The Town without Christmas! A Christmas Angel Story!

The Meeting!

I have been the town of ‘Happy-villa’ for over two weeks, and seeing what the town has came. The town was falling apart, the buildings was so old and breaking down, and the streets have holes. All the town people are nice people, but they have very little money to live in their homes or food too. I never seen people with big hearts live in a bad way, it was hurting my feels big time. I seen the town people help each other out the best they can, and their faith was still there. I went to the only church in town to see what going on and seen the old church was in worse sharp then the town.

The church windows was broke, the door never closed right, and the outside and inside was a mess. I talk to the pastor of the church about what happen to the church, and he told me that the mayor been taking the money from the church for his own needs. He told me that he might have to close down the church forever, if the church does not get money here soon. I saying my thank-you to him, and leaving the church back to Joy place.

I was walking along the street back to Joy place. I was thinking what happen to the town that was full of life and faith to having nothing much left. I shook my head as I was thinking and seeing the old tree in the middle square with nothing on it, but it empty branches with its green needles. I remember seeing that tree fully decoration with lights, ornaments, and a big star on top of the tree. I keep on walking by the tree from the other side on the street. I enter Joy place through the front door, heading to the back room to take off my coat, “So how was your walk?” Joy asks me watching my hanging up my coat on the hanger.

“It was alright, what happen to the town after all these years? This town was full of life and now it’s…” I say to Joy looking at her with a worry look on my face.

“A dump… I know about that,” Joy told me with a sad looks on her face. “Come on I need your help putting out new stuff,” Joy left the back room with me following her to the front of the store.

Joy and I was sitting around the counter talking about things we did over the last 20 years, and Joy laughing at a few things I did growing up at the North pole. When the front door open, the Mayor and his family enter the shop, “Good afternoon Mr. Mayor, lovely day isn’t it,” Joy says to the Mayor and his family.

“Yes, yes, it is, now I here for some business with you. You know what coming up in December, and my family and I need some costumes for the biggest party ever. We were thinking about 15th century theme, and everything well is set back then, the food, and everything else. We need you to build the outfits, you get it,” The mayor says to Joy in a powerful mayor voice.

“Is it a Christmas party?” I ask the mayor nicely, knowing what his answer will be.

The mayor looks at me with narrow eyes, and spoke in a mean voice, “Don’t ever say that word around here young lady. We do not have Christmas anymore around here. You must be new around here to not know that.”

I looks at the mayor, and spoke nicely to him, “Yes, I been here for over a couple weeks.”

“I see then, well welcome to our town, and be please to visit our house anytime,” the mayor told me nicely, trying to make me feel part of the town.

Joy looks at the mayor and his wife, and says to them, “Okay mayor, can I have your wife and you come with me so I get you two messages for your outfits.” Joy led the Mayor and his wife into the back room.

I stay out front seeing the mayor son and nephew looking over a few things, “So what is your name and age?” ask the mayor son to me in a rude voice, looking me over to see I was good-person.

I lend on the countertop, spoke nicely to mayor son, “My name is Sanna-Lynn, and I am 25 year old.” I had to make up a middle name so they will not know my real name.

“Sanna-Lynn, well my name is Bobby-Mike, and I am 26 year. I am also a very great guy to know, maybe some time well you are staying here for a bit, we can go for coffee,” Bobby-Mike say to me, and trying to flirt with me. Bobby-Mike is a round person, like his father, with short greases looking orange hair, and green eyes, only 5ft 7in tall and wearing very nice rich clothing.

“Nice of you for asking me out, and I will remember to at lest go for coffee while I am here,” I say to Bobby-Mike. I look over at the second person looking at some artwork on the work. “What your name and age?” I ask him nicely, still lending on the countertop looking at him over by the suits.

He turned around, looking at me from across the room, and spoke nicely to me, “My name is Adam MacPhee, I am 26 year old, and I am the mayor nephew.” Adam is a well-built person with shaggy blonde hair, and deep blue eyes. He was only 6ft tall and wearing jeans and a t-shirt, he dress like a normal person would.

His deep blue eyes meet my light blues, and my heart started to beat fast. I know those eyes very well, I saw those 20 years ago after the hunters killed my mother, Adam was the little boy I meet that one horror Christmas night. I shook my head, and spoke to Adam, “So Adam, why are living with your uncle and aunt is it?” I stood up from the countertop, holding the edge of the top, and trying to stay calm.

Adam walks up to me, looking at me, and spoke to me nicely, “Sanna-Lynn, I do not like talking about it, but maybe in good time I will tell you.”

Adam eyes melted my heart into a puddle, and I cannot believe I was falling in love with Adam. I shacking my head, and re-force myself. “I see, it goes time Adam,” I say to Adam, as I saw the mayor and his wife exiting the backroom.

“Boys you’re up next,” The mayor say to Adam and Bobby-Mike. The boys left the front room to the backroom; Adam looks over at me, and smiling at me. My heart beating faster and I try to force myself.

After everyone was done at the store, leaving the shop, and walking away down the streets. I stared at Adam walking away from the store, and down the street. I could not believe that young man was Adam; the little 6 year old, I meet on that one Christmas night when my mother was murder. Joy looks over at me, snapping me out of thought, “What are you staring at?”

I snap out of thought, and looking at Joy to say to her, “It is nothing. It just Adam reminded me of someone I meet along time ago.” I turned my head to the front window-watching people walking by the store.

Joy shook her head slowly at me, “Sanna-Holly, I know what you are thinking and feeling…. You are falling in love with Adam, a great person to have as a friend, very helpful to the town people, and true to his faith. I never meet such a nice, caring, and helpful young person ever…. I think he will make a good husband one day to a lucky lady… or angel,” Joy looks over at me, and knowing what I was going through right now.

I turned my head to Joy quickly, and wide eyes in shock to say to Joy quickly, “Adam and I a couple?… No, it will not happen…. He human and I am angel. We will never meet to be together… I don’t know about that.”

Joy place her left hand on my right upper arm, and spoke to me, “If you want to know Adam as a friend that will be alright with me, but think about it.” Joy removes her left hand off my right arm, and looking at me to say, “Well it is time to close up shop for the night.” Joy walks pass me to the front door, and lock up for the night. I just watch Joy close up shop, and going to the back to make supper for us.

That night I lay awake in my bed looking up at the ceiling, I could not get Adam image out of my head, “GGGRRR!” I say to myself, taking my pillow over top my face. I try to get some sleep that night, but I stay most of the time awake.

I got up from my bed, wearing my long blue night grown with thin shoulder straps, my hair down around my head, walk over to the window seat by the bed, and sitting down on the seat. I look up at the star cover night, and taking my necklace in my hands. “What do I do mom?” I ask looking up at the night sky. “I think, I am falling in love with Adam, but I am angel. How can I be falling in love with a human?… What do I do now?” I pulled my knees up to my chest, and wrapping my arms around my legs.

For the rest of the night I sat there on the window seat thinking, but by sunrise, I had nothing. I was in love with Adam. I wonder if he was falling for me.

Time can only tell what it had for us, and the town.
♠ ♠ ♠
So Sanna-Holly mets Bobby-Mike and Adam.
Now she falling in love with Adam.

What will Sanna-Holly do now? How this effect her plans to help the town get Christmas back?

Will this work-out or fail?

Time will tell.