The Town without Christmas! A Christmas Angel Story!

Welcome to The Town of Happy-villa!

At the North Pole, a few days has pass from when I told Santa to letting me go to ’Happy-villa’ to bring back Christmas to them and helping from loosing their faith too. I change from my angel clothing into a blue jeans, shirt with long sleeves, and running shoes. My hair was in two pig-tails-braids, and wearing the necklace my mother gave me.

I was finishing packing my big suitcase with some clothes and a few things too. I closed the suitcase top, zipping up the suitcase up, and placing her hands on the top of the suitcase thinking. “What am I doing?” I thought to myself as I lower my head and looking down at the top of my pink suitcase. I lifted up her head, removing my hands off from the suitcase, walking around my bed to the big window, and standing in front of the large window looking out the window at everyone walking around in the snow talking.

I watch the elves walking around doing their work, when Santa wife came into my bedroom with two cups of hot chocolate. “Hey, I thought we can have one more cup of hot chocolate before you leave here soon,” Santa wife say to me, holding out a cup out to me.

“Thanks,” I say to Santa wife taking the cup of hot chocolate from her hand, and holding the cup in my hands. “Thank-you soon much for everything Santa and you have done for me all these years,” I say to her taking a sip of hot chocolate, and keeping my eyes outside the window.

“Your welcome my dear, and you always been a daughter to Santa and I. I just want you to be careful that all,” she told me, finishing drinking her hot chocolate, setting the empty cup down on the table at the end of my bed.

I finish drinking my hot chocolate, looking at Santa wife, and saying to her, “I will always be careful, and it is only for a few months that all. I will be back in three months before Christmas.” I set my empty cup down on the table at the end of my bed too, and giving Santa wife a hug. “Thanks for everything you have done for me through out the years, and I will always be a part of this family.”

We hear a small knock at my bedroom door, letting go of each other, and turning to see a female elf standing there, “Ready to go Sanna-Holly?” The elf asks me.

“Yes I am,” I told the elf, and looking at Santa wife, “I guess it is time to leave the North Pole for a bit.” I grab my suitcase off my bed, coat from the hanger by the door, and leaving my bedroom with Santa wife following me.

I arrive outside the building to see a huge group of elves, Jack Frost, and Santa waiting by a running bus. The bus driver is an elf that drives around the North Pole. I walk pass every elf, and listening to their small talk to each other about me leaving the North Pole. Santa wife follow me up to the bus, and join Santa side. I walk up to Jack first, giving him a big hug, and letting go of him. “Hey, I will be checking up on you in ‘Happy-villa’ to make sure you are alright. I leave something special on your window to wake to every morning. My best work with frost, just for you. You always were a little sister to me, and I like a big brother to you. I will make sure you are alright,” Jack told me with tears slowly filling his eyes, and slowly rolling down his face.

“Jack, are you crying that I am leaving?” I ask Jack seeing the tear rolling down his face.

“I am not crying… I just have something in my eye that making it tear up,” Jack told me wiping his eyes with his hands.

“I will miss you too Jack,” I told Jack, wiping a tear from Jack face with my right hand.

Jack sniff a bit, and spoke nicely to me, “I will miss you too.”

I smiled at Jack, and walk to Santa and his wife by the bus. I set my suitcase on the snowy ground, looking at Santa and his wife, and say to them, “Well here I go.” I smiled at them with a big smiled on my face.

Santa looks at me, and spoke to me with a smiled on his face, “Good luck Sanna-Holly. I will wait for you to come back before Christmas Eve. You be careful around that town, and any problems you will be back here in no time. I will be watching you to see how good you will be.” Santa gave me a hug, and whisper to me in my right ear, “Where did the years go?… You will always be a daughter to my wife and I, and we want the best for you. You have grown up so fast, I remember a little angel girl learning to fly for the first time, and ended up doing a face first into a soft snow pile. Now you have grown into a young angel woman, and looking so much likes your mother. I know, I should have not brought up your mother, but you are so much like her in every way, right down to the heart of gold. Take care Sanna-Holly,” Santa let me go, and keep on talking to me. “Well you better get going. The bus is waiting for you to get on.”

I pick up my suitcase from the ground, and looking at Santa with a smiled on my face. “I will always be your daughter, and thanks for everything. I will see you before Christmas Eve. I will go for only a few months, and I will be careful. Good-bye,” I say to everyone as I walk on the bus, the bus driver closed the door behind me, and I found a seat to sit.

The bus roams up a bit, and started to roll down the ice road, I watch everyone waving good-bye to me, and Jack racing beside the bus for a bit. Jack blows some frost on my window, and wave to me. The bus disappears in the distance, and I was on me way to ‘Happy-villa.’

It was a long ride to ‘Happy-villa’, but I got there in one piece. The bus stop at the bus station in the town, and I got up from my seat. I walk to the front of the bus, looking at the bus driver, and say to him, “Well here I go, you take care,” I watch the bus door slid opened.

“I will, you take of yourself, and I will see you in a few months to pick you up,” He told me smiling at me. I smiled at him, gave him a quickly hug, and exit the bus with my suitcase in my hand. My feet touch the sidewalk, took a few steps away from the bus, I felt the bus moving behind me, and seeing the bus driving along the road before it disappear out of sight.

I stood there on the sidewalk looking around the town, and everything has change in the last 20 years. I remember the town being full of energy and life, and not there nothing there. Every build look so beat-up, and everything so down and out look. I heard an old woman voice from behind me, calling my name. I turn to see Joy standing there by a bench, that 10 ft away, “Joy!” I say to Joy walking up to Joy with my suitcase in my hands, and dropping the suitcase on the ground close to Joy to gave her a hug.

“Sanna-Holly! I am so happy to see you,” Joy says to me with her arms around me, and looking me over. “You look so much like you mother, but you got your father eyes. You have grown up so much since the last time I saw you 20 years ago, wow.”

I smiled at Joy, and spoke to Joy.,“I know, but now I think I need to unpack before seeing what I am getting into in this town. I need to know by you what been going on for the last 20 years, and if anyone ask I am your niece that coming to stay for a bit.”

“I know, now grab your stuff, and follow mw to my place,” Joy told me pointing to my suitcase on the ground. I pick-up my suitcase from the ground, and follow Joy back to her place.

Joy have a small business in town, that she make custom made clothes for special parties if any one was having, like a wedding or birthday party or what ever. We arrive at the back of the shop, and Joy opens the door. “Welcome to your new home for a bit,” Joy told me entering the shop. Joy lives in the back and over top of the shop, the kitchen and dinner room, and living room was on the main floor. Then was a long staircase off to the side that lend upstairs to the four bedrooms upstairs. Each bedroom had it own bathroom, and very comfortable.

I enter the back of the shop to see Joy workstation off to the left side of the place, and the kitchen that to the right side. I closed the door behind me, and taking off my shoe. “Joy, your place is so pretty. I never known that you are into homemade stuff,” I say to Joy looking over some homemade stuff on a shelf.

“I know, now lets get you upstairs to un pack, I will make some tea of us, and tell you everything that been going down over the last 20 years,” Joy told me heading the stairs.

I head to the stairs, and follow Joy to a bedroom that faces the main street. “This wills your bedroom,” Joy opens the door to the bedroom to show me the room.

I enter the bedroom with a shock look on my face. The bedroom was so beautiful, a four post double bed along the South wall, and a closet along the West wall beside the door. The bathroom was on the other side of the bedroom door, along the West wall. A long wooden dresser with a big mirror was along the North wall, and two windows along the East wall with window seats. The walls painted white, and the bed cover was light blue, along with the curtains in the window and around the bed. “Wow Joy, you did not have to do this for me,” I say to Joy setting my suitcase on the bed.

“I wanted you to feel like you’re at home. Now I going to make some tea, I will called for you once it is done,” Joy told me as she left the room back downstairs to the kitchen.

I opened my suitcase to unpack my stuff in the room, and feeling that I was going to be okay. Inside I was missing my mother very much, I remember to that one night 20 years ago, and trying to forget it, so I can forces on the my plan to get the Christmas spirit back to ‘Happy-villa’. I look outside to see the town people walking along the streets going on with their day. I heard Joy calling me for tea, and I left my room. Joy and I talk over tea by what has been going on for the last 20 years, and I was surprise at few things she told me. I really wanted to get everything back to normal in this town.

I came to this town be things right with everything.
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So Sanna-Holly is now in the town and what will go will down now.

The only thing to know is to read teh next part, coming soon.