The Town without Christmas! A Christmas Angel Story!

Mayor Party!

I stood at the top step of the stairs, looking down at the people talking to each other, laughing, and have a good time together. I took a deep breath, letting it out, taking my dress in my right hand, and lifting it up at bit off the ground. Placing my left hand on the railing slowly started to walks down the stairs, and seeing people staring at me as I enter the party. I could hear their whispers on how beautiful I look, and trying to finger out who I was at this party.

I keep on walking down the stairs, my heart beating quickly in my chest, my palms slowly started to sweat, and my nervous was slowly getting to me. I felt like running away, but I held myself together as I reach the bottom step, straighten out my dress, and stood there breathing normally. I look back up to see Joy looking down at me with a smile on her face, and that made me feel a lot better now. I turn my head back to the party, and slowly moving around the rooms. I did some small talking to a few people, tasting some great food, and seeing the house was change onto a 15th century place. From the food to what people was wearing, and everything else in-between.

I stood by the fireplace, looking around the room, listening to everyone talking, and smiling to myself that I can holding out on my own. I felt a warm gently touch on my right shoulder, I frozen in my tracks, and hearing a familiar caring male voice behind me, "It is very nice to see Sanna."

I felt myself calming down hearing the voice, turning around to see Adam behind me, and saying to him, "It is nice to see you too, Adam."

Adam looks at me, seeing me in the dress, smiling at me, and saying to me nicely, "You look very nice, and that dress looks very lovely on you. You look like a princess from the 15th century, and I am nothing but a stable boy to the royal family."

I look at him to say, "Adam, you more a knight without armour."

Adam looks at me, chuckling nicely at me, and question to me, "Are you saying I am your knight in shinning armour to you?"

I blush a bit, looking away for a second, then turning back to see Adam face, and smiling at him. I tip over my tongue to try to speak to Adam, and saying to him stumbling a bit over my words, "Yes… I mean maybe… Man this is tuff to talk in here."

"Maybe we should go somewhere last quiet to talk alone," Adam told me, taking my left hand, lending me to a little noisily place, and we stop close to the staircase. "This is quieter place to talk with you."

I stood there, letting go of Adam hand, taking a step away from him, and straighten myself out to speak to Adam, "Thanks for this alone time."

Adam looks to my nervous showing a bit, lending closer to my right ear, and whisper to me, "Sanna, have you ever been to a party like this?"

I shook my head to him, then slowly speaking to him, "I been to a huge party, but not this type of party… it's an over…"

"Doing it, and your doing great for being here. Beside if, you feel like you cannot do this, do not worry I am here to help you with this, and if you want to get away from all of this party. Just say the word, and I will get you out of here," Adam say to me, smiling, and slowly taking my hands in his hands.

I lower my head for a moment, smiling a bit, and looking back up to met Adam eyes. "Thanks Adam, you have been a great friend. I will miss you when I gone back home, and hoping that your plan will work for this town… I hate seeing a town without Christmas at all. It must break your heart?" I say to Adam, holding his hands move, and keeping my eyes on his eyes.

Adam looks down at me to say, "It does break my heart, but after this plan go into actions… This town will remember Christmas again."

"What about your uncle, the mayor? Will he get angry at you?" I ask Adam knowing that he could be in trouble with his family, for bring back Christmas to 'Happy-villa' again.

Adam looks at me with a sweet smile on his face, and saying to me with a chuckle in his voice, "He can be mad at me all he wants, but I am still going through with my plan." Adam taking his arms, slowly wrapping them around me, holding me close to his body, and he whisper to me, "I wish you don't have to leave me, I need someone that I can trust to do this plan."

I lay my hands on Adam chest, looking up at him, and whispering to him, "I know, but I have go home to have my Christmas, but I can see if I can come for a visit in the summer time. I think I can get a few weeks off at work to come back here to see you." I never thought about coming back in the summer to see Adam again, and Santa will not mind if I leave for a bit.

"That sound nice, and we can have fun again. There also we can do is text, message each other over the computer, and talking over the phone too. We never lose in touch with each other at all, we can still be friends, and that will be cool," Adam told me looking down at me, with a huge smile on his face.

Adam and I were talking to each other, when Bobby-Mike came up to us, and looking at us to say in a rude voice, "This party is about the 15th century, not for you two to making out."

Adam and I lets go of each other, straighten out our costumes, and Adam ask Bobby-Mike nicely, "How the party going?"

Bobby-Mike look at Adam with narrow eyes, then looking at me to say in a gentleman voice, "My dear Sanna, may I have this dance?" He held out his hand to me, waiting for me to take his hand, and smiling at me.

I look at Adam, slowly reaching out to Bobby-Mike hand, and saying to him nicely, "Yes I may have this dance Bobby-Mike." I took his hand, walking away from Adam, heading to the dance floor with Bobby-Mike, and we dance to a few songs.

Bobby-Mike did not let me go at all, he keep his hand in my hand, and telling everyone that we are going to be the next big couple in the world. I rolled my eyes every time I heard those words, looking over to see Adam smiling at me, and I could not help but smile back at him. Bobby-Mike looks over at me to ask nicely, "Are you okay my dear?"

I look at him to say, "I am a bit dry throat, I am going to get some water. Be right back in a few minutes." I let go of his hand, walking away, and letting out a sigh.

I walk over to the drink table, grabbing a glass of water, taking a slip of water, and walking over to the window to look outside to see the freshly new snow falling from the sky. I smiled at the snow, letting out a sigh with a smile on my face, and thinking that it is going to be a white Christmas for everyone. I held the glass in my hands, looking outside the window, smiling the whole time, and thinking about the North Pole, that everyone there, I miss very much. The Mayor wife saw me by the window, walking up to me, and asking me nicely, "Sanna are you having a good time?"

I look at her to say nicely, "I am having a blast, your husband and you put on a wonderful party. Thank-you for letting me comes here to party with you guys."

"Then why are you looking outside the window at the snow falling?" she ask me seeing I was looking at the snow falling from the sky.

I look outside to say nicely, "Watching snow falling make me feel like a little girl again. I use to watch the snow falling, picturing myself dancing in it, and sing great songs. I just love looking at it, because it is the one time a year that we can be with family and friends, and having a time where there no troubles or problem at all. The spirit around this time of year makes me feel so warm inside, and my heart feel so cheerful." I smile at her, there looking back outside the window, and thinking about Christmas coming here soon.

The mayor wife looks at me with a weird look on her face, and saying to me in a rude voice, "You know we don't celebrate that thing this time of year. It has been gone for 20 years and never coming back. You should know Sanna, Christmas is gone from the world. Once the Christmas Angel had died, Christmas went with it. There is no more Christmas in this world not now, not never again. Get your head out of the clouds, and open your eyes to the real world…. A world without Christmas at all."

I turn my head looking at her, I about to say something to her about Christmas, but Adam step in to ask to his aunt, "May I take Sanna for a dance right now?"

She looks at Adam to say, "You may Adam, Sanna and I was having a little talking too. You can dance with her as long as you want for the rest of the night." She walks away from Adam and I, and could not believe what I told her a few minutes ago about Christmas still being alive in the world.

Adam took my hand, lending me to the dance floor, and started to dance with me. The songs was slow, Adam keep his arms around my body, I try hard not to let my nervous get to me, and feeling my heart beating quickly in my chest. My face was blushing red, I keep my head down trying to make eye contact with Adam eyes, and keeping myself calm down for a moment. Adam looks down at me to see my head lower, he lend down to whisper to me, "Are you okay Sanna?"

I whisper back to him, "Yeah, I am okay. I just thinking that all and I cannot…"

Adam stop dancing, taking his hand placing on my face, lifting my head up, to looks into my light blue eyes with his deep blues eyes, and saying to me, "You cannot tell me that you have a crush on me, that okay, your actions speak for themselves, and I do like you more then a friend. I wish we can be together forever, if I had one Christmas wish it will be with you forever in my arms."

My face got hot and a bright red, I could not talk for a moment, then saying to Adam, "Adam there something I need to tell you… A secret I been holding from everyone, Joy knows, but I was afraid that if I tell you. You might not want to be friends with me or don't want to be with me at all."

Adam looks at me, keeping his arms around me, and asking me nicely, "What is it Sanna? What is your secret that you are hiding from everyone?"

Before I could speak, a man step forward, making the music stop and everyone staring at him wondering what was going on. Who was this man and what does he want to say to everyone. The sound of people whispering to each other, and looking at him to finger out who he was. He lift up his right hand to make everyone stop talking, then speak in a deep voice, "Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is James Smith, and I have something on someone in this room. This person has not being telling the truth about who she or he is really. The person has been playing everyone around this town, getting people spirits up from being the dark so long, helping the town people out, and planning to bring back Christmas behind the mayor back."

Everyone started up whispering to each other again, I grab Adam arm, and holding onto it. I know James was talking about me, and I know that I could be in trouble right now. 'Please doesn't James be talking about me?' I thought to myself, praying that James guesses was wrong about me, and that he was only making himself act like a fool in front of everyone.

James walk around the circle, keep on talking to everyone there, "Now you people are wondering who this person that I am talking about is?… Well I will give you a hint to who it is really. First hint, this person only been in town for about four months…. Second hint, this person been sneaking off at night to dance in the new snow, without warm cloths at all…. Third hint, this person been playing with Adam heart that whole time. Last hint, this person knows Christmas very well, and been planning to bring back Christmas to this town." Everyone quiet talk to their friend, and trying to finger out which it is that James talking about. "Ladies and Gentlemen, you don't have to think very hard, because I am going to tell you who it is really." James looks at me, seeing the fear on my face, and pointing his finger at me to say, "It's Sanna-Lynn, she not human, but angel… The Christmas Angel for a fact."

Adam step in front of me, looking at James to say in a piss-off voice, "James that effect! Sanna-Lynn is a very nice, wonderful, and caring woman I ever met. You just cannot make up stuff about her, you so wrong about her. I been with her the whole time she been here, and not once I seen her turn into angel at all."

I place a hand on Adam right shoulder, turning him around slowly, and saying to him in a sad voice, "James is telling the truth about me." I looks up to the stairs to see Joy looking at me, knowing I have to tell the truth to Adam, and knowing its going to break my heart into two. "Adam the truth is about me is that I am the Christmas Angel. That one night you dance with angel that was I for real. The message in the frost was me, and the little girl you saw 20 years ago sitting outside your window…"

"That was you?" Adam asks me, to see me nodding my head to him, and lowering my head to let my tears fall to the ground. "You have been hiding this from me, from everyone in this town. Why now Sanna? What is your real name then?"

I looks up to Adam, with my eye red from crying, a tear rolling down my cheek, and I spoke to him, "My real name is Sanna-Holly Noel, and I am the Christmas Angel. I sent here on my own will to bring back Christmas to this town, and the faith in the church. I am sorry Adam for lairing to you; I am will be going now. Goodbye forever," I left without letting Adam or anyone say a single word to me. I grab the front of my dress, running to the door, and leaving the Mayor place with Joy not far behind me.
♠ ♠ ♠
The Party have bring going on for a while, and everyone been enjoying themselves there.

A few things going on now.

The Turth has came out abotu Sanna being the Christams Angel, and now what will happen next.

Will Adam still love her?

Will she will still love Adam?