you,” Joy told me walking up to me, and giving me a hug.

“Thanks Joy, you’re what to say to cheer me up,” I say to Joy hugging her.

The front bells went off; Joy and I looking at each other, and heading inside the shop. We head to the front; I brush off the snow from my body, and following Joy to the front of the shop. “Mr Mayor, nice to see you, right on time for your fitting and the rest of the family is here too,” Joy say to him, walking through the backroom doorway.

I came out behind Joy, Adam look at me to see I was a bit wet, and a bit of snow on my shoulders. “What happen to you? Your all wet, and there a bit of snow,” Adam ask me walking up to me, and lending on the countertop.

“I was outside for a bit, I just love snow, and mostly after the first snow fall too,” I told Adam wiping off the snow from my shoulders, and smiling at him sweetly.

Adam smile at me sweetly, and whisper to me, “I was wondering after we are done here, maybe we can go for a walk around the park. I need to tell you something, I saw one night, and maybe you can help me.”

I look at him, pushing myself away from the countertop, looking at Adam to whisper, “Sure I will meet you around 3 o’clock today at the park. I need to be here for a bit after we are done with the fitting.”

“Sure I can meet you there at 3 o’clock,” Adam told me, as he walks to the backroom with the rest of his family.

I lend back against the wall, letting out a sigh, and whispering to myself, “I guess I am on my own for a moment. Why cannot tell Adam the true about the real me, but how will his reaction to it?… GGRR! WHY?” I keep to myself, and hearing Joy calling for me to come help her for a bit.

“I think you fit pretty nicely in this outfit Mr mayor,” Joy say to him, checking over the costume to make sure everything fit right, and looking at me for a second to see a worry look on my face.

I was seeing if Bobby-Mike costume was fitting right, I could not do it, because he keeps on moving around every time I move around him. Adam look at his cousin to say, “Can you just hold still so Sanna can see if anything has to be change.” Adam stood there in his costume, not very fancy as the Mayor family. The Mayor, his wife, and his son dress up as a royal family, and Adam was a simple people of the 15th century, more like a knight without the armour.

“Fine, but make it quick Sanna,” Bobby-Mike say to me in a rude voice, turning his head back around to the front.

“Man, what wrong with him?” I whisper to myself, fixing the bottom of the pants, and seeing everything fitting ready. “Okay Bobby-Mike, we are done here, go change, and I will pack up your costume after I am done Adam.”

“Whatever,” Bobby-Mike says to me in a rude voice, walking away from me to the change room, and shutting the door behind him.

I watch Adam coming closer to me, standing still with his arms out to the side, and looking at me to say, “He a bit piss-off today. It seems Jack Frost cover his brand new car in snow this morning, and frosted it up so good that he cannot get into the car… But I woke to a wonderful frost on my window, and a message, but I will tell you later,” Adam whisper at the end so his family does not find out about the message in the frost.

I look up at Adam, thinking Jack was having a bit too much fun last night at the Mayor house, and thinking to myself, ‘Thanks Jack.’ I own Jack big time for doing that trick to Bobby-Mike, and trying hard not to laugh about it. “Maybe he piss-off Jack Frost to get that treatment?” I ask Adam, making it not knowing I was with Jack that night, and kneeling to fix the pant legs a bit more.

Adam looks down at me, and saying to me with a chuckle behind his voice, “Maybe he has done something to piss-off Jack Frost. I wonder with it is, that piss Jack off?” Adam stood there thinking to myself, as I finish up with his costume, and seeing him leaving back to the change room after I was done.

After Joy and I finish up packing the costumes into boxes, and seeing them leaving the shop. I look at Joy to say, “I wish I could go, but I don’t have time to make a costume.”

Joy look at me with a huge smile on her face, and saying to me, “Maybe you can go to that party.”

I look at her with a weird look on my face, and asking her in a confusing voice, “What are you talking about Joy?”

Joy walk over to a small closet, opened the door, and pulling out a light blue-white-golden ribbon dress. Showing the simple 15th century dress for me, and saying to me, “I had time to make this dress for you. Do you like it?”

I walk up to the dress, touching the dress with my hands, and saying to her, “I love it.”

“Go try it on, and I need to know if it fits right on you,” Joy told me, handle the dress to me, and seeing me leaving with the dress in my hands.

A few minutes later, I walk out of the change room in the dress, walking over to the mirror area, and looking into the mirror to see me in this wonderful dress. My mouth drop at the sight I was seeing, and saying to her, “Joy, this is so awesome. You are doing an awesome job making this dress, Joy thank-you so much.”

“We are not done yet, you need something for you hair,” Joy says to me, and looking around to find something for my hair.

I thought for a moment, then saying to Joy, “My headpiece will work for this dress.” I look at Joy, seeing her looking at me, then nodding to me, and I force on my forehead to lets my headpieces appearing on my forehead. I look at myself to seeing myself looking great in the dress. “What do you think?”

Joy look at me, looking at the dress to see if it fits me right, and saying to me, “Your look very lovely, like angel.”

I look at her to say, “I am angel, but thanks for the comment. Tomorrow night will be fun, but I cannot shake the feeling something happening to me.” I lower my head to the floor, letting my tears starting to fall and the feeling in my pit of my stomach.

Joy places her hands on my shoulders, and saying to me, “You worry so much, you will be okay, and that all you will okay. Now go get out of this nicely, and go met Adam at the park here soon. I overheard him asking you, and now go enjoy yourself.”

“Thanks Joy,” I say to her, going to change back into my normal clothes, and exiting the change room with the dress in my hands. I hang the dress up in my room on the back of my door, and looking at the dress over.

Around 3 o’clock, I got ready to leave to me for the park to meet Adam. I walk down the park, I saw Adam waiting for me at the pond, and smiling at me to greet me, “Good afternoon Sanna, how are your day?”

I walk up to him, taking a few deep breaths, and greeting him, “Good afternoon, I am doing good, and what about you?” I stood beside him, looking out to see the children playing in the snow, and smiling at the sight.

“I am doing well,” Adam say to me, looking out at the children playing in the snow, and whispering to me, “I wish those children knows about Christmas like I know it. There is some thing I need to talk to you about, let us go for a walk around the park, and I will tell you what I want to tell you. I need to tell someone I can trust, and I trust you to tell you.”

“Okay then,” I say to Adam, walking along the trail with Adam beside me. I was wondering what Adam wanted to talk about; it felt like it was something I have done around him, as my angel form.

Adam walk along the trail with his hands in the coat pockets, and he keep his eyes straight ahead. He keeps quiet the whole time, he keep a smile on his face, and I wonder what was on his mind to tell me. We got to small open area with a brunch of trees around it, and we stop for a moment. “Sanna, I need to tell I saw her… The Christmas Angel a few nights ago, and this morning there was message write on my window by her…. I need to know Sanna, why does she trust me to bring back Christmas to this town?”

I stood there, slipping my hands into my coat pockets, snuggling my shoulders to him, and saying to him nicely, “I have no idea why she will do that… Maybe she can trust you, because you have something that she looking for to bring back Christmas to the town of ‘Happy-villa’. I can see that you are full of the Christmas Spirit, maybe that why she came to you. Tell me what happen a few nights ago?”

Adam look at me, thinking for a bit, then saying to me, “I was up late at night, I could not sleep at all, so I went for a walk. As I was walking along a trail in the forest, I swear I heard someone singing Christmas songs; I follow the voice to a small clearing, to see a young woman wearing a small white dress. She was dancing in the new fallen snow, and singing the songs. She was afraid at first; she told me that she does not want to end up like her mother. I told her that I will never tell a soul about her.”

“But your telling me, that makes a big different,” I told Adam looking at him. I think back to the one night, when I dance and sing in the snow to have bit of fun.

Adam look into my eyes, taking a deep breath, and telling me nicely, “Because you’re the only one that seen her too. I can trust you with this little secret of my, and the only person I know that sweet too.”

I felt my heart beating quickly in my chest, I keep myself cool around Adam, and asking him nicely, “Do anything else happen that night? I wanted to now if he knows the rest of the night.

Adam walks up to me, looks at me in the face, and telling me, “Yes, we dance with each other as we say… I swear I heard the sound of a violin playing as we dance in the trees.” Adam took my hands, like that one night, slowly moving our bodies to dance, and he keep on talking to me, “We dance like this slowly and softly, as new snow fallen from the sky that night. It was so nice and romance, I wish the sun never rose in the morning. I wanted to stay with her just a bit longer, just to kiss her that all. Even if I have to do it on the cheeks, that all, one little kiss.”

I wanted to run at that point, Adam and I dancing like the way we did that one night, and I look up at Adam to ask, “What about was on the window this morning?”

Adam stop dancing, not letting me go at all, and pull out a piece of paper from his jeans. He shows me the message, and asking to me, “What do you think?”

I took the paper from his hands, looking down at it, reading the message from me to him, and saying to him, “She trust you to do this for her, to bring back Christmas to the town.”

“I know, but I cannot do it without a bit of help,” Adam told me looking down at me in his arms.

I look up at Adam to say, “You will need all the help to bring back Christmas to this town.”

“That why I need your help… You know Christmas pretty well, and I think you are the one that will help me,” Adam told me letting me go nicely, and smiling at me.

I look at Adam with a shock look on my face, and saying to him, “You want me to help you?… Adam, I can help a bit, but in a few days, I will be returning home. Mostly the day after the party, I am sorry that I am leaving here soon. Sorry about that Adam, but I wanted to tell you here soon, but I want to be home for… well you know.”

Adam look at me with a sad look on his face, and saying to me, “Oh, that okay, you will come back for visit in the summer maybe. I know it almost Christmas time, and your family is more important to you right now. I am cool with it, just promise me will meet again sometime in the New Year.”

I thought for a moment, then saying to Adam, “Sure I can see what will happen in the summer months, and maybe we can met again… However, I will help you get back Christmas back to this town. I think we need a bit more people to help instead of the two of us.”

“Your right, and I was one step a head of you. I have a few people wanting to help, but do not worry you are the only one that knows I have content with the Christmas Angel. Why don’t we hangout at the party tomorrow night?”

I look at Adam thinking to myself, and saying to him with a smile on my face, “That will sound so nice Adam.”

Adam smile at me, then bowing in front of me, and saying to me, “Yet tomorrow night my lady, we will have one more night together, and nothing will ruin that moment we will have together.” Adam hugs me, holding me a bit longer in his arms, and I could hear his heart beating quickly in his chest.

I lay my head on his chest, listening to his heart beating, and saying to him nicely, “I will see you tomorrow night Adam.” I slowly move out of his arms, looking at him with a smile on my face, and keep on talking. “I will keep your secret to myself, you don’t have to worry about anyone finding out the truth. We will bring back Christmas to this town, I will meet you tomorrow morning really quickly with each other else, and we can go over if we got everything.”

Adam smile at me, then saying to me, “I will see you tomorrow morning by town square, and I will bring everyone else that going to help out with this plan.”

“See you later then,” I say to Adam walking out of the clearing with Adam coming up behind me, and walking beside me. I smile at I felt Adam holding my hand as we walk along the trail, and I could not shake this feeling that something will happen at the party. I keep the smile on my face as I walk with Adam, my heart was beating quickly in my chest, and I felt my face getting red from blushing. I hide my face from Adam, so he never find out I was blushing a bit for him, and walking back to Joy place with Adam beside me, holding my hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
Everything is getting ready for the pary, the Mayor family has their costumes.

Adam telling Sanna, what his plan was to get back Christmas to the town. Will it work or fail?

Will Sanna keep her angel self to herself for one more day or will something will happen that will cost something great to to her?

Time will tell in the end.