The Town without Christmas! A Christmas Angel Story!

Adam Plan and Almost Party Time!

'Thump' the sound of something hitting my window, and hearing the sound again. I lift my head off my pillow to the thumping sound again, slowly getting out bed, and walking over to my window. I open the curtains, opening the window, peaking outside the window, and getting face fully of snow throwing at me. I wipe my face with my hands, cleaning off the snow, and looking down to see Adam and Erin waiting for me. I gave them the two-minute sign with my fingers, heading back inside my room, and getting ready for the day.

A few minutes later, I came running out of the shop to see Adam and Erin looking at me. Erin asking me, "Sanna, you can sleep through any thing?"

I look at Erin to say, "My alarm never went off, sorry I was coming after all." I shrug my shoulders at them, shoving my hands into my coat pocket, and looking at them to ask, "So what the plan Adam?"

Adam look at me to say as we walk to the town square, "Well I was thinking maybe we can sneak around putting up Christmas stuff in the tree and down main street," Adam told Erin and I. "Even if we get the tree done, we might have to finger out how to do it at night."

I look at Adam to ask quickly, "Adam what about the party, its tonight?"

Adam look at me to say, "Your right Savanna, most of the town people will be at the party tonight at my uncle place. How can we still do this?" Adam thought for a moment as we walk along the street to the town square. Then it came to him, and he say to us, "How about we get the lights on the tree today, and on Christmas Eve, we can have everyone in town to bring one Christmas think for the tree, and put it on. What do you think?"

Erin and I look at Adam, I spoke to him, "That will be a get plan Adam."

"I agree with Sanna on that plan, its sound great," Erin says to Adam, looking around to make sure no cops were watching us.

"That great, because," Adam told us, reaching under the tree, pulling out a huge box of lights, and saying to Erin and I. "I got the lights, now how to get them up top of the tree?" Adam look up the tree, trying to finger out what will work without being catch at all.

I look at Adam to say, "What about me climbing up the tree, with a rope in my hands, and I can throw the rope down to you two. Tied one rope of lights on it, I will pull them up to the top, and I can put them on the tree. I love climbing trees, and I will be very careful up there. I never fell out of at tree at all."

Adam look at me to say, "Just be careful then up there." Adam handing me the rope, seeing me taking the rope from him, and seeing me walking up the tree.

I look over my shoulders, smiling at Adam and Erin, and going under the tree. I look up inside the tree to see how tall the tree was really, grabbing one branch, and started to climbing up the tree with the rope over my shoulders. I slowly climbing up the tree, I slowly getting to the top of the tree, and popping my head up at the top. I look around to see the tops of the snow cover roofs of the houses, and seeing the winter wonderland around the town. "Wow, this look so lovely," I say to myself, straighten myself out, and throwing the one end of the rope down to the ground. Adam and Erin loop the end of the rope, making a knot, and seeing my pulling up the lights. I undid the rope, taking the lights, and started to wrap the lights around the tree.

We work all morning, putting up the lights on the trees, and watching out for Cops in the town. It was going good, under I was half-way down the tree, when a cop car coming closer to us, and I duck into the tree to hide. Adam and Erin turn around to see the cop exiting his car, walking up to them, and speaking to them, "Well hello you two, what are you two doing here on this nice day?"

Adam look at the cop to liar, "Nothing much, we are just looking at the tombstone of the Christmas Angel. We are wondering if the world ever has Christmas ever again."

The cop look at Adam and Erin to say, "Well you two know that there no more Christmas at all. Once that one thing happens 20 years ago that happen in this town. The world never has a single Christmas ever again; now effect those wild ideas about Christmas. It is gone forever, now go on what your day, and stop daydreaming now. Have a nice day, and stop thinking about Christmas from now on." The cop turns around to leave to his car, entering his car, and leaving the area.

I pop my head out of the tree, looking down at Adam and Erin, and saying to them, "That was too close for comforter."

Adam and Erin looks up to me, and Adam saying to me, "That was too close, and are you okay?"

I look at him, to say him with a smile on my face, "Yeah, I am okay. Now let's get this done here soon." I throw the end of the rope down to them, getting the next rope of lights, and getting back to work putting the lights on the tree. I keep on working around the tree, putting the lights on the tree, and moving down the tree.

Once my feet hit the ground, putting the last set of lights on the tree, and I look at them with a smile on my face. It felt so wonderful to see the tree with lights on it; I know this plan could work in the end, and hoping everything works out in the end. I look down at my cell phone to see it was almost time for the party in a couple hours, and I know Joy and me have to be at the Mayor place to help them get ready. "Adam, we need to go to get ready for tonight. See you later Erin, and hope Adam plans will work out in the end," I say to Erin heading back to Joy place to get everything ready for tonight party.

Joy saw me coming through the back door, looking at me to say, "Are you ready to do this?"

I look at her, grabbing the bag with my dress in it, and the rest of the stuff. I look at Joy to say, "I am so ready to do this now." I lower my head, letting out a huge sigh, and thinking over my plan about Christmas.

Joy walk up to me, placing a hand on my shoulder, looking at me to ask in a worry voice, "Are you sure your ready to do this?"

I look at Joy to shake the worry feeling, and saying to her, "I will be fine… It is nothing that I cannot handle on my own. Come on we better get going to the Mayor place to get them ready for this party." I walk to the backdoor, Joy following me out of the shop, and heading to the Mayor place.

Joy and I got to the Mayor house, seeing people running around the house setting up the food and everything else, and the Party Planner yelling out things to everyone. Joy and I headed upstairs to the Mayor Room to get him and his wife ready first then Bobby-Mike and Adam. Joy knock on the bedroom door, and hearing the Mayor voice calling out from behind the door, "Come in Joy." The Mayor knows that Joy and I were coming with everything to help them get into their costumes.

Joy and I enter the room, seeing the family waiting for us, and setting everything up to get them into the costumes. Joy look at the Mayor to say, "Okay Mr. Mayor, we are going to work on you first, and then we will move down the line one person at the time. Don't worry we will have everyone ready before the party starts."

"You two better make sure, if we are one second late. Your pay will be cut, now lets get this done and over with now. I have people coming here soon," Mayor told Joy and me, as we work to get him into his costume, and working as a good team.

After the Mayor was dress in his king costume, Joy and I work onto his wife to get her into her queen costume, and then Bobby-Mike into his prince costume. Bobby-Mike keeps on moving around trying to see me move around him, "Bobby-Mike can you hold still please?" I ask him trying to straighten out his shirt.

"Aw come on Sanna, you're very lovely to keep my eyes off you. I hope you are coming to the party, maybe was can hangout together, my friends will be envy's seeing a sexy-young lady on my arms," Bobby-Mike says to me looking down at me working away.

"Maybe, but right now you need to get ready or your parents will be mad at you," I say to him, finally getting the shirt straighten out, and working away getting him ready for the party.

I turn to see Adam already in his costume, I blush a bit in my cheeks, seeing him smiling at me, and I quickly turn my head away from him. I keep my bright red face away from Adam, I could not let Adam see me blushing, and I was able to finish my thing with Bobby-Mike costume. Joy and I watch them live the room to the party, Joy walk up to me, touching my right shoulder, and asking to me, "Are you ready to get your costume on?"

I look at her to say, "Yes and no… I am not sure I am ready to do this at all… It not that I am nervous about going, it's that…"

"You have fallen in love with Adam haven you?" Joy says to me; rub my shoulders with her hand, and taking a step away from me.

I look at her to say with wide eyes, "Yes that my problem, I have falling in love with a human. What do I do?" I walk over to a window, looking outside to see people arriving for the party, and letting out a sigh.

Joy look at me for a moment, and saying to me, "You will never find out if you two are might to be together if you don't go to that party." Joy set up my dress on a back of a chair, and looking at me.

I turn around to face Joy, thinking about the words she told me, and saying to her, "I will try, but thanks for the talk." I walk up to Joy, slowly getting ready, and hearing the party starting up downstairs. Joy and I heard them saying the Mayor and his family is here, hearing the people cheering, as I putting on my dress, and sitting down in a chair for Joy to do my hair for the party.

I let my headpiece come alive on my forehead, looking in the mirror to see how lovely I look now, and slowly getting up from the chair. I look at Joy to hear her say to me with a smile on her face, "Sanna-Holly, you look so much like your mother now. I wish she could see you now, you will make people mouths drop when they will see you."

I look at Joy to say, "Thanks Joy for everything you have done for me, and wish me luck." I walk to the door, and slowly opening it.

"Good luck Sanna, and if anything you can find me," Joy told me watching me opening the door, giving her a smile, and leaving the room. All I needed was luck on my side right now. My nervous was racing through my body as I walk closer to the stairs, and my heart beating quickly in my chest. I hope no one will find out who I am really, and why I am here in this town to bring back Christmas
♠ ♠ ♠
Adam plan goes into actions, hope that will work out in the end.

The party has begin, Sanna seems a bit nervous.


Found out next time why.