The Town without Christmas! A Christmas Angel Story!

Aftermath of the Two Hearts!

I ran all the way back to Joy place, entering through the back, and heading upstairs to my room. I grab my suitcase, throwing it on my bed, opening it, and started to pack it. Tears fall from my eyes; I was so upset about everything that happens a few minutes ago, and keep on moving around my room. Joy stood in my bedroom doorway, watching me, and saying to me kindly, "Sanna, everything will be okay."

I stop packing for a moment, placing my hands on my suitcase edge, lowering my head to say through my upset voice, "No Joy, everything will not be okay. I have fail, I thought to keep my angel side under a rug, but now everyone knows I am angel, mostly the Christmas Angel. I cannot be here anymore, and thanks for everything you have done for me. This is goodbye forever from now on, and maybe we will meet again." I started to dial a number, talking for a few minutes, and once the call done. I look over at Joy to say, "I will be gone in a few minutes, the bus driver will be here at the bus stop in a few minutes."

Joy nodded her head to me; know what I was going through right now, and give me sometime alone to get ready to leave. "I will see you downstairs then," Joy told me walking away from the door, and going downstairs to wait for me.

I quickly get dress back into some normal clothes, grabbing my suitcase, and heading downstairs. I saw Joy waiting for me with a sad look on her face, taking a deep breath, letting it out, and walking out the backdoor to the bus stop. Joy helps me with my suitcase as we walk, we said nothing to each other, and this was not the right time to say anything. I just want to leave this town now, to get back to the North Pole to my real family. I looks up to the sky to see Jack Frost looking down at me with a sad look on his face, he must saw and heard what went down at the Mayor place. He knows I could have done my plan very well, but one problem came onto my path, and I have failed now. I saw the bus waiting for me, stopping for a moment to give Joy a hug, and whispering to her, "Thanks for everything you have done for me, and I will never forget you at all."

"Your welcome and you take good care of yourself. We will met again in good time, and you tell you father that I will keep everything going good here," Joy told me as we let go, and having a small tear rolling down her face.

I turn to get onto the bus, but I heard Adam voice calling me. I stop for a second to see Adam running up to me, and stopping in front of me. "Please don't leave me Sanna, I don't care if your angel… I love you for who you are the inside and outside. Please stay with me forever, or let me come with you?"

I let out a sigh, getting my foot off the step of the bus, walking closer to Adam, and speaking to him, "Adam, we can never be together at all. You are a human and I am angel, two things that cannot be together, I am sorry Adam. If you try anything stupid to coming angel, I will make sure your immoral life will be hell." I took off my necklace that my mother gave me, taking Adam hand, placing the necklace in his hand, and saying to him nicely, "I will always be with you, keep this close to your heart, and I will be there with you." I kiss him on the cheek, giving him one last hug, and walking away to the bus. I enter the bus, taking my seat, and walking the bus drive away. I wave my goodbye at Joy and Adam, with tears rolling down my face, and my heart breaking into two now.

Adam watch the bus driving down the road, his knees gave out under him, and falling to his knees. He could not believe that woman that he loves just left him, leaving nothing behind but her necklace. Adam look down at the golden heart with a small red rose in the middle, feeling his tears slowly filling his eyes, and slowly weeping under his breath. Joy walks up to Adam, placing a hand on his shoulder, and saying to Adam, "Adam, please do not let this thing happen between Sanna and you. I know Sanna very well, and she will return to see you here very soon. All you need is faith that she will return on the night if Christmas Eve."

"No Joy, she never going to return," Adam told Joy slowly getting off the ground. "If she does care about me, then why did she leave me?" Adam looking at Joy, holding the necklace tight in his hand, and moving his fist closes to his heart.

Joy look at Adam actions, and saying to him caring, "Adam, Sanna only leaving because she does not want to see you getting hurt… In addition, she does not want to end up like her mother, gone forever, or being Bobby-Mike girlfriend or wife. Please stop worrying about Sanna, she will come back, and you know how to do it too."

Adam look at Joy with weird look on his face, looking around the area, and asking Joy, "How can I bring Sanna back to this town?" Joy pointed to the tree in the town square, and smiling at Adam. Adam look over his shoulder to see the tree, not even done up, and thinking to himself what Joy was trying to get to him. "You think that will work to get back Sanna?" He saw Joy nodding her head to Adam, Adam smiled at her, and shoving my necklace into his coat pocket. Adam took off running to get a few town people to help him with his plan.

The bus arrive back at the Pole, I look outside the bus window to see everyone waiting for me. I knew Jack flow a head to tell everyone what happen to me in the town, I can tell by the looks on their faces. They were not happy to hear the bad news, I let out a sigh, getting up from my seat, and walking out of the bus with my head lower. Once my feet hit the snowy ground, I slowly raised my head to see all the elves, Santa wife, Jack Frost, and Santa looking at me. I open my mouth to say slowly, "I am so sorry, I have failed. "Happy-villa' will never see another Christmas again…. Forever." I walk pass everyone, with my suitcase in my hands, and heading straight to my bedroom to be alone.

Santa wife look at everyone to say, "Lets leave Sanna-Holly alone for awhile, she need this time alone to calm down. She been through a lot, but we still have a lot of children to make toys for and to get Santa ready in one night." She lends everyone back into the workshop to finish the last bit of toys for Christmas for the rest of the world.

I throw my suitcase on my bed, taking off my coat, and walking over to my window. I sat down on the seat part, pulling my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around my knees, and lower my chin on my knees. I let out a huge sigh, then thinking about what just happen in the town, from James slipping the bean I was the Christmas Angel to breaking Adam heart into two before I left. I broke down crying, lowering my head, placing my forehead on my knees, and letting my tears flow from my eyes hitting my legs. "I hope you will forgive me, Adam," I whisper to myself through my weeping. I could not move at all, I felt frozen in sadness to move at all, just weeping under my breath as my tears fall from my eyes.

I keep on weeping, when I heard my bedroom door slowly opening, and hearing footsteps coming into the room. "Sanna-Holly, are you okay?" Santa wife ask me walking up to me, and placing her arms around my shoulders to comfort me.

I shook my head to her, lifting my head up a bit to look straight a head, and saying to her trying to keep my upset down, "No I am not okay. I have failed at my plan for that town, and I broken Adam heart in two before I left."

"You never fail at anything Sanna," Santa told me looking at me in the face, and taking my right hand in his hand, and keep on talking to me, "I never have seen a sweet-smart Angel like you fail at anything. I know I watch you grow up before my eyes, and my wife will agree with me on that."

I look into his joy big eyes, trying to smile but I could not do it, and say to him, "I am sorry Santa, I just going through a hard time now."

Santa places his left hand on my shoulder, looking at me, to ask me, "Do you want to stay here this Christmas?"

I shook my head at him, and saying to him, "No, I need to come along to light the rest of the tree stars. If I do not then there could be more trouble if people stop believing in Christmas. I will never let that happen again in my lifetime, or forever from now on. I will see you later on tonight to do our job for the rest of the people in the world." I felt Santa wife letting me go, and looking at her husband.

Santa smiled at me to hear me saying those words, looking at his wife to say, "My dear those words that Sanna get spoke, and do they sound like words of fail or strong words?"

Santa wife look at him to say, "I think those words are strong words that Sanna just spoke. I know she will never fail at doing what she loves doing best for those that need the most help."

I thinking on hard on what they were saying to me, I sat there not letting my fears get to me, and saying to them both, "Thanks you two, you two know how to make me feel better." I got off the window seat, giving them both a hug, and feeling so happy that I can do anything now.

Adam got a few town people to help with getting everything ready for that night. It was Christmas Eve now, everyone working quickly putting up the Christmas stuff, and the older people tell the children about Santa Claus. "He comes down your fireplace, leaving under your Christmas tree, a brunch of gifts, and eating and drinking a bit of the milk and cookies that you leave out for him," Adam told a group of children standing in front of them.

"What about his reindeers? Do they get something too?" a small girl asks Adam in a worry voice.

"Oh don't forget about them, leave behind some carrots. They love carrots, and it's nice for them to know that they not forgot too," Adam told the little girl, with a smile on his face.

"I can really what Santa Claus is to you snort nose children?" Bobby-Mike says to the children, stepping in front of Adam, and keep on talking to them. "Santa Claus is nothing but a fat man in a red suit, which comes for one night to leave no good gifts. He leaves nothing but junk toys that never last very long. One-play things that break after you play with it once, and he will never return it at all. He never care about you, children at all. He cares about the cookies and milk you have to leave him, if not you on his bad list forever, and that mean you doing get any toys forever."

"No toys at all?" the little girl ask Bobby-Mike with sad eyes, and a worry tone to her voice.

"Not a single toy, but a huge lump of coal," Bobby-Mike told the little girl, and making the children cries loudly. He put the fear in their heart about Santa Claus, and keeps on saying to them, "Yep if Santa gave me the one thing I wanted when I was 6 years old… There still be Christmas in this town, but there not going be another Christmas ever again. Adam is doing nothing, but putting nothing a fake image in your little heads about Christmas…"

"Stop that, you scaring them Bobby-Mike, just leave them be for now on," Adam told Bobby-Mike turning his cousin around to face him, and trying to keep his cold with his cousin actions.

"Try to get them to believe in Christmas now, and Santa Claus too…. I will make sure this town will never have another Christmas at all, and I will be telling my father that you are planning to bring back Christmas to this town. Oh wait Christmas will never return, because the Christmas Angel will never come back to town after what happen last night," Bobby-Mike told Adam slowly walking away laughing in the air, that I will never return to the town.

Adam lowers his head, looking down at the ground, and whispering to himself, "Christmas will return, as long as a bit of spirit is alive in this town. Sanna-Holly Noel will return, because Christmas is not about the gifts at all. Its about the one time of year everything that cause hurt and pain end for one night to celebrate the miracle that happen years ago in a small town over seas."

I was getting ready to leave with Santa for the Christmas run, looking at myself in the mirror, and seeing Jack Frost standing in the doorway of my room. "Sanna-Holly, are you ready to do this?" he ask me with a smile on his face, and waiting for me to leave my room.

I turn around walking to him, wearing my angel clothes, and stopping in front of him to say, "Thanks for coming along this time. I really need to have a good friend with me right now, and you have to give a few countries a white Christmas this year."

"You right about the white Christmas, plus I want to make sure you okay. Mostly what happen last night in the town, and I know you will be okay. Come on we cannot keep Santa waiting," jack say to me, giving me a quick hug, and we left my room. We say a quickly goodbye to everyone and good luck, walking behind Santa to the sled area, and getting ready to leave any moment now.

"Are you coming in the sled this year?" I ask him walking along the hallway to the leaving area.

"I am not going to ride it some…. Old… Sled," Jack say to me, standing beside Santa, seeing the sled coming into view, and his mouth drop at the sight of it. It was not old sled, but awesome sled ever. Jack look at me to say, "Okay you talk me into it, just one ride that all."

I giggle seeing Jack jumping into the sled, Santa next with a few elves, and me last into sled. "I know, you will love it," I say to Jack, getting ready to leave the North Pole, and having Santa taking off quickly. The sled rode along the icing runaway, Santa making the reindeers running faster, and hitting the lift to rise in the air. Jack and I laugh with fun in our voices, standing on the edge of the sled, as it took off into the air, and raising our arms in the air. Jack and I rode with Santa in the sled until we got to the first town, and it was time to get to work. The elves stay with Santa, and Jack came with me to the Christmas tree to light the star on the top.

I was doing okay, but in the back on my mind, the town of 'Happy-villa' will ever see another Christmas at all, but I wanted to know if the Christmas Spirit is still there. Even if it is a bit of it there, and they know, the real realize to celebrate Christmas.
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I am done this part, and you now find out what going on between Adam and Sanna.

Will Christmas return to 'Happy-villa' again or be lost forever?

Find out next time.