The Town without Christmas! A Christmas Angel Story!

The Plan!

20 years later:

“What a great summer that was my dear,” Santa says to his wife entering the front door of their place at the North Pole, wearing a flower shirt, brown shorts, and sandals. He carries a suitcase in his right hand, placing the suitcase down on the floor, and closing the door behind him.

Santa wife wear a long flowing flower dress and sandals, turn around to face her husband. “It was Chris, but I am worry about Sanna-Holly. She has not been herself for a while, and it worries me every time she goes out with you every Christmas. She never stays very long with us in Hawaii. She did nothing but hang around the timeshare with that sad look on her face, looking out her bedroom window up at the sky,” Santa wife told her husband with a worry tone in her voice.

“I know my dear, but Sanna is a grown young woman. I sure she want to hangout with her father for a bit, and she will be back soon. We are part of her family, and Gabriel does trust us with her through out all these years around this time. We need know that Sanna can take care of herself on her own. We know what she has been through the last 20 years. She took a lot of reasonability so quickly, and Gabriel had to teach her everything in a short time. We are family to her too, and family stick together like glue,” Santa told his wife, wrapping his arms around her shoulders, and giving her a kiss on her forehead.

“I know, but I do worry about her and you every year now. She been like a daughter to me, and I love her too like a mother. I know that her father trust us with her, and we need to keep her safe every year. I think Sanna need that time with Gabriel to think about this year,” Santa wife say to Santa in his arms, and kissing him on the lips. “Okay let me go we have work to do before Christmas this year. We got three months until then, it is September.” Santa wife move away from Santa walks to their bedroom to get dress in their normal clothes.

Up in heaven, I was walking along a cloud pathway with Gabriel, wearing my angel clothes and headpiece. “So how do you think I am doing dad?” I ask my daddy walking along the pathway.

Gabriel stop in his tracks as I stop to with him by an edge of the cloud, looking at me with a smiled on his face, and spoke to me nicely, “Your doing great Sanna-Holly. Why do you ask that question to me?”

I struggle my shoulders at him, and spoke nicely to him, “Because I was wondering how proud you were at me. Plus I want to know if I can I try something new this year?” I look at my daddy with a smiled on my face.

“I know that look Sanna-Holly, what is it?” Gabriel asks me; know my looks on my face that I want to do something crazy without him.

I move my hands for a bit in a circle, looking down at the cloud, and spoke in a sweet voice, “I was wondering if I can try to get the town of ’Happy-villa’ back into the Christmas spirit, please daddy.” I look up at my daddy with puppy-doggy eyes, and hoping that he will say yes to my planned.

Gabriel looks at me, and spoke to me in his normal parent voice, “That up to Santa to let you do that, but I will like you go. They are also loosing their faith in God, and the Big Guy told me that you would be the right angel to do it, but run your idea through Santa first before going for it. Remember I watch you slid down that hill at the North Pole, when your were 15, and seeing you crash into a snow pile head first. I don’t want you get hurt or worse.” Gabriel places both of his hands on my shoulders, looking into my eyes to keep on telling me, “I already lose one angel in my life. I do not want to lose another, expertly my own daughter. I love you very much to loose you like your mother, and you know how much I love her too.” Gabriel shed a tear rolling down his face.

I took my right hand, wiping the tear away from his face, and looking into his eyes to say, “I will be alright, you can trust me. Now I have to get Santa is waiting for me, I love you daddy.” I hug my daddy, and getting ready to go back to Santa and his wife.

“Remember to bring something back for me and the Big Guy too,” Gabriel say to me, before I left heaven before the North Pole.

“I know, he into trains and you will get something, just no peeking again from both of you. See you later after Christmas, love you very much,” I say to my dad with a smile on my face and took off flying down to the North Pole.

“Good-bye my daughter and I love very much too,” Gabriel say to me watching my flying down to the North Pole and walk away from the edge of the cloud.

I landed down on a soft pile of snow, my wings disappear, and walking slowly to Santa place. I opened the big front door to see all the elves walking around getting ready for Christmas in a few months. I walk along them, saying hi to every elf, and keep on walking to the control area in the middle of the room to find Santa. “Check to see what the children in Wainwright, Albert are going now. We need to make sure whom on the good list and the bad list this year, and make sure to check it twice. We do not want to miss any thing this year,” Santa says his control elves, looking over the list.

“What about me, Santa, what list is I on?” I ask Santa standing in the opening of the control area.

Santa turned around to see me standing there in my angel clothes, with a big jolly smiled on his face, and say to me, “Sanna-Holly, lets see…” Santa checks his list to see what list I was on, “You’re on the good list year, and anyways on the good list with me.” Santa walks up to me, giving me a big hug, and say to me nicely. “It is good to see you Sanna-Holly, how your dad doing this year?” Santa let go of me and stood there smiling at me.

I look at Santa, and spoke nicely to him, “Gabriel is doing good, but there something I need to tell you.” I was worry that Santa would say no, but the chose was his that I get to leave to the town, and try to being back Christmas for them.

“What is it, Sanna?” Santa asks me in a worry voice.

I try to find the right words to tell Santa that I wanted to go to ’Happy-villa’ to bring the Christmas spirit back to them this year. I finally came out with it, “Santa, I want to go to Happy-villa to bring the Christmas spirit back to them. Please Santa, I want to go, my dad told me that they are loosing their faith too… Please Santa let me go.” I look down at the floor and hoping that Santa will say yes to it.

“Chris, let her go, she all growing up now,” Santa wife say behind me, as every elf stop working to listen to what Santa have to say to me.

Santa plays around what the idea in his mind for a moment, and finally told me his answer, “Okay Sanna-Holly. You can go, but your back on Christmas Eve. Any problems you are back early then. I cannot hold you back on the big thing. Plus I know you will be in good hands,” Santa looking at me.

I raise my head to Santa with a smiled on my face what Santa told me. I spoke to him so happy, “I will be alright, there a watch angel name Joy. I can stay with her; she will make sure that I am safe too. You do not have to worry about me Santa; I will be back on Christmas Eve. If I have any problems I will come back home in no time.” I was so happy that Santa letting me goes to the town, “I will leave in a few days.”

Santa walks up to me, giving me a hug, and whisper to me, “Your always been a daughter to me, and I know that you will safe. I love you as family,” Santa let me go. “Now go pack, your leaving in a few days.”

“Thanks Santa,” I say to Santa walking away from the control area, and heading to the stairs.

The elves were in shock that I was leaving for this year. “What about my cookies?” say the head-baking elf as I walk by him and his group.

I stop in front of them, “Why do you need me to test your cookies? They always been great tasting, and you do not need me to taste them all the time. You can send me some to the town, and I will write back how they taste,” I told the head-baking elf, and he smiled at me.

“What about my hot chocolate?” say a small female elf as I walk by her.

I stop in front of her, and spoke to her, “Your hot chocolate has always been the best of all the North Pole, and don’t change it in any means.” I gave her a hug, and keep on walking to the stairs lending to the bedrooms.

“Who will I have to play outside or race around the North Pole now?” say Jack Frost to me, standing on top of the stairs looking down at me.

I walk up the stairs to Jack Frost, and spoke to him, “I will be back in no time, plus I always beat in the racing.” I keep on walking pass him to my bedroom with a smile on my face.

Jack was in shock at what I say to him about the beating him in the races, and fellow me to my bedroom. “You don’t beat me all the time, I won a few races too,” Jack says to me as we walks to my bedroom.

I stop at my bedroom door, turn around to say to Jack, “I know that, I was being funny with you. Come on I am going to be gone for a while, I needed to get my pick on before I leave in a few day to ‘Happy-villa’. Come on Jack, I will be back in no time, beside you need to practice to beat me in the races next year,” I opened to door to my bedroom, and walks inside my room.

“What about a good-bye hugs at lest?” Jack says to me holding out his arms to me.

“Alright,” I say to Jack, giving him a hug, and letting go of Jack, “See you later Jack.”

“Hey, if I am in Happy-villa’ frosting things up. I will leave you something nice on your window to remember by, beside if they pick on you. I will give them the worst frost ever seen, because you’re my friend that kind of a little sister, and a big brother looks out for his little sister,” Jack told me with a smiled on his face.

I laugh at the fact that Jack Frost will do that for me. “Thanks Jack, I have a lot of packing to do, and a call to make first. I will see you around for the next few days,” I say to Jack closing my bedroom door.

After I closed my bedroom door, I walk over to my phone on my deck, picking up the phone, and dialling the phone number to Joy place. The phone rang three times before Joy picks it up. “Hello,” Joy voice came over the phone line.

“Hello Joy, nice to hear from you,” I say to Joy on my end of the phone line.

“Sanna-Holly? Is that you?… I cannot believe that you are talking to me. How everything been with you?” Joy sound so happy to hear from me, we have not talked in 20 years.

“Everything is good, but I have a problem now and it is your area,” I say to Joy over the phone.

“What is it?” Joy answer back to me.

“The town your in, ‘Happy-villa’. I going to be there for the next few months trying to get them back into the Christmas spirit, and back in their faith too. I need to know if I can stay with you until it is time for me to leave by Christmas Eve,” I told Joy my plan to come to the town to get everything right with Christmas.

Joy thought for a moment, then answer back to me, “Okay Sanna-Holly, you can come stay with me, but try to stay out of trouble. The town is always been on edge for the last 20 years about Christmas stuff put up, and sing the songs too. I do worry about you doing this after… Will you know.”

“I will be fine Joy, beside when the last time you saw me too…. 20 years ago on Christmas night. I have grown since then, and I want to this too,” I say to Joy over the phone.

“Okay then, see you in a few days then,” Joy say to me over the phone line.

“Bye, I will see you in three days. I will come in on the bus, so no one knows who I am really,” I say to Joy on my end of the phone.

“See you then. Good-bye for now,” Joy say to me.

“See you soon Joy. Good-bye for now,” I say to Joy. We both hang up the phones together.

I sigh at the fact that I will taking on a big time challenges, and started to have second thoughts on it, but they past by quickly. I walk over to my big bedroom window, and sitting down on the window seat looking up at the night sky. “I wish you were still here mother. I miss you very much,” I say to myself keeping my eyes up at the night sky. Taking my right hand, taking my fingers around my neck, and grabbing a gold heart with a red rose in the middle necklaces that my mother gave to me.

I started to cry, that I miss my mother very much now.
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So the planed is set into action soon, and Sanna-Holly is going back to 'Happy-villa' to bring back Christmas to the town.

I hope this works out!